Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2013

Pololu, com cabos incríveis, Ponoko e Lâ, Lego que lê, e a Fab Academy

Assistam a esta bela Geek apresentar-vos estas Ligações e cabos da Pololu, que são um espectáculo...

New video: Pololu cables and wires

Emily is back with another short video, this time showing how easy it is to use our large selection of wiring products to make clean, custom cables for your electronics project.

Enrolar Novelos de Lâ!
Eis algo que tem sido um Sucesso, na Ponoko, uma Máquina de enrolar Lâ, algo mesmo divertido, só de ver, quanto mais de montar!

Spin your own Wool Yarn with the Electric Eel Wheel
Spinning wheels always bring to mind fairy tales: Rumpelstiltskin spinning straw into gold in exchange for a maiden’s first born child, Sleeping Beauty cursedly pricking her finger on the spindle.
But luckily, Maurice Ribble’s story isn’t so grim (pun intended.) Maurice is a computer engineer who lives with his wife Emily in the Boston area. “I always say my wife’s first love is knitting because she’s done it for much longer than she’s known me,” he says.
Emily often spins her own yarn for her knitting projects and totes a manual spinning wheel to her knitting group. “The mechanics of the spinning wheel were fascinating to my engineering mind and her need to travel with it gave me some great reasons to set about making a very portable, electric spinning wheel,” Maurice explains.

Depois, temos este Robot feito de Lego Technik, que "lê" os Livors Kindle, página, por página, carregando no botão, até o livro acabar:

Lego robot that strips DRM off Kindle books

Cory Doctorow

Peter Purgathofer, an associate professor at Vienna University of Technology, built a Lego Mindstorms robot that presses "next page" on his Kindle repeatedly while it faces his laptop's webcam. The cam snaps a picture of each screen and saves it to a folder that is automatically processed through an online optical character recognition program. The result is an automated means of redigitizing DRM-crippled ebooks in a clear digital format. It's clunky compared to simply removing the DRM using common software, but unlike those DRM-circumvention tools, this setup does not violate the law.


E o FabLab EDP voltou em grande, depois de colaborar neste projecto, a Fab Academy, boa ideia!


How to Make Almost Anything
The Fab Academy is a Digital Fabrication Program directed by Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms and based on MIT’s rapid prototyping course, MAS 863: How to Make (Almost) Anything. The Fab Academy began as an outreach project from the CBA, and has since spread to Fab Labs around the world. The program provides advanced digital fabrication instruction for students through an unique, hands-on curriculum and access to technological tools and resources.
Learn to Turn Codes into Things
Just as communications and computation went from analog to digital, resulting in PCs and the Internet, the digitization of fabrication is leading to personal fabricators that will allow anyone to make almost anything, anywhere. The development of digital fabrication is based on creating codes that don’t just describe things, they are things, much as proteins are coded in molecular biology. This research roadmap is ultimately aiming at a Star Trek-style replicator, but prototype versions of these capabilities are already available in field fab labs.
At the Fab Academy, you will learn how to envision, prototype and document your ideas through many hours of hands-on experience with digital fabrication tools. We take a variety of code formats and turn them into physical objects.


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