Blog Posts

terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

Tribunal da Propriedade Industrial, o livro, Fatos de Astronautas, Ipad e sprays, Europa à Lua, e Paintball cointra Asteróides!

Da lavra do nosso amigo João Marcelino, entre outros, mais um livro, onde se revela a experiência Portuguesa da criação dum Tribunal próprio para a Propriedade Industrial:

Tribunal da Propriedade Intelectual

A criação de um único tribunal para julgar todas as causas relacionadas com propriedade intelectual, ao mesmo tempo que são remetidos para arbitragem obrigatória os litígios relativos aos direitos de propriedade industrial quando estejam em causa medicamentos de referência e medicamentos genéricos, coloca Portugal numa situação única no contexto europeu.
No entanto, foi após a transposição para o ordenamento jurídico nacional da Directiva “Enforcement”, em 2008, que a jurisprudência nacional teve um papel determinante na efectiva aplicação dos direitos de autor e conexos e dos direitos de propriedade industrial.
Estas páginas contêm uma análise detalhada da Lei nº16/2008, de 1 de Abril, sobre a aplicação efectiva dos direitos de propriedade intelectual, da jurisprudência principal que a aplicou, bem como das normas que constituem o enquadramento legal do Tribunal de Propriedade Intelectual e da Lei nº62/2011, de 12 de Dezembro.
Contêm, ainda, uma análise dos primeiros meses de experiência deste novo tribunal. 

Para uma data de fins, desde Festas, a Teatro e Cinema Amador, eis da nossa amiga Audrey Obscura, um Fato de Astronauta, atenção, não vão para o Espaço com isto...

Astronaut Costume


I love space. So I decided to make a space suit** for halloween. It was super fun to make, and relatively inexpensive.

I was able to make it out of things I had lying around from old projects. I imagine that if any maker-type wants to put this together, that already has a stock of supplies will only have to spend 20 or so dollars to complete this project.

Onde há Ipads, há Engenhocas ligadas a ele, como este Spray de Gás Pimenta, atenção, é ilegal, sem Licença, em Portugal, mas é uma Curiosidade tão exdrúxula, que merece atenção!

Spraytect smartphone case delivers a shot of pepper spray

Ben Coxworth

When Scott McPherson’s daughter was heading off to college, he wanted to make sure that she’d have a personal protection device with her at all times. Given that most young people are never without their smartphone – and they always have it within easy reach – he did the obvious, and created an iPhone 4/4S case with a built-in pepper spray canister. It’s now available for purchase, in the form of the Spraytect case.
The case itself is for the most part pretty ordinary. No specs are available, although it doubtless does an at least passable job at protecting the phone against scratches, impacts and drops.
Molded into the back of the case, however, is a rail mounting system. A supplied pepper spray canister slides into that mount, where it remains indefinitely – it can be removed when it needs to be replaced, or if the user wants to take their phone through airport security.

Alguns na Europa não se acovardam com as dificuldades, e querem mandar um Robot à Lua!

Astrium presents study for European lunar landing in 2019
David Szondy

This week, the European space technology company Astrium completed its Phase B1 study of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Lunar Landing Project. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the mission to land a spacecraft on the south pole of the Moon in 2019. That spacecraft would test new technologies, and explore an area of the lunar surface that scientists believe may contain deposits of ice in the permanently shadowed craters.

E que tal, desviar Asteróides com Painball?
Parece meio maluco, mas sigam o raciocínio...

Deflecting asteroids with paint balls

David Szondy

How do you deflect a civilization-destroying asteroid that's heading straight for Earth? Shoot paintballs at it. This may sound like an exercise in futility, but if the calculations of Sung Wook Paek are correct, then the sport of running around in the woods shooting splotches of paint at people on the weekends could get a lot more respect.
Paek, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, was the winner of the 2012 Move an Asteroid Technical Paper Competition, sponsored by the United Nations’ Space Generation Advisory Council. The contest’s purpose was to find ideas for deflecting an asteroid or other near-Earth objects and Paek’s submission joins a growing list of asteroid-fighting solutions ranging from nuclear warheads to gravity tractors.

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