Blog Posts

terça-feira, 31 de março de 2015

Imprimir 3D para Joalharia, novidades da Ponoko, 3D para a cerâmica, e a LittleBits dá-vos Música!

Dos 4 cantos do Mundo vêem notícias bacanas, como esta Impressora 3D para Cera de Joalharia, que também poderá servir para várias outras finalidades, vão à página de Facebook respectiva, para saberem mais:

Os nossos amigos da ponoko, têem uma nova Página, vão lá ver e têem várias Dicas para a Fabricação das vossas criações:

New Homepage Now Live

We've given the front page of our site a major facelift, with the goal of providing newcomers an easier way of learning about who we are and what we do.

This is version one: Next we'll be unveiling a new & improved materials catalog and an updated Ponoko showroom.

We would love to get your feedback on our new site. Head over to the blog to let us know what you think!

Da 3D Printers online store, vem-nos esta notícia, 4 Impressoras 3D para projectos de Cerâmica, é espectacular o que se pode conseguir, para Objectos com outro Acabamento, e durabilidade...
Em vários tamanhos, e com a possibilidade se usarem 2 tipos diferentes de Argila!
É bom.

4 New LUTUM 3D printers to revolutionize Digital Pottery

3d printing is probably the most versatile technological development we have seen for a long time. While we keep reporting about different kinds of Plastic based printers, companies like Vormvrij remind us that there is more to 3d printing than just plastic. The beauty of 3d printing is that with a little modification to an everyday FDM printer it can be hacked into making products like Chocolates, pancakes and even Clay pottery. Vormvrij a Dutch company has announced 4 new 3d printers that can print using CLAY.
These Clay printing LUTUM 3D printers are available in all shapes and sizes and also features the world’s first dual color claystruder which allows the user to print two colors or different kinds of clay on a single print. The company has launched 4 variants of these 3d printers, they are mentioned below.

E eis uma notícia agradável, da Makezine, podem usar os módulos da LittleBits, para animar a vida, com esta proposta bem interessante:

littleBits Releases MIDI and USB I/O Modules, Connects Analog and Digital Instruments

Sophia Smith

LittleBits, purveyors of the simple-to-use electronic components with magnetic connectors, is releasing some brand new bits to expand its music capabilities: a MIDI module, a USB I/O module, and a CV module. Musical makers now have the ability to connect their littleBits Synth Kit to any musical equipment they want!
In collaboration with KORG, littleBits launched their Synth Kit back in November 2013. The littleBits Synth Kit allows anyone to make an analog instrument right out of the box and hook it up to a computer, amplifier, or headphones. In an effort to create harmony (pun intended) between analog and digital worlds. These latest bits connect directly into the Synth Kit world to push those capabilities even further.

sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2015

Controlem tudo, Impressão 3D para Moldes de Injecção, e um Misturador Magnético

Dica do nosso amigo Magoardo, eis uma placa electrónica que vos permite controlar tudo lá em casa, ou onde for, respondendo a sinais exteriores, controlado pelo Smartphone, ou sendo temporizado, controlado por Computador, etc. e tudo, mais configurável que sei lá o quê...

Complete Control 

The Fusion series is our 4th Generation relay controller offering the ultimate relay control solution... without exception. Capable of making decisions to control relays based on sensor reading. Fusion series controllers offer easy setup without programming. Fusion controllers can be adapted to any automation application you could imagine. Combining ProXR Computer Control, Reactor Sensor Control, Taralist Time Scheduling, and Remote Access wireless communications, it's the best of our technologies merged into a single controller.

Fusion at a Glance

  • Sensor & Time Automated Relays
  • Computer Controlled Relays
  • Manual Override of Automation
  • Push Notification of Sensor Data
  • 2 Communication Ports
  • 2 Relay Banks totaling 16 Relays
  • 16 10-Bit A/D Converters
  • 2 UXP I/O Expansion Ports
  • FXR Relay Expansion Port
  • I²C Expansion Port

Como eu estou sempre a dizer, é um desperdício repetir N vezes uma Impressão 3D, quando se podem fazer Moldes para Injecção, só uma vez...
Pois aqui, dica da 3DSystems, está um Webninar, para dia 7 do próximo Mês, onde se podem inscrever para se inteirarem disso.

Bi-Link Makes the Impossible Possible with 3D Printed Injection Molds

3D printing isn't just for prototyping anymore. Just ask Bi-Link, a global, family-owned engineering and manufacturing company that helps their customers innovate and get their products to market faster and more economically. See how Bi-Link pushes the boundaries of 3D printing by producing injection mold tooling and production-quality sample parts…Read more


E cá vai como fazerem um Misturador Magnético para os vossos Laboratórios caseiros, para que não vos falte nada!

Simple DIY Magnetic Stirrer


This instructables is to show how to build your own magnetic stirrer from parts you may have at home.

This one was built to mix E-cigarette vape juice. You could use it to stir almost any liquids, so it can be used for mixing vape juice, mixing for cooking, or in a chemistry lab.
About 30 minutes

    quinta-feira, 26 de março de 2015


    Não há maneira de se exagerar a importância DESTA Lição do Grande Mestr, Dan Gelbart, o que isto abre de possibilidades para o Corte Laser CNC é incrível, imagines, máquinas de uma peça só e fazer do Acrílico, material de Mola!

    Nem cá ponho mais do que estas Fontes de Sabedoria, para que vocês se CONCENTEM só nesta Matéria fenomenal...

    Vejam só esta imagem!

    Uma máquina de 1 SÓ PEÇA, com 2 Alavancas, e Molas Lineares!

    Building Prototypes Dan Gelbart part 10 of 18 Flexures

    Mas tem ainda mais, pessoal das Engenhocas e Fabbers, uma Lição completa do MIT...
    Sobre o mesmo assunto, mais aprofundado!


    © Marcel Thomas

    1 Introduction
    Flexures are bearings that allow motion by bending load elements such as beams. The arrangment of beams can be designed to be compliant in its degree(s) of freedom (DOF), but relatively stiff in its degree(s) of constraint (DOC). This allows engineers to provide motion in desired directions, but constraint in other directions. Flexures are important for engineers because they allow stiction-less, controlled, limited-range motion. These well-designed, well-understood springs can then be implemented in precision machines to allow the development of medical devices and machines for electronic fabrication. This entry is about understanding the most important parameters for flexure design. The functional requirements for flexures include (but are not limited to): desired kinematics, range of motion, stiffness, load capacity, repeatability, mode shapes/frequencies, and an error budget.
    Designing flexures involves developing a model, using FEA, and experimentally verifying the models. There should be a pencil-and-paper approximation that allows you to see which variables are most important and it gets you in the ballpark of the correct dimensions. In other words, the model shows you which direction to go and by how much. How short can I make this beam so that it can be at 30% of the yield stress? The model should answer questions like that, keeping real-world constraints in mind.
    By carefully applying these equations to your system, you should have a decent approximation for its behavior. Once the equations are developed, you should put these variables in a MATLAB script or an Excel spreadsheet. That way, you can change one variable at a time and see how that affects the entire system. Flexures are typically modeled using FEA, which is the subject of another entry.

    segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

    Meio Milhão por uma Invenção! E um Génio da Prototipagem, uma loja de Drones no Brasil, e um Laser à venda pela Internet

    Para os Velhos do Restelo, d'aquém e d'aquém Bruxelas, eis o VALOR de apenas UM dos Inventores Portugueses, por quem sabe da coisa...
    500.000 Euros!

    Obra do Aquitecto Joaquim Candeias, este Écran foi comprado no Shark Tank Portugal, por essa quantia, resta saber QUANTO mais dinheiro se deitou fora, todos este anos, por se não apoiarem os Inventores deste País!

    ...E para ficarem a saber que o Portuga não perdeu o milenar jeito, a nova Geração, lá esteve, com esta Invenção para poupar tempo e arrelias, uma Engenhoca para pôr a lavar as meias aos pares!

    Nota ainda para os nossos amigos da Comida de Rua, parabéns a eles, também!


    Sobre o SharkTank

    Shark Tank é um dos mais aclamados programas de televisão orientados para os negócios. Foi nomeado para o prémio “Producers Guild Award “, para os “Emmy” e para “Critics’ Choice Television Award” e ganhou em 2014 o Emmy para “Outstanding Structured Reality Program”.
    Numa altura em que Portugal vive uma crise económica, 5 empresários de sucesso resolveram colocar capital, experiência e redes de contactos à disposição de empreendedores que merecem ser ajudados a desenvolver as suas ideias e negócios. Eles estão dispostos a arriscar o próprio dinheiro para concretizar o seu sonho e acreditam que, em conjunto consigo, o negócio pode chegar mais longe.
    Um programa de televisão que vai injetar dinheiro na economia real do País e mudar por completo a vida de muita gente.

    Isto é uma Maravilha, e devia ser mostrado a todos quantos queiram fazer algo, em Prototipagem, Modelismo, Fabricação, ou Engenhoquice variada, um Génio mostra-vos como é que se faz...
    Que tal, aprenderem, entre mil e um Truques, como fazerem um depósito de Gasolina, estanque, montado com Soldadura a Arco?
    Dan Gelbart, o Mestre Inventor em questão, Bilionário, e por Mérito próprio, ele também, ele é ASSIM tão bom!

    18 Lessons in Smart Prototyping From a Self-Made Billionaire

    Matt Freund

    Dan Gelbart made a fortune in R&D for his company Creo. His prototyping was done at home, in his basement, using tools on par with what many of us have access to at our local hackerspaces and universities.
    In his spare time he has put together a short YouTube course on “how to build stuff” for students and researchers whose primary skill sets are unrelated to fabrication. The goal being to build good things quickly with simple equipment. The course is solid gold for anyone looking to improve their shop or hackerspace on the cheap. Dan didn’t always have his fortune, and he knows lots of ways to save money like using $20 diamond-glass plates from supermarket scanners as your cheapo sand blaster’s window so that it’s both safe and scratch resistant.

    Dica do nosso amigo José Abraão, eis uma Loja Online para comprarem os vossos Drones, e Acessórios no Brasil:


    Criada no segundo semestre de 2013 a DroneStore traz para o mercado Brasileiro os melhores produtos na área de multirotores, vants (Veiculo aéreo não tripulado) e ARP (Aeronave remotamente pilotada).  

    O nosso ideal é manter o cliente voando, oferecendo agilidade na entrega ou no conserto para que você possa começar ou retomar o trabalho/lazer o mais rápido. Temos um grande estoque de peças e estamos sempre a procura de novidades no mercado, se você não encontrou o que procura entre em contato !

    Caso tenha interesse em conhecer os modelos de perto entre em contato por telefone ou e-mail e agende uma visita ao nosso escritório e showroom. Estamos localizados em São Paulo e será um prazer lhe receber.

    Temos oficina especializada em multirotores com técnico treinado e todas as ferramentas necessárias para montagem ou qualquer tipo de reparo necessário em sua aeronave.

    Os orçamentos são feitos em até 1 dia e não são cobrados.

    E já se podem comprar os Lasers para a vossa Máquina de Gravação Laser CNC, pela Net, e quem sabe, se não venderão umaLaser mais potente,de Corte, também!

    450nm 1W 1000mW Blue Laser Module With Holder For DIY Laser Cutter

    This 450nm 1W focusable blue laser module is equipped with  constant-current driver board, aircraft aluminum heatsink and cooling fan ideal for DIY laser cutter equipment usage with stable output power and long lifetime.

    Heatsink Material aircraft aluminum
    Output Power 1000mW(1W)
    Wavelength 450nm(blue laser)
    Voltage DC 5V
    Current 1000mA
    Beam Shape dot(focusable)
    Life Time 8,000 hours
    Working Temperature -40-75℃
    Cable Length 1.2m(43.31")

    450nm 1W focusable blue laser module
    Aircraft aluminum heatsink with cooling fan ensure long working time continuously
    Equipped with constant-current driver board ensure stable output optical power, suitable for industrial engraving machine equipment usage

    sábado, 21 de março de 2015

    Outra casa impressa em 3D, uma nova Placa controladora, o Berbequim impresso em 3D, e uma cortadora de Legumes... 3D!

    Dica da nossa amiga Scarlett Jackson, mais uma Casa Impressa em 3D, esta constrói uma casa com Barro,usando uma Impressora Delta de 12 Metros de altura!

    WASP 3D printer creates hyper-local affordable house with the help of clay and seeds for stability

    The English word house derives directly from the Old English Hus meaning "dwelling, shelter, home, house,”. It is one of man's three most important necessities. The other two being food and clothing. Shelter protects man from wind and rain, and from hot and cold weather. It shields him against insects and wild animals, and helps protect him from other dangers. We as mankind have been building houses ever since we moved out of a nomadic lifestyle of a cave man to a civilized being. Throughout history of our species we have been building houses with our hands, however 3d printing is going to change that forever.

    E esta outra nossa amiga, Michele Scorsipa, informa-nos que este excelente Controlador de Impresora 3D, está ainda mais barato.
    A meio ca Campanha, conseguiram baixar o preço, e vão re-embolsar a diferença, a quem comprou com o preço antigo.


    With 18 days to go, it's time for our biggest announcement yet!
    Thanks to the support of companies interested in the project we have opened negotiations with the major components suppliers, allowing us to bring the cost of the Alligator to 120 €!
    As a result of These Negotiations, we can now offer the same electronics at a lower price, while continuing to produce in Italy and to provide assistance and support.

    Eis mais uma coisa que se pode fazer com uma Impressora 3D, as maquinetas mais pequenas do Mundo!
    Neste caso, um Berbequim.
    Tomem nota trambém do Site,

    New Zealand Man 3D Prints the World’s Smallest Working Drill — Just 7.5mm Wide

    Eddie Krassenstein

    3D printing has shown that it is the perfect technology to use when wishing to create something unique, whether it is a piece of jewelry, a keepsake, or even a house or car. The technology, unlike that of more traditional means of manufacturing, is an affordable way of creating one-of-a-kind products, and is one of the reasons I love covering the industry. There is always something new to report on, and today is no different.

    E do nosso amigo Peter Smith vem esta maravilha, o primeiro Cortador de Legumes impresso em 3D!
    Obra dum Designer da Eslováquia, é algo de se admirar:

    Entirely 3D printed slicer for fruits and vegetables

    A breakfast with appropriate nutritional value will keep us fresh and active for the entire day. Healthy breakfast should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey in your food system, but the real hard and frustrating thing is that we need to cut all those fruits and vegetables which is time consuming as well. To put an end over this Jerry a mechanical designer from Slovakia has came out with 3d printed slicer that has several advantages.

    quinta-feira, 19 de março de 2015

    3D com Pistola de Cola! E uma Impressora 3D por 100 dólares, 1 Fresa CNC, e tubo de PVC transformado em placa

    Isto vai safar muito Inventor e Engenhocas, uma Engenhoca em Legomais uma Pistola de cola, e podem-se fazer muitas coisas, assim...
    É uma caneta 3D de fazer em casa!
    E o que é melhor, podem fazer o download dos Planos, são Open source.

    Hot glue gun becomes handheld 3D printer with some help from Lego 

    Paul Ridden

    Given some biodegradable 3D printing filament and tasked with doing something creative with it, Vimal Patel built an extruder using Lego, attached it to a rather ordinary hot glue gun and ended up with a pretty funky 3D printing pen – a DIY 3Doodler if you will.
    Before embarking on his Lego adventure, Patel did some preliminary work using the university's UP 3D printers to find out if he could incorporate zones of different stiffness into his single material objects. Though this proved possible, the layer by layer approach was found limiting and modeling and programming robotic assistance for extrusion along a path in multiple axes looked complicated, so he simplified the process.

     ...Podem também fazer em casa esta Impressora 3D Open Source, por cerca de 100 Dólares, que exige apenas uma noção elementar de Impressão 3D:

    Edge 3D Printer - an affordable open source 3D printer! 


    Hello everyone! In this instructable I will show you how to make a low cost 3d printer that I designed! It should cost around $150 US dollars or $175 Canadian dollars, if you buy from the links provided in this project (parts are from Aliexpress). You can also buy locally but it will cost more (about $300- $400 instead of $150).

    You WILL need to have at least some knowledge in 3d printing top complete this project. 

    Ou então, esta Fresa CNC que podem também fazer em casa, para as vossas pequenas peças, para fazerem peças em Metal, Madeira, e etc.

    Basic beginners mini 3 axis CNC mill


    I've been a CNC machinist just short of 20 years. Owned a Fadal 4020 with extended Z made some neat gadgets with it. About 5 years ago after illness I started back working and looked into and purchased some micro-controllers. All with the idea of building my own little machines. And explore what makes it all tick. Above are two pictures of where my build started and ended over a 24 day period. I'll be doing updates and more instructables around this project in the future. Please enjoy and criticize where needed my first Instructable and CNC competion.

    Mas também podem aproveitar Tubo de PVC, para aí, aos pontapés, transformando-o em Chapa que depois podem fresar, ou trabalhar, para o que quizerem!

    Recycle Old PVC Into Flat Sheets 

    When you think about PVC, you're probably like me, and consider it as a tube. Well, it's pretty easy to get it into flat material for the shop. I flattened a 4" piece of schedule 40 PVC in about 20 minutes. You just need a heat gun and a flat surface. Odds are, you've got loads of the stuff sitting around the house. Why not recycle it into something useful? 

    quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2015

    Impressão 25x mais rápida! E Titanfall impresso em 3D, e um Simulador de Vôo numa Garagem

    Impressão 3D, 25 vezes mais rápida, que parecerá um vídeo acelerado, mas é assim mesmo que sai? 
    Isto é que vai tirar a Impressão 3D caseira da Garagem, e fazê-la uma verdadeira Ferramenta de trabalho.
    Criando uma camada em que o líquido não cura, e regulando-a, conseguem acelerar bastante o processo de impressão DL:


    Will This New Technology Make 3D Printers 25 Times Faster?

    Matt Stultz 

    The technologies that we often talk about for 3D printing (FDM, SLA, SLS), have been around for a while and it’s rare that we see ground breaking processes that really shake things up. This week, a new company in the market Carbon 3D, has released a new process they refer to as Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP), that may be a game changer.

    Eis um Modelo para imprimirem em 3D, que impressiona!
    Dica da nossa amiga Scarlett Jackson, um aficionado do Modelismo criou este modelo a partirdums figura do Jogo Titanfall, e partilha-o com todos nós!

    3d print the Titanfall Atlas Mech action figure on your own
    In the past whatever we common people need from toys, accessories to engineering parts, we were running to the local stores if else we will buy through online ever since 3d printing got familiar things have changed and made even a common man with knowledge of 3d modeling or even without design knowledge they can print anything they want. In recent months we have seen many designers brought their designing to the real object through 3d printing.
    Daniel Lilygreen from wales who is a designer has extensive knowledge in 3d modeling decided to 3d print the game character of the Atlas mech character from Titanfall game. Lilyfield want everyone to print his model in whatever size they need to print this Atlas. He printed this action figure which is 18 inches tall, with detailed exposure of the model. 


    Este outro Aficionado, um Pilot de Aviões, quiz fazer um Simulador de Voo, que até reproduz a vibração da turbulência, por isso , é um esforço notável, de quem gosta mesmo da sua Profissão...
    E teve de fazer, com o Cockpit dum Boeing, demantelado, um Simulador impecável. 

    Pilot Uses Boeing 737 To Build Flight Simulator In His Own Garage   
    Lara Lopes 
    You may remember the 747 that was converted into a hostel in Stockholm. Well now one guy has found a more personal use for an old plane. James Price, an american pilot and air traffic controller, decided to take home flight simulators to a new level and spent years transforming the nose section of a retired Boeing 737 into a perfect flight simulator in his own garage. The simulator consists of a fully functional cockpit and state of the art simulation software.