Blog Posts

sábado, 21 de março de 2015

Outra casa impressa em 3D, uma nova Placa controladora, o Berbequim impresso em 3D, e uma cortadora de Legumes... 3D!

Dica da nossa amiga Scarlett Jackson, mais uma Casa Impressa em 3D, esta constrói uma casa com Barro,usando uma Impressora Delta de 12 Metros de altura!

WASP 3D printer creates hyper-local affordable house with the help of clay and seeds for stability

The English word house derives directly from the Old English Hus meaning "dwelling, shelter, home, house,”. It is one of man's three most important necessities. The other two being food and clothing. Shelter protects man from wind and rain, and from hot and cold weather. It shields him against insects and wild animals, and helps protect him from other dangers. We as mankind have been building houses ever since we moved out of a nomadic lifestyle of a cave man to a civilized being. Throughout history of our species we have been building houses with our hands, however 3d printing is going to change that forever.

E esta outra nossa amiga, Michele Scorsipa, informa-nos que este excelente Controlador de Impresora 3D, está ainda mais barato.
A meio ca Campanha, conseguiram baixar o preço, e vão re-embolsar a diferença, a quem comprou com o preço antigo.


With 18 days to go, it's time for our biggest announcement yet!
Thanks to the support of companies interested in the project we have opened negotiations with the major components suppliers, allowing us to bring the cost of the Alligator to 120 €!
As a result of These Negotiations, we can now offer the same electronics at a lower price, while continuing to produce in Italy and to provide assistance and support.

Eis mais uma coisa que se pode fazer com uma Impressora 3D, as maquinetas mais pequenas do Mundo!
Neste caso, um Berbequim.
Tomem nota trambém do Site,

New Zealand Man 3D Prints the World’s Smallest Working Drill — Just 7.5mm Wide

Eddie Krassenstein

3D printing has shown that it is the perfect technology to use when wishing to create something unique, whether it is a piece of jewelry, a keepsake, or even a house or car. The technology, unlike that of more traditional means of manufacturing, is an affordable way of creating one-of-a-kind products, and is one of the reasons I love covering the industry. There is always something new to report on, and today is no different.

E do nosso amigo Peter Smith vem esta maravilha, o primeiro Cortador de Legumes impresso em 3D!
Obra dum Designer da Eslováquia, é algo de se admirar:

Entirely 3D printed slicer for fruits and vegetables

A breakfast with appropriate nutritional value will keep us fresh and active for the entire day. Healthy breakfast should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, honey in your food system, but the real hard and frustrating thing is that we need to cut all those fruits and vegetables which is time consuming as well. To put an end over this Jerry a mechanical designer from Slovakia has came out with 3d printed slicer that has several advantages.

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