Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2014

FELIZ ANO NOVO! E V-Slots made in Portugal, mais um Fórum de Roboótica, e reciclar no Microondas


Para ajudar a isso, cá vai uma boa notícia!

Já podem comprar as V-Slots para as vossas Impressoras 3D, fabricadas em Portugal e vendidas por esta Empresa Portuguesa...

Mas não fazem só isso, é toda uma panóplia de Kits e coisas boas para Fotografia e Filmagens, e para dar um funcionamento impecável para Robótica, Fabbing, e todas as Engenhocas Geek que possam imaginar:

About Rat Rig

Rat Rig is a Portuguese company that develops Hardware for creatives, both hobbyists and professionals. We design and sell affordable hardware for various fields such as photography and audio.

Our Products
Rat Rig will become a place of interest to people in various fields such as Photographers, Video and Filming professionals, Music producers both Live and in Studio, 3D Printer and CNC enthusiasts, among others. We have a whole line of interesting products in the design phase. These will be both affordable and innovative. Most of our products will rely on a 2cm extruded black aluminium rail called V-Slot, which not only looks good but is really functional in so many ways. It is also an open source design. It differs from normal extrusion due to its 45º angled concave openings. This allows to easily setup a non-static mecanic system which operates with one or more of its parts in motion.

E descobri isto neste Fórum de Robótica, o Fórum LusoRobótica, que farão bem em visitar amíude, para estas e ourtas Dicas:


A robótica é uma das ciências mais desafiantes. A perfeita fusão harmoniosa entre um sem fim número de ciências faz da robótica um excelente desafio, que nos convida a imergir neste grandioso mundo da tecnologia, e utilizar a construção de robots como uma forma única de explorar todas as ideias que nos surgem no dia-a-dia.

Junta-te a nós e aprende como a robótica pode mudar a maneira como observas o mundo. Ajuda-nos a desmistificar a robótica em Portugal!


Mais algo para pensarem ao longo do próximo Ano, não é que se podem reciclar  as Embalagens de Folha de Alumínio num qualquer Microondas velho que tenham para aí?
E Produzindo Óleo, ainda por cima!
Mas isto com Azoto lá dentro, e também, com muito cuidadinho....

Microwaves enable economical recycling of plastic-aluminum laminates
Darren Quick

You may not know what they're called, but odds are you've eaten or drunk something from them. I'm referring to plastic-aluminum laminate (PAL) packaging, which has long been used for toothpaste tubes and in recent years has gained popularity as pouches for food, drink and pet food. Although it threatens to approach the ubiquity of the aluminum can or plastic bottle, PAL packaging lacks the familiar recyclable logo found on cans and bottles. But that could be set to change, with a process to recover the metals contained in PAL packaging, developed some 15 years ago by researchers at the University of Cambridge, now being demonstrated in a full commercial-scale plant.


sábado, 27 de dezembro de 2014

O Universo Inter-ligado

Eu sempre acreditei que tudo está inter-ligado, e agora, este Cientista vai fazer um Filem em que o prova...
Como acho isto MUITO importante, cá vai o relato, e o Link para ajudarem o filme a ser acabado:


Discover the science behind the interconnection of all things in the Universe.


Do you know how you are connected to all 7, 273,405, 490 people in the world?     Do you understand the connection that you share with all living things and also which patterns, that are found all across the Universe, are also found in you?
Discover amazing ideas that will not only help to change THE WORLD… these ideas will also help change YOUR WORLD.
 When you begin to truly see and understand how THE Universe is interconnected, YOUR Universe begins to expand and you begin to more deeply feel the connections that are all around you.
This documentary film explores new understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection than we have ever imagined.  The first time that we looked back at Earth from space … humanity was changed forever.  When we changed our perspective (by rising above all the barriers and separations in our world) we could more easily see the Earth as one interconnected system… ONE planet, ONE home. There was a conscious shift in our understanding of the interconnected "butterfly effect" where each action in one part of the world would create a reaction somewhere else in the world.  This film makes connections on a universal scale. 

terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

Impressoras 3D no Jumbo! E uma Fisga em Alumínio, dobrar Plexiglass, e um Hovercraft de Quintal!


Está-se aproximando o Natal, um Santo Natal para todos, e cá vai notícia fresquinha, para aquecer as Imaginações dos Geeks, Engenhocas, e Fabbers...
Mais uma Impressora 3D que podem ir comprar à Loja, com toda a comodidade, desta vez, onde hajam lojas do grupo Auchan.
Atenção, para evitar confusões, devido à leitura do Artigo link embaixo, esta Impressora, imprime em 6 cores diferentes, mas uma cor de cada vez...!

Jumbo box lança Impressora 3D no mercado português

Ana Catarina Monteiro

A Qilive, marca de electrónica de consumo do Grupo Auchan, lançou hoje no mercado a 3D Printer.

A impressora 3D está à venda nas lojas Jumbo Box, com o preço de 990 euros. O equipamento da marca de tecnologia posiciona-se com uma relação de qualidade-preço acessível ao público em geral.

Compatível com os sistemas operativos Windows 7, Mac OS X, Linux, a impressora reproduz objectos com uma dimensão máxima de 225 x 145 x 150 mm e permite uma conexão por USB ou Cartão de Memória. Permite uma impressão a seis cores, suportando ainda a SolidWork.

A Qilive é uma marca de electrónica de consumo do Jumbo Box que inclui smartphones, tablets, televisores, entre outros artigos, disponível em todos os países onde o Grupo Auchan opera.

No fundir, é que está o ganho!
Com a Fundição de Alunínio, é imaginar, fazer o Molde, fundir, verter, e já está!
de tudo, desde Manivelas, a Fisgas!
É bom!
E não m venham com hitórias, que é difícil fazer Moldes...
Em Espuma? Esferovite, Isopor, Roofmate?
Já o fazíamos nós todos, em crianças....

Cast an Aluminum Slingshot!

This Instructable will teach you how to cast an aluminum slingshot capable of great power and suprising accuracy. The actual casting method used is "lost foam casting", in which foam is carved into the final design and buried in sand. Metal is poured into the foam, vaporising it and filling the mold cavity to make the final object. The basic slingshot design is Joerg Sprave's Rambone slingshot, although I did not use any templates in the creation of this slingshot.

I decided to do this one day when I had seen a video on making a lost foam aluminum slingshot. I had tried greensand casting ( and lost wax casting (, so I decided that I should try this last common method of casting in order to more fully master the subject. I also got hooked on slingshots after seeing Joerg Sprave's videos on YouTube.
Enough talking, let's get slingshotting (yes, that is an actual word)!

Estes 3 engenhosos Estudantes de Design, da Bélgica, inventaram uma bela duma Máqiuina de Dobrar Plexiglass, que inclui coisas como o vórtice Hilsh, para arrefecer o Plexiglass, altamente instrutivo e espectacular que é seguir os passos deste Instructable:

Bending PMMA (plexiglass)


We are a group of 3 students of the second year Industrial Design (Kortrijk, Belgium).
We got an assignment for building a machine with which we could bend PMMA, also known as plexiglass.

We chose to experiment with the concept of using several tubes, through which the plexiglass is led for bending.
We did a lot of research to invent and construct a good machine, using a principle that does not yet exist in this application.

Good luck to everyone who wants to rebuilt our machine himself!

...E que tal um Hoverboard?
Eis como fazerem o vosso próprio Hovercraft, para andarem por aí, cuidado com as curvas!

Real Hoverboard Hovercraft


Tired of remote control model hovercrafts how-to's? Want one that you and your friends can actually glide across the ground in style without spending a fortune on a kit? Well here you go!
This is our home made, fully functioning, rideable hoverboard! We are hoping to improve the craft with 3D printed parts, but we don't have access to a printer at the moment. I am fluent in Autodesk Inventor, and if we get the chance we will make future instructables about fabricating parts to improve the board. We do not have a propulsion or advanced steering system, but we will share them with you when we add them in the future.

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014

Um Vídeo inspirador, Sketchup para Carpinteiros e não só, Google Cardboard, e um Porta-Chaves DIY

Este nosso amigo oferece-nos uma série de Vídeos no Youtube, que são um espectáculo, e nos ensinam a fazer maravilhas com Latas de Bebida! Maravilha! 

Volkswagen hecho con latas de aluminio tutorial cap. 1

como hacer un volkswagen con latas de aluminio tutorial
para descargar las plantillas debes copear cualquier enlase habrir ventana, te enviara a publicidad NO DE VERAS HACERLE CASO SI TE PIDE ALGÚN NUMERO DE TELÉFONO O QUE les DEPOSITES DINERO IGNORALO ,solo debes esperar 5 segundos, y darle doble clic a saltar publicidad, y te enviara directo a la pagina de la descarga.

Se querem fazer as vossas ideias brilhar, e ao mesmo tempo, terem como as mandar fazer, eis uma boa Prenda de Natal, em Livro, ou Vídeo, como fazer estas Obras-de-arte no Sketchup!!
Não esqueçam, se aprenderem a fazer disto, estão habilitados, com umas poucas modificaçĩes, a fazerem as vossas Ilustrações para as vossas próprias  Patentes!

SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers (eBook)

Respected woodworker shows you how to master Google's drawing program 
A must-have for beginning users
SketchUp Guide for Woodworkers is a comprehensive step-by-step manual to help furniture makers master Google's powerful 3-D computer-based drawing program. It's an essential guide for woodworkers who are new to SketchUp or users who want to improve their skills and results.

A última aventura da Google é esta série de Slides, vistas com uma versão das velhas View-Master, mas que vocẽs podem fazer em casa!
É bom!
Façam o Download dos Planos e dos Slides, a partir do link embaixo:

Google Cardboard

Experience virtual reality in a simple, fun, and inexpensive way. 

Get it, fold it and look inside to enter the world of Cardboard. It’s a VR experience starting with a simple viewer anyone can build or buy. Once you have it, you can explore a variety of apps that unfold all around you.

E terminamos por hoje com este Porte-Chaves que qualquer um pode fazer, para um Presente de Natal que é útil e vistoso quanto basta, e elimina o irritante tlim-tlim das ditas chaves:

Personalized Wooden Key Organizer 


sexta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2014

Próteses acessíveis, Cycle Chaser, Guia 3D para 2015, e uma cadeira desdobrável!

Dica do nosso amigo Dave Addinsall, eis algo que é mesmo inspirador, as Próteses ficaram bastante mais acessíveis, graças à Impressão 3D!
Atenção, Países Lusófonos, isto é muito importante, dada a quantidade de Amputados de Guerra.
Faz-nos ter mais esperança na Espécie Humana...

3D Printed Prosthetics As Affordable Limb Replacements
Geoffrey Craig

As proof positive of the potential inherent in 3D printing prosthetic limbs can be produced at such a low price as to be within reach of millions of previously underserved populations. The use of the technology to manufacture bespoke prosthetic limbs is a revolutionary breakthrough for the millions of amputees of the world, in rich and poor nations alike. 



Doutro nosso amigo, Alan Metcalfe, vem esta Dica, uma divertida ideia para vos tornar as Noites de Ciclismo mais seguras...

Cycle Chaser
Matt Richardson
Project animations from the rear of your bicycle. The framerate depends on the speed you are moving at.

A couple years ago, I created a dynamic bike headlight with a Raspberry Pi and a small, battery-operated projector. I’ve been eager to explore what else I could do with a projector and a Raspberry Pi on my bike, so I created the Cycle Chaser.

Já não me lembro de onde veio esta dica, mas é uma boa oferta para o Ano Novo, um Guia para as Impressoras 3D:

Which 3D Printer should I buy?
is the most common question we at 3D Hubs are asked.
We reached out to our global community of Hubs to learn from their experience and see what they thought of the 3D Printers they own. The 2015 3D Printer Guide is based on the reviews of 2,279 verified 3D Printer owners. Their collective 1623 years of 3D Printing experience coupled with 317,000 prints completed on 235 different 3D Printer models, makes this the most comprehensive guide available.

E eis algo de bacano para Casa e Jardim, uma cadeira desdobrável, fácil de se fazer, e barata, também, sem cortar na qualidade...
Esta é que se pode realmente pôr em qualquer canto!

Folded Plate Chair #3B


This is a design for an "origami style" plywood chair. After doing some initial prototypes with various sheet goods and continuous hinges I settled on this design as a good balance of affordability and quality.

quarta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2014

Jacto de Areia feito em casa, OK Go, um Carregador USB, e uma Placa electrónica impressa em 3D.

Eis mais uma maquineta útil de ter na Oficina, uma Caixa de Jacto de Areia, e  feito numa hora, por menos de 50 Euros...
Uma maravilha para os Engenhocas que também são uns grandes Sucateiros, e que podem assim raspar a Ferrugem de tralha que vão encontrando! 

DIY Sand Blaster $50 in an hour

No long intro, get started and save $200 and 8 hours of assembly on the big red one you keep seeing.

It's a media blaster to prep your metal for welding or powder coating, prep your beer glass for awesomeness, remove unsightly body hair painfully, feel like you are at a public beach, and tear stuff up.


Ok Go é uma Benda, e fazem para além de Música Rock, coisas como transformar de tudo em Instrumentos Musicais, por meio dos Kits LittleBits:

OK Go Collaboration – Another Set of Objects

Toaster synths are a thing.

Today we are happy to share the results of a very fun collaboration with the band OK Go. We first started chatting around the time the Synth Kit was released in the hopes of finding a project to collaborate on. Unlike most rock bands, OK Go have the additional quality of having excellent visual creativity as well as an interest in emerging technology. On top of that, they have been involved in maker initiatives and DIY projects over the years.
In preparation for their most recent album release, “Hungry Ghosts,” the band put together a Pledge Music campaign to share their process and raise money by providing unique experiences for fans. This ranged from personal art critiques to disposable cameras filled with tour photos to a customized synthesizer. That’s where we came in.


Eis uma série de Carregadores numa caixa, para quando o PC está ausente ou desligado, para Telemóveis, e outra aparelhagem USB que precise de re-carregar:

Power Stacker: Stackable USB Rechargeable Battery System

Power Stacker is a portable, modular, USB rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack. Stack them together for power hungry projects or separate them for smaller projects with this modular system. The Gerber, BOM, and .STL files are available below.

Power Stacker does what other USB rechargeable batteries have failed to do, and that's the ability to combine together for increased battery capacity or separate in to many small batteries for smaller projects. You can literally use the same Power Stacker batteries for many years across many applications!


E uma dica de Tozé Soares, pode-se fazer de tudo com uma Impressora 3D, até placas de Circuito Electrónico, com Caixa, e tudo:

Creating a 3D Printable Circuit Board for a Practical Application

Scott J Grunewald

We’re not to the point where a completely 3D printable circuit board is feasible – although we’re getting close – but that doesn’t mean that 3D printing can’t save makers and home builders plenty of time by allowing for the creation of custom shaped boards. Over on YouMagine, user JonnyBischof created a customized 3D printed circuit board (with enclosure) for his Ultimaker Heated Bed MosFET Relay Hack.


sexta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2014

Blacksmith uma 3-em-1 3D! E uma mono-lagarta, mais Enfeites 3D de Natal, e Fundição em Cera

Mais uma boa dica de Sarlett Jackson, da 3DPrinters Online Store, uma Impressora 3D que como as de Escritório, Imprime, faz o Scan, e copia, tudo na mesma Máquina!

E também acho que a forma COMO imprime, com uma Plataforma rotativa, é mais rápida, e parfeita do que o Sistema de Treliça, usado nas Makerbots, por exemplo...

Blacksmith Genesis: Compact & Rotary All-in-One 3D Printer/Scanner/Copier

3D Printers are amazing technology, at present 3d printers available in the market is not a complete solution. Creating a real 3d object from 3d design is a tough task for people with less technical knowledge. To use 3D printing software and 3D design software, one should have sound design skills.

Innovative Rotary Platform:

Blacksmith's advanced processing method combines functionalities of 3d printing and 3d scanning in to a single device. No need to waste money for purchasing two different systems as 3d printer and scanner. Our machine allows you to create 3d design files by scanning real 3d objects. The scanned 3d files can be altered and merged through Blacksmith Sorcerer to form a real 3d object.

E vejam só como podem pôr as vossas Invenções em destaque, fazendo-as funcionar no Mundo real, com um Protótipo feito de peças impressas em 3D!
Este Instructable responde a uma data de perguntas que me fazem, constantemente, sobre como desenhar as ideias, transformar os desenhos em Objectos, e simular o funcionamento, etc...
O homem até pôs uma série de Vídeos no Youtube, a ilustrar várias fases do projecto! 
APRENDAM, que se querem VENDER as vossas Invenções, ou arranjar Investidores, ESTA é que a maneira de o fazerem:

Steerable Continuous Track Concept
In this Instructable, we will go through my adventure of designing and modeling a steerable track/tread (as in tank track). I will try and cover as much of the modeling and simulation steps as possible, I will try to communicate all the important information in the text but there might be useful tips and information in the picture annotation. I hope you can learn something from me here and I can learn from you too! so please comment (especially how to do things more efficiently with motion simulator)
So a little background on this project. (no important instructions here)
I recently started my internship at a construction/agriculture vehicle company (Kubota) and after speaking to a few of the employees there and looking through the catalogs, I learned that tracks that can be retrofitted to tractors are in high demand. The problem is the good quality ones are too expensive and the affordable ones very unreliable. The usual approach is to have a set of tracks for the front wheels and another set for the back allowing it to steer as usual.
So i thought to myself, what if we could have a track system that will be able to span from the front to the back and still be steerable. after making a few quick sketches and quick googling, i proceeded to work on the CAD model in Solidworks


E para animarem o vosso Natal, eis uma catrefa de Enfeites que podem descarregar para imprimir em 3D, cortesia da Cubify:

Deck the halls with FREE Crafting 3D Printables!

Set the scene for all your holiday hijinks! Print your own customized stocking stuffers, festive tree toppers and dazzling décor. Whether you’re into cute, cutting edge or classic tree trimmers, our Cube printables help you design it and create new traditions for your homemade holidays.


E, mais uma ideia para Enfeites e Presentes de Natal, a Fundição serve também para isto, do princípio ao fim, eis como se cria um Anel, num Instructable que vai agradar aos Designers e Engenhocas de toda a espécie:

Casting Rings - From Startup to Finish
Sure Hacksalot
Who has the budget for a customized, unique engagement ring? I certainly don't, especially being a college student. Heck, I had no idea how rings were even made. It wasn't until a friend of mine told me about how he designed his own engagement ring for his wife. This really intrigued me and so I started doing some research on how this process is done. Pretty soon I discovered how relatively easy it is to make your own ring (or any other small metal part) using materials from the hardware store, jewelry supply shops, and a few online vendors. So here I've put together a comprehensive step-by-step Instructable on how to put together all the tools necessary (and quite inexpensively) for casting rings.

I am not a professional jeweler, nor am I going to school to be one. I am a mechanical engineering student, which gives me many benefits and insights into building the tools necessary to make successful castings; however, no part of this process requires you to have an engineering degree, or any prior knowledge in making jewelry.

quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

Magia de Natal! E ABelectronics, cortar Círculos com a Fresa, e um Kit da NASA

Com os antecipados desejos dum Feliz Natal, e Próspero Ano Novo, cá vai esta fabulosa realização de Fabbing levado ao máximo!
Dica do nosso amigo Alan Metcalfe, uma Micro-Fábrica faz-se assim, com coisas como este fabuloso Robot que, quando acabado, vai montando Chips todo o dia, entregue a si próprio!
É uma ilustração de como foi feito o Robot, o que vos espera neste Site, e com uns vídeos de fazer um Geek imensamente feliz!!!

DIY Pick and Place V2 Project Complete

The DIY pick and place machine project is now finally running and is able to place the components for our Raspberry Pi expansion boards. This project started in July 2013 when we began to order the various components, bearings, motors, drive systems, frame materials etc and we started to build the machine in September.
Various stages of this project have been posted in the DIY Pick and Place category on the blog and this post will be an overview of all the stages during the build and the problems and issues we had to overcome.

E no Site, tem várias Feramentas incríveis, que vos servirão, como serviram a estes Bacanos, como, por exemplo, um Parser de Endereços, para o vosso próprio Negócio de vendas online, para as Encomendas pelo Coreio, a solução para problemas de Interfefência nos vossos Computadores de Bordo de Bicicleta(!), e inúmeros outros tesouros que lá se escondem!

...Como o Link para a ABelectronics, com várias coisas Raspi para o vosso Natal, e etc...
É difícil não gostar deste Site.

About Us

AB Electronics UK was founded in 2012 by brothers Andrew and Brian Dorey who have had a keen interest in the electronics hobbyist market for many years.
Andrew has qualifications in electronic servicing and repairs and has worked in the past for companies repairing home entertainment items before moving into the graphical design market.
Brian spent his first working years repairing white goods and household electrical items before moving into the retail market and then into IT.
Since 1998 we have run a successful web development agency and have continued our love of electronics and hardware modifications with many projects for the home and play, many of which are shown on the project blog at
Over the past few years the emergence of the popular Arduino system boards and other hobby prototype boards and more recently with the Raspberry Pi microcomputer boards led to the development of a home monitoring system for our semi-off grid solar system at their home and office.
After one of the blog project posts was featured on the popular Hackaday website, lots of enquiries of where to buy the prototype boards started to flood in and so we decided it was time to start to sell these boards and other related products on our own shop.
We have several other circuit boards currently under development and we will be adding these to the shop once our initial test production runs and testing are completed.

A vossa Fresa pode-vos cortar Círculos em Placa, de vários tamanhos com este Acessório que fazem em vossas casas, passo-a-passo, com este Instructable sucinto:

Making A Circle Cutting Jig 

Hi, this is the design which I made for making circle by using routers. It is simple to make. This tool is used for cutting a large circle out of wood.

E agora, Eis um Kit da LittleBits, com divertidas Experiências criadas com a Colaboração de Cientistas e Engenheiros da NASA, que ensinam os vossos Filhos a fazer coisas que os vão ensinando coisas...

Space Kit
littleBits brings you fun and powerful ways to explore Earth + Space science in the classroom and at home.
  • Designed in collaboration with NASA SCIENTISTS & ENGINEERS
  • Includes 12 modules, 5 NASA lesson plans and 10 STEAM activities
  • Learn scientific principles like Electromagnetic, Kinetic, & Potential Energy
  • Make a Mars Rover or an ISS; transmit music wirelessly and more!
  • Connect with the littleBits library to infinitely expand your discoveries