Blog Posts

terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014

Diesel a partir dos Fritos! E um Aspirador ambivalente, um Concurso com Monumentos Nacionais, e uma Forja com 2 Tijolos

Quem tenha uma Carrinha dos Fritos, Um Restaurante, ou mesmo uma Família grande, poderá não ter de meter Combustível...
Se for a Diesel.
Eis como podem economizar que é um disparate, fabricando o vosso próprio Diesel a partir do Óleo Alimentar:

Making Diesel from Waste Vegetable Oil - Biodiesel
Tecwyn Twmffat
Maybe if Walt and Jesse had taken to making biodiesel rather than methamphetamine they would have had less trouble with the Mexican cartels, less murders and violence and an altogether easier life? Also a lot more environmentally friendly! There have however been some moments of excitement in my biodiesel career - on one occasion I was raided and interrogated by the Feds on suspicion of processing 'red' diesel into 'white', but fortunately they went away happy that I was innocent.
When I watched Breaking Bad there were quite a few actual similarities like, for example, always being wanting to perfect the product and taking a great pride in it. Some of the machinery in their industrial production plant looked a bit weird and unfortunately there was not enough pipework for it to actually work. It does however give some insight into what it is like to work with chemicals and in many ways making diesel (biodiesel) is a mysterious business and more akin to alchemy than science.

Fazer Engenhocas, quer sempre dizer, criar muita Lixaria! 
Por isso, aproveitem para fazer este Aspirador, que dá para Lixo grande e pequeno, por isso, vai-vos ser muito útil lá pela casa e Oficina...

Big/Tiny Variable Dust Separator
With my increasing interest in woodworking and the amount of dust created in the process I needed to find a solution for collecting the dust created in my garage without clogging up the filter of my shop vac. There are plenty of solutions posted in the web which vary from buying and assembling commercially available dust separator systems to making your own. Here I am presenting the solution I came up with, that is as usual based on all the good stuff I could find on the web and then some of my own ideas. I went for the simplest possible design which turned out to be able to handle a wide range of machines and dust/shaving volumes with 'Version2'.

Podem ganhar uma Ipressora 3D, se tiverem a paciência de criarem um Modelo em 3D do Monumento Nacional que simboliza o vosso País!
Cortesia da Traceparts, vejam como é e concorram!

Invitation to all CAD designers! The 8th annual TraceParts competition has been launched.

St Romain, France – November 18, 2014 – TraceParts, one of the leading providers in the world of 3D digital content for design and engineering, has announced today that it is launching its 8th annual competition. 
The TraceParts engineer community, numbering more than 2 million CAD users, has been getting involved in this competition for eight years.

This year, participants are invited to draw a place or monument in 3D that best represents their country, using CAD or image editing software.
They can use as many CAD components as they wish, available for free on the portal.

Entries should be submitted to before December 17, 2014 in a file no more than 1 MB in size.

Uma Forja, é coisa bacana de se ter, se se é Engenhocas...
Pois podem ter a vossa, feita a partir de 2 Tijolos, qualquer um pode fazer isto, e derreter Metal, Forjar, etc.

2 Brick Forge

I have been looking for a 2 brick forge design for a while and couldn't find any that met my needs. Most are 1 Brick Forges that are really too shallow for what I want to do.
I am working on longer pieces of 1/4 and 5/16th stock at about 5"-7" lengths.
This is my parts list:
  • 2 Fire Bricks 9"X4.5"X3"
  • 1" spade bit
  • 5/8th spade bit
  • 5/16th drill bit
  • Cold Chisel
  • 36" 5/16 - 18 threaded Rod cut into four even pieces 9" long
  • 16 5/16 - 18 nuts
  • 8 split washer
  • 4 one foot length 1"X1" steel angle stock
  • Power Drill
I decided that I needed an 8"x3"X3" chamber, so I marked the brick with a permanent marker.

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