Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2014

3D, 3-em-um! E a Vacina Mecânica, uma Lancheira PC, e medir curvas!

Isto é mesmo inovador, pois têem aqui uma Impressora 3D, um Scanner 3D, e uma Gravadora Laser CNC!
Porque as cabeças deste Robot Delta são intermutáveis, podem ter tudo muna Máquina. Ultrapassando 5 vezes a sua quantia-alvo, pode-se dizer que esta pequena maravilha é já um Sucesso...
E apressem-se, se quizerem uma, que estão a esgotar!


Bring your imagination to life with FLUX’s 3D printing, 3D scanning, laser engraving and more modular functions.
A Difficult Choice Made Easy
With so many 3D printer options, it can be difficult to decide on the right model. Luckily, FLUX makes the choice easy by combining printing, scanning, laser engraving, and more modular functions. It is the only 3D printer you will ever need – for work or at home.
The Right Choice for Everyone
Unlimited, elegant, and simple — FLUX is the right choice for everyone because it is simple to set up, elegantly designed, and has an unlimited capacity for expansion. In addition to the basic FFF (fused filament fabrication) 3D printing, FLUX is equipped with a built-in 3D scanner and supports an ever-increasing array of interchangeable modules. FLUX is the everything 3D printer that grows with you— meeting not only your 3D printing needs today, but also of all your tomorrows.


Livros sobre Propriedade Industrial, quantos mais melhor...
O nosso amigo Aniceto Pires vem-nos convidar para o lançamento do seu Livro, "A Vacina Mecânica", um livro que reflete a sua experiência pessoal, de luta pelos Direitos dum Inventor, e quem puder, compareça ao Palácio dos Aciprestes, dia 22 deste Mês:

A Vacina Mecânica

Composto por um conjunto de desenhos, que ilustra, do que se trata como objecto da Patente de Invenção, que durante a ausência deste equipamento, trabalhadores, foram vítimas de acidentes, que deixaram marcas, alguns deles fatais, ao qual atribui o nome do Invento; “Pórtico Alberto”. Abertura e fecho automático das portas dos contentores de acondicionamento de gás embalado.

Um PC na Lancheira, ou uma Lancheira PC, eis um Instructable que não deixa de chamar a atenção!
Usando a famosa placa RaspberryPi, eis algo para fazerem com uma, que não necessita grandes esforços, nem informáticos nem de Hardware, o que faz um grande primeiro Projecto com a Raspi!

Lunch Box Computer with Raspberry Pi

This is a quick and easy project to build a portable Raspberry Pi computer that fits right in a lunch box. It's a good first Pi project since it requires no coding, soldering or tooling of any kind. All you have to do it acquire the parts, plug everything in and secure it in the lunch box.
The Raspberry Pi isn't a very fast machine, but it IS extremely versatile and easy to use. This rig will have all the functionality of a wifi netbook, if a slow one with a very small screen.

There are lots of ways to do a project like this so feel free to deviate from my plans. All of the parts are modular and you can change its abilities a bit by using different parts.
EDIT: While I used a Raspberry Pi model B in this instructable, I would advise folks to use the Model B+, it uses less power than the Model B which sometimes can't run both the Wifi and Bluetooth dongles. 

Atenção, pessoal dos Cursos de Engenharia, Engenheiros já feitos, e Designers e Engenhocas em geral, podem agora medir a curvatura duma peça com este interessante Aparelhómetro, que podem fazer em casa:

Get started with the Bend Sensor

We started by looking at how the Bend Sensor is buildt up, and how it works.
We then looked at different areas we can see it beeing used in.
Finally we made a lamp were you can change colour of the light, and also the brightness of a LED.
You will find the steps of how to make your own lamp, including code and fritzing wireing at the end.

...E aos estrondos, entrou, de repente, esta maravilhosa Maluqueira, Paintball com estes Monstros vindos da Ficção Científica, para uns belos momentos de Apocalipse Geek...


Megabots: Paintball with giant robots

David Szondy

Who hasn't looked at a sporting event and thought that it would be better if it involved giant robots wailing on each other? That seems to be the thinking of the people behind the MegaBots Kickstarter campaign, who are raising money to build giant humanoid robots with human drivers to take on each other in paintball arena games.
A MegaBot is the sort of robot that stands out in a crowd. Run by a driver-and-gunner team, the 15-ft (4.5-m) tall walking robot weighs 15,000 lb (6,800 kg) and has modular arms tipped with pneumatic guns firing 3-lb (1.3-kg) paint MegaBalls at 120 mph (193 km/h). According to the makers, it’s clad in customizable breakaway armor plating that flies off when it takes a hit while, like a videogame, a computer keeps track of "damage" and makes the robot eject limbs, limp, make noise, and jam its weapons as the hits mount.


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