Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 16 de junho de 2014

Álcool em pó! E um Mini-transmissor de som, Uma Bisnaga Gigante, e Ubudu

Chamem-lhe Deformação Profissional, mas mal vi isto, pensei logo em criar um Combustível para Foguetes mais barato...
Parece anedota, mas o nome diz tudo:
Àlcool em pó! 
Será que preciso dizer que, como se trata de Àlcool, há perigo de Incêndio e/ou Explosão, se manuseado sem o mínimo de cuidado? Quanto à ingestão, desaconselho completamente.

Powdered Alcohol

Contrary to what suspicious lawmakers may think, powdered alcohol is not the herald to the apocalypse. In April of 2014, a form of American-made powdered alcohol was approved for sale... with its approval quickly rescinded due to what I'd imagine to be bureaucratic red tape by the US Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

Todos nós Geeks, (ou serei só eu?) quizemos ter uma catrapázio que nos relatasse a actividade dos nossos Computadores, de modo audível, para tratrmos de outra coisa enquanto o PC roí os cálculos, pois agora podem fazê-lo em pouco tempo:

Mini Audio Transmitter

In this instructable I'm going to show you how to build your own portable audio transmitter. This transmits FM waves so you could easily get the signals on your mobile phone, radios, etc. As the name and the picture indicates it is very small and is approximately the size of a 9v battery clip.
This transmitter is like the ones in the movies which are used to spy on people or try to record conversations, well don't use this this to spy on anyone, its just for educational purpose only.
What does this do?
  • Well all this is a FM transmitter so you could start your own mini FM station.
I'm going to build a mini FM receiver soon, to go with the mini FM transmitter
How does this work?
Well all of us have heard of "frequency modulation", most commonly known as "FM", this circuit works on the very same principal to transmit audio signals captured by the microphone. This circuit uses BC547 transistor to amplify the signal and then frequency modulate it. Since it is tiny and powered with just 9v the signal range is limited to only 15m.
If you like my project you can vote for me in the battery powered contest.


Uma Bisnaga gigante, prá Brincadeira, prá Palhaçada na Praia, neste Verão, eis um Projecto divertido para míudos e graúdos, desde que haja algum juízo...
E o que é melhor, é fácil de fazer:

Easy-Peasy PVC Water Gun

There are a handful of do-it-yourself PVC water guns on the internet.
This water gun is similar to other versions out there, including this one I shared a few years ago, but with a handful of new tricks to simplify the design and make it easier for people to duplicate.
If you make a few, let me know how it goes in the comments.
Thanks for taking a look!

Ubudu, para não confundir com Ubuntu, é um App e Gadget que vão revolucionar as Lojas em toda a parte, pois através do Smartphone podem ser informados de vários detalhes sobre os Artigos à venda!
E o que é mais pertinente à malta Engenhocas, demonstra como podem fazer Primeiras Séries das vossas Invenções, com a ajuda de Empresas Online como a Sculpteo, para fabricarem as tais Pequenas Séries, por Impressão 3D!
Dica do Blogue da Sculpteo:

Ubudu will revolutionize the way we shop, and 3D printing helped get it there.

Most people know that 3D printing enables consummer to take part in the production process and customize their own products. But since a while now, hardware entrepreneurs have been adopting 3D printing in their business to create their prototypes and first series. The French based startup, Ubudu, has been using it to develop its revolutionizing indoor mobile location platform.

Ubudu was founded in 2011 in Paris with the idea of revolutionizing indoor mobile location services for the consumer. The platform set to accomplish this, uBeacon, is structured around Cloud services, mobile softwares, and Bluetooth Low Energy trackers.

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