Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2014

Uma Lanterna a àgua, uma Plotter barata, Wi-fi reciclado, e uma Bicicleta eléctrica Open-Source.

Divertida de fazer, barata e espectacular de mostrar, eis uma Lanterna que funciona a àgua, ou melhor dizendo, com uma Bateria que aproveita a reacção Redox, entre Cobre, e Zinco, ou Alumínio:

Water Powered Flashlight (v2)
Batteries are too mainstream, let's make Water Powered ones! This is my newer version of my previous flashlight project, this time we are using pennies (literally)! The flashlight works by using water as its electrolytes.
Getting Some Inspiration From My Vacation:
I spent a third of my summer hopping on the pristine islands of Palawan. We wake-up early everyday (4:30am). We rented a boat for the tour and one thing that I've noticed, the boatman used a flashlight to prepare the boat every morning, same for the fishermen who wakes-up early. I stared at the sea for quite some time and I remembered, these men can power their flashlights using the saltwater around them.
Is It Really Powered By Water?
Th internet currently has beer batteries, lemon batteries, potato batteries and water batteries. All of these batteries are powered by the same thing - the Redox reaction between copper and zinc or aluminum. The fluid (or potato) is just the electrolyte, and any solution with dissolved ions - which is basically any solution in water at all - will serve as an electrolyte. Some chemists will react bad to this title, some aren't 

Uma Plotter feita a partir de Sucata, eis o que podem fazer, a até serve também para se treinarem, para fazer depois uma Impressora 3D...

Cheap, nice and weird A4 graph plotter ($25 + some scrap)

Hi there!
At the begining I have to warn you... The solution presented below is quite inefficient and weird. There're some foolish techniques used in this project, e.g. power output stage for the motors or my own PC software. All of these were created mainly for fun and getting skills. It might be quite hard to clone it, but I decided to publish it anyway - just want to share what I made ;). Check the video above to see how my plotter works!

Hoje estamos na onda do Espectáculo, que tal mais esta, re-utilizar velhos Routers Wi-fi para ligarem e  desligarem coisas lá em casa, pela Internet?
Como as vossas Impressoras 3D, por exemplo... 
Está tudo interligado.

Repurpose an old wifi router for the internet-of-things

The popularity of internet-connected devices built with Arduino shields or single-board computers like the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone has exploded, but for simple tasks like controlling a relay, reading a sensor, watering your garden or lighting LEDs there's an overlooked (and often free) option: old wifi routers and access points.
Used APs and routers are wasting away in our homes, offices, and landfills, and though they won't match the hardware of a Pi or Beaglebone, they do usually have a few GPIO pins, a serial port, wireless and ethernet connectivity, possibly even a USB host port or Power-over-Ethernet support!

Ao ver as tais Bicicletas Eléctricas desmontáveis a preços ridículamente altos, mais caras que um Carro em Segunda Mão dos bons, procurei...
E encontrei este louvável esforço, do Site Humble Hacker, uma Bicicleta desmontável Open Souce, que não custa essas fortunas:

The Flying Yankee- A DIY, Foldable E-Bike!

Humble Hacker

  • Create an affordable, medium- range (20 Miles), motorized mobility alternative compatible with other transportation modes.
  • In Storage the compact form must fit into-
    1. The trunk of a subcompact car
    2. The baggage hold of an intercity motorcoach
    3. The ruggage rack of a passenger railcar without requiring special accomodations
  • Range must be sufficient for 20 mile one way trip before 6 hour charge


  • Must be affordable
  • Must be simple enough for a moron (i.e. me) to build
  • Must be Modular
  • Must be constructed out of easily accessible components
  • Must be easily customizable,+Foldable+E-Bike! 

...Ainda aqui estão?
Então aqui vai uma surpresa, como seleccionarem texto, para o copiarem, e colarem esse texto com o botão do meio do rato, como no Ubuntu Linux...
Mas no Windows!
Funcionou, agora mesmo, a escrever isto, no XP:

X11 is better for fingers.
Copy with mouse.
Paste with mouse.
Focus without clicks.
Raise and lower windows.
So called X-Mouse.
One and only... True X-Mouse Gizmo.
Have you ever paid attention to striking difference in the thickness of forefingers in X11/Unix and MS Windows users, respectively? The latter have much more muscular forefingers that often suffer from chronic aches in their joints. They also much more often develop mouse arm, pain in the neck and shoulders, and other troubles known as Repetitive Stress Syndrome and associated with excessive usage of a pointing device. Why?

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