Sim, podem finalmente comprar em Português, as vossas Impressoras 3D, por catálogo..
São 8 Impressoras diferentes, das marcas Leapfrog, Printrbot, Ultimaker, e Makerbot, e com preços que vão de 545 a 2340 Euros:
Têem também à venda, esta simpática máquina CNC de Corte a Laser, por 5490 Euros:
...E também vendem artigos cortados a Laser, e outros, Impressos em 3D, como estas incríveis réplicas dos Corações em Filigrana feitos no Norte de Portugal:
Por isso, vão à Pipstore, e vejam lá de tudo um pouco:
Sobre NósPipstore® is an online and garden store providing a wide range of design useful products for people who care about values like humanity, sustainability, tradition & identity. From an orange & lemon tree we have in our headquarters, we want to highlight the benefits of the contrasts about, for instances, craftsmanship & new technologies (3D Printing), design & engineering, stores & open air gardens, vintage & art. The concept includes products either with tradition or that have one of the following features: environmentally sustainable, customer-centric, multi-functional, reusable, inclusive or with cool & useful technology. Pipstore aims showing & sharing the best creative people and young brands from all over the word, which made quality design & useful products. Pipstore values described above are the core of our initiatives and therefore 1% of te turnover will be spent in social responsibility products.
Se não estão para gastar dinbheiro, ou têem muita Sucata Tech em casa, a pedir uso, que tal, fazerem mais esta Impressora 3D feita em casa?
Poor Man's 3D PrinterGelstronicMy goal was to build a cheap and inexpensive 3D Printer for less than 100 Dollar/Euro
What are the features of the Poor Man's 3D Printer ?
- Fused deposition modeling ABS/PLA
- Heat bed
- use of open source firmware, modified version of Tonokip
- free host software, Repetier-Host
- bowden-extruder
- max. build size 40mm x 40mm x 40mm
- resolution 0.08mm
E acaba-se por hoje esta parada de coisas boas para o Fabiing, com esta Fresa CNC, também feita em vossas casas!
Building your own CNC router/milling machine
Already at the age of 12 I was dreaming of making a machine which could make things! A machine which would give me the opportunity to create products for in and around the house. Two years later I stumbled ont the words 'Computer Numerical Control' or more specifically the CNC milling machine. After I found out people were able to build one themselves in their own shed, I knew it! I had to build one, I yearned to have it!!...This Instructable will show you how I built my CNC milling machine. I know a lot of CNC dreamers do not have the knowledge or tools to build a full metal machine. I still think and hope this Instructable inspires you to make your own machine. I include all of the necessary steps I went through in designing and building this CNC milling machine. All of the drawings I used to build my machine will be available.
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