Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 28 de junho de 2013

Handybot está quase lá, Truevolt à venda, desenhar CAD num vosso Browser, e uma Ideia 3D para a Jardinagem

Dica do Blog da CNCKing, a campanha para a fantástica máquina da Shopbot, a Handybot, está a meio, apoiem, que vai ser bacano ter isto à disposição, qualquer um vai poder "ter jeito" para Obras e Carpintaria:

Handibot: Funding Goal Almost Reached!

A very long time supporter of has been ShopBot Tools – they are the manufacturers of my amazing ShopBot Desktop. Just a few days ago they launched their first Kickstarter campaign and they’ve already reached more than half of their goal so far… be sure to visit to get more information and to reserve your very own machine as I doubt these ones will last much longer.




Um Multímetro Digital, e dos bons, é o que nos apresenta a Designspark, com 2 versões, uma mais ecoómica, a outra, um melhoramento de topo do que já tinha sido feito:

Truevolt Digital Multimeters Video Demonstration

Check out Agilent's newest 6½ digit digital multimeters featuring Truevolt technology. The 34461A is the replacement for the 34401A digital multimeter. The 34460A offers a basic entry point into the 6½ digit class of Agilent DMMs.

Only with Agilent's Truevolt DMMs can you:

* Display multimeter results in ways you never have before
* Measure with unquestioned Truevolt confidence
* Move to the next generation 34401A DMM with 100% assurance 



Um Site onde podem criar, e modificar, em cooperação com outros, ficheiros CAD?
Vão à GrabCAD!
Vai ser impecável...


Autodesk and GrabCAD Partner To Launch 2D and 3D CAD Editing on GrabCAD

Rob Stevens

Today is a big day for GrabCAD, for Autodesk, and for CAD lovers everywhere. We’re partnering with Autodesk to bring AutoCAD 360 and Fusion 360 to our users as part of the newly launched GrabCAD Toolbox
Autodesk recently announced AutoCAD 360, which brings powerful, easy-to-use AutoCAD capabilities to the web and mobile devices, as well as Fusion 360, the next generation integrated 3D industrial and mechanical design tool. Both of these products will be available through GrabCAD Toolbox, where users can access 3rd party CAD applications that run on GrabCAD.
This move represents the first time either 2D or 3D design and editing tools have become available through GrabCAD, making sophisticated CAD and collaboration tools accessible to users of all sizes and types.

É um conceito impecável, este apresentado bo Blog da Shapeways:
Usar a Impressão 3D, para re-ciclar uma Garrafa, para se tornar num Regador!

Sprout: Upcycle the Humble Milk Jug with 3D Printing (VIDEO)

3D Printing is perfect for augmenting an existing product to improve its function and prolong its life.  A perfect example is the 3D printed Sprout by Egant on Shapeways, that transforms the humble milk jug into an elegant watering can with some clever 3D printing magic.
The innovative design has two flow types and uses a captured ball valve so that the center can be used as a funnel yet the ball stops the water from pouring of the funnel aperture when you want to have a steady controlled flow.  This is really smart use of the potential of interlocking and/or captured parts that is possible with Nylon 3D printing whilst upcycling an existing product to prolong its lifecycle.

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