Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 3 de junho de 2013

IMPRESSÃO 4D! Não deixem fechar o Museu do Brinquedo! E a luz do Génio, brilha nas Estradas.

Sim, Impressão 4D.
Objectos imprssos em 3D, com a capacidade de se auto-montarem!
Isto vai dar que falar, principalmente, na enorme reducção das despesas de Envio...
E das possibilidades infinitas que abre, para quem vende Engenhocas...
Hé, hé, hé!


Move over 3D printing, self-assemblng 4D-printed materials are on the way

Donna Taylor

Molecular self-assembly, whereby molecules position themselves into defined arrangements, is commonplace in biological systems and nanotechnology. But researchers at MIT are working on so called "4D printing" technology that aims to bring the process up to the macro scale, enabling 3D-printed materials to be programmed to self-assemble into predefined shapes and structures. Just imagine buying some flat-pack furniture, bringing it home and enjoying a coffee whilst you watch it assemble itself.

This month, Skylar Tibbits, director of the MIT Self-Assembly lab, was named as one of the six Architectural League winners for collaborative research into programmable materials. The 4D printing process (with the 4th dimension being self-assembly over time) involves the use of materials that change their shape in response to movement or environmental factors, such as the presence of water, air, and/or temperature changes.

O Museu do Brinquedo em Sintra pode vir a ter de fechar!
Quem puder, que faça alguma coisa para prevenir o fim dum Espaço de Cultira que maravilhou tanta gente, e é uma Atracção Turística de qualidade...

Museu do Brinquedo em Sintra pode fechar no final do ano

Nova Lei-Quadro das Fundações impede autarquia de continuar a subsidiar e a ceder gratuitamente o espaço para o museu.

O próximo Dia Mundial da Criança, que se comemora no sábado, poderá ser o último para o Museu do Brinquedo, em Sintra. Devido à nova lei das fundações, a câmara terá de deixar de subsidiar o museu no final do ano. Encerrar ou mudar para outras instalações a custo zero são as únicas alternativas.
Os mais de 60 mil brinquedos que integram o espólio do museu, quase todos da colecção pessoal de João Arbués Moreira, estão expostos há 16 anos no antigo quartel dos bombeiros da vila de Sintra, recuperado pelo arquitecto Aires Mateus expressamente para o efeito. A câmara cedia o espaço gratuitamente e ainda apoiava a Fundação Arbués Moreira, que gere o equipamento, com um subsídio mensal de cinco mil euros.
A nova Lei-Quadro das Fundações, aprovada no ano passado, impede a Câmara de Sintra de manter os apoios. Caso contrário, a autarquia perde 10% da verba que o Governo transfere para os municípios, afirma a directora do museu, Ana Arbués Pereira, em declarações à Lusa.

Monkey Light Pro turns bicycle wheels into colorful, animated displays

Jonathan Fincher

There are plenty of interesting ways to deck out your bicycle, but MonkeyLectric may have come up with the ultimate way to make it stand out on the road. The company's new Monkey Light Pro is a set of LED bars that attach to a bicycle wheel and can be programmed to play colorful animations

This isn't the first light-up bicycle wheel system we've seen, and MonkeyLectric itself has produced other models in the past, but none have been as elaborate as this. Over the last two years, the company has been hand-making prototypes of the newer system for special events and projects. During that time, the developers practiced their manufacturing processes with smaller products until they felt ready to launch a more complex system.

Passamos a esra maravilha da Criatividade Aplicada, uma das tais ideias "porque é que eu não pensei nisto" simplesmente, projectar uma Rede de linhas Laser na Estrada à vossa frente, para que o RELEVO apareça, aparecendo assim também os Buracos e objectos que lá estão!

Simplesmente... Genial!

Lumigrids – the LED projector that keeps cyclists out of potholes

Chris Wood

Lumigrids is a simple, clever and above all useful concept that aims to improve the safety of cycling at night. The device is an LED projector that fits on the handlebars of your bicycle, projecting a square grid onto the ground before you. By looking at the changes and abnormalities in the grid, the cyclist is able to easily pick out potholes and other obstacles, helping them to avoid potential crashes and falls.
The team behind Lumigrids claim that the design is an improvement over traditional bicycle lamps, which casts shadows around both concave and convex obstacles, making it difficult for the rider to judge the surface effectively. Lumigrids' grid projection system makes it a lot easier to identify the nature of the abnormalities, with the squares of the grid bending and changing in an easy way for the rider to process.

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