Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 24 de junho de 2013

Como des-moldar o Pen & Note. E um robot para o vosso Raspi, um Brinquedo para o cão, e um Drone para a Lavoura!

Eis como se tira do Molde uma peça de Sugru, ou Oogoo, é simples, basta desmontar as peças do Molde, e tirar a Peça, já pronta.
É, neste caso, o Pen & Note que já vos mostrei, mas pode ser muitas mais coisas...
O Vídeo foi feito a partir de Fotos, com o programa Ffdiaporama.


Taking the Pen & Note out of the Mold

You just take the layers apart, out goes the Pen & Note.



Compraram um Micro-computador Raspberry Pi, que tal fazer um Robot com ele? É o que vos propôe este Kit, que chega com 12(!) servos, e por um preço acessível!

RAPIRO: The affordable robot kit for your Raspberry Pi

Have you been reading Gizmag's robot articles and ever thought you'd like to get your hands dirty with a robot of your own? Well, there's a Kickstarter for that. Shota Ishiwatari has just launched RAPIRO, his custom designed Raspberry Pi Robot. The robot is easy to assemble, and comes with RGB LEDs, 12 servos, and an Arduino-compatible servo control board. And the best part is it will only set you back £229 (US$354).



Pró Canito, eis um Binquedo que ele pode usar, mesmo com vocês por fora da casa, apanhando e voltando apanhar a bola, até se cansar:

iFetch allows a dog to play fetch on its own

Dave LeClair

Playing fetch with your dog is surely one of life's high points. After a short while though, it can all get a bit tiring and just a tad boring. Your bouncing bundle of fun, on the other hand, would happily keep the game going for hours. Fortunately, technology is here to help. The iFetch from the Hamill family shoots out a ball for your dog to fetch, and when fido drops it in the opening at the top, it's fired back out again.

Eis um drone que todos aprovam, um Drone para a Lavoura!
Para poupar uma Fortuna em Aluguer de Avionetas, eis um espalhador de Pesticida e Sementes, mas tele-controlado, novidade no Ocidente, mas já há muito, usado no Japão!

UC Davis investigates using helicopter drones for crop dusting

David Szondy

Researchers at University of California, Davis, in cooperation with the Yamaha Motor Corporation, are testing UAV crop dusting on the Oakville Experimental Vineyard at the UC Oakville Station using a Yamaha RMax remote-controlled helicopter. The purpose is to study the adaptation of Japanese UAV crop dusting techniques for US agriculture, but not all the hurdles they face are technological.

Para rematar, eis um dos vários Tópicos que vos podem interessar na CNC Zone, um Site cheio de Tópicos, para é claro, tudo CNC:

Joe's CNC Model 2006

I was busy the last couple days, drawing a new CNC, I have thought about what the flaws were on a Diy Pipe rail system most of us build in wood/MDF. I will be using a torsion box system, and also nave a new twist, by adding an extra Pipe rail on the long Axis. I think this will help alot on the twisting and rocking of the Gantry.

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