Bob, o Cão!
Uma pequena maravilha do nosso amigo Rob Ives, eis algo que mata logo ali o Stress, e faz-nos ficar bem-dispostos...
Bob the Dog Video + Win the model!
Rob IvesBob the Dog - one of the Paper Animation Kits available on the Flying Pig website It's been a while since I put one of these together so I've really quite enjoyed myself! You can order your own printed kit at the flying pig website along with a whole range of other models. Watch the video of the models construction here then read on to find out how you can win the original model and a signed kit.
A Nameloja oferece-vos um serviço de Assistência Técncia, e Reparação das vossas Câmaras Fotográficas, por isso, aproveitem, que uma Máquina Fotográfica, desmontar já é difícil, quanto mais reparar como deve de ser...
Ainda mais, quando se trata de Relíquias que já não se fabricam mais!
Assistência Técnica e Reparações
- Assistência Técnica e Serviço de Reparação de Câmaras Analógicas e Digitais.
- As reparações de material fotográfico têm uma garantia de 6 meses.
- Restauro em todos os tipos de Câmaras Fotográficas Antigas - inclui garantia.
- Reparações de Informática, Electrónica, TV, Vídeo, Hi-Fi, Câmaras, entre outros.
- Em caso de dúvida, contacte-nos via mail ou telefone.
Para os vossos Robots, Automatismos, ou lá o que seja, eis a Pololu, com um Robot Completo, contoladores de Motores Passo-a-passo à fartura, e tudo o mais...
Assembled Zumo Robot
Our Zumo robot is now available fully assembled with a pair of 75:1 HP micro metal gearmotors, a stainless steel bulldozer-style blade, and an array of six IR reflectance sensors for line following or edge detection. Just add 4 AA batteries and an Arduino (or compatible controller) and you are ready to push! For those looking to build and customize their own Zumos, individual parts and a kit version are also available, and we have recently released several new example programs that make it easier than ever to get started with the Zumo.
New Stepper Motor Drivers
We have released several new alternatives to our popular A4988 stepper motor driver carrier:
- The Black Edition A4988 carrier is a drop-in replacement for our original A4988 carrier that features a 4-layer PCB for improved thermal performance.
- The DRV8825 stepper motor driver carrier has a higher maximum operating voltage and can deliver more current than our A4988 drivers, and it offers 1/32-step microstepping.
- The DRV8834 carrier operates down to 2.5 V, making it a low-voltage alternative to our other stepper motor drivers.
Sketchup 2013! Notícia acabada de chegar, e aproveitem para ir lá ver as Novidades, porque o Google Sketchup...
Dá muito, muito jeito!
Introducing SketchUp 2013 It's my pleasure to announce the arrival of SketchUp 2013. For this release, we focused on two things: building an ecosystem that makes it easier for millions of SketchUp modelers to find and use the plugins and extensions they need, and continuing to turbocharge SketchUp Pro's documentation and presentation features (in the form of LayOut).
Isto vai ter inúmeras aplicações, uma polímero que quando sob tensão, muda de cor por isso tomem nota, que pode ser usado nalguma das vossas Invenções!
Potentially very-useful "polymer opals" change color when stretched
Ben Coxworth
Some of the most vividly colored materials in nature, including things like butterfly wings, don’t obtain their color from pigment. Instead, their internal structure reflects light at a given wavelength, producing a specific color. Opals are another example of something that utilizes this effect. In collaboration with Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability, scientists from the University of Cambridge have now copied the colorful nanostructure of the opal. The result is a flexible, colorful material that won’t fade over time, that changes color when stretched, and that could have many applications.
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