Blog Posts

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013

Nanotecnologia para Motores, Cubo de Rubik Altifalante, e um Avião de lata

Já pensaram em usar Nanotecnologia para protegerem as vossas Engenhocas da Corrosão?
Pois não é que já há Empresas que estão a pensar nisso, como relatado neste Site...
Aznano, de A a Z da Nanotecnologia: 

Corrosion Resistant Nanocoatings - News Item

NANOMAG is developing corrosion-resistant nanocomposite coatings to replace hazardous chromium-based coating treatments for magnesium alloys applicable specifically to the needs of the automotive, aeronautics and aerospace industries.
Reducing the weight of motor vehicles is a primary means of decreasing their fuel consumption. Eliminating 100 kg of weight allows a fuel saving of 0.5 l/100 km – thereby cutting the output of environment-damaging exhaust emissions.
Magnesium (Mg) – which is one third lighter than aluminium and 80% lighter than steel – has been used increasingly for this purpose since its first appearance in racing cars during the 1920s. Applications of Mg-based alloys now range from transmission casings, intake manifolds and cylinder head covers to wheels, body sections, steering wheel cores and column components.

Eis um Altifalante Wireless, que é um Cubo de Rubik, da nossa amiga, BritLiv:

Wireless Rubik's Cube Speaker 
n this instructable I am going to show you how to make a Rubik's cube that houses a speaker and is fully functional. It is compatible with all wireless Bluetooth devices or can be used with a 3.5 mm audio jack. The integrated battery can be loaded via USB as shown in the second picture.

As you can see in the pictures the plugs are well hidden, so it is a great way to prank your friends, by making the cube talk to them.

E eis um Avião de Lata, mas Lata, mesmo!
Pois é feito duma Lata de Bebida, e voa, obra de awesomecreations...
Já repararam que este, e outros Artistas, estão a fazer uma nova forma de Papercraft, ou seja, Tincraft?
E com a possibilidade de se CURVAR a Lata, tem-se muita mais Liberdade Criativa!

Aeroplane from an Aluminium Can (and it flies too) 
This aeroplane can definitely be improved by measuring before cutting. I didn't do this and it ended up looking a little bit uneven. This aeroplane will fly, but only if you make it from an ALUMINIUM can. Most canned energy drinks use all-Aluminium cans. This model is not a scale version of any real aircraft. This is my first ever aluminium-built model aeroplane and it was quite satisfying to see it fly.

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