Blog Posts

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2013

Sandables, arrumar a Oficina, Animatrónica, e Algodão pró Deserto

Sandables é um Novo Material, algo de impecável, para os Engenhocas, que é claro que vai ser usado para sei lá o que mais, para além de lixar em cantos impossíveis, para o que foi criado.
3 Minutos no Micro-ondas, e moldam este material na forma que quizerem, e é lixar o que quizerem:

Sandables mold into any shape for precise woodwork
Jonathan Fincher

Finding the perfect tool for any job can sometimes be a daunting task, especially when that job requires precision, such as with woodworking. So what could be a better tool than one that you can mold specifically for the task at hand? That's why several collaborators recently created Sandables, a set of sanding tools that can be reshaped like gritty modeling clay for more accurate woodworking.

Como também há Mulheres Engenhocas, eis uma dica da Curbly, 10 remodelações em oficinas de que vão gostar:

Roundup: 10 Amazing Craft Room Makeovers

Matt allison
Today we roundup 10 amazing craft room makeovers.
These before and afters will inspire you to think about your own creative spaces, transforming them from drab to fab by utilizing space, color and textures to provide warm and inviting spaces in which to create.

Eis algo que vai animar tanto Museu, e tanta Universidade pelo Mundo, para além dos Engenhocas, uma linha de peças 3D para vocês imprimirem as vossas Experiências em Animatrónica, ou terem os vossos Personagens Históricos a explicar a História que ajudaram a fazer:

Print your own InMoov animatronic robot

Jason Falconer

Now that 3D printing technology is taking off, some truly unique projects are beginning to emerge from all sorts of talented people. Take Gael Langevin, a French sculptor and model marker who has spent the better part of the last year designing and engineering his own animatronic robot called InMoov. And it's open source, so if you're feeling confident, you can try to build one yourself using a list of off-the-shelf electronics and parts he shares on 3D file sharing site Thingiverse.

Eis um Algodão que ajuda a aproveitar a Água do Nevoeiro, no Deserto. Passa de Hidrófilo a Hidrófobo, o que quer dizer que passa de absrover Àgua, para a expelir:

Specially-coated cotton collects water from desert fog – and releases it as liquid

Ben Coxworth

In arid places where fog occurs overnight, some people utilize so-called “fog harvesters” to acquire fresh water. These are typically pieces of netting that collect fog droplets, which then roll down into a container below. Various researchers have tried to increase the efficiency of these harvesters, such as by making them from a combination of hydrophilic (water-absorbing) and hydrophobic (water-repelling) materials. Now, a team of scientists have done something a little different – they’ve created a cotton-based fog-harvesting material that switches between being entirely hydrophilic and entirely hydrophobic.

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