Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013

Reparar Fibra-de-Vidro, Rasperry Pi e Lego, Hidrogénio à descrição... E a Ray-Gun!!!

Como a vida está dura para quase todos, eis algo que faz sempre muito jeito, como reparar rachas e buracos, em Fibra-de-Vidro, da nossa amiga audreyobscura:

Repairing Fiberglass


This Instructable comes from a recent project I have been working on that involves fixing up an old fiberglass travel trailer. In the remodeling of this trailer, I was left with many small holes from antiquated peripherals on the sides of the trailer (like a phone jack). There was also a six inch crack in the front from a rock hitting it on the road.

I actively searched for the best way to patch small holes in fiberglass on the web, and couldn't quite find concise answers - this lead to a more dedicated search. I ended up talking to surfers, sailors, and prop-masters about how they make repairs to structual fiberglass and came up with the following methodology.

Hope this is helpful, and I would love to hear back from the community on this.

Como o Raspberry Pi não vem com caixa, eis mais uma sugestão... Lego! 
Isso, e mais um Bootloader, e uma série de dicas, vão ver:

Adventures in Raspberry Pi-land: Bootloaders and LEGO sets

James Holloway

After several shameful weeks of having it sit on a bookshelf, Gizmag recently decided it was time to embark upon not one but two very ambitious projects for its Raspberry Pi: turning it on, and building a LEGO case for it. Needless to say, in both cases we turned to the worldwide web for fast, easy answers.
I say "turning it on," but considering that's as simple as connecting a power adapter (not included), we thought we'd go one better and get the thing properly up and running. This is all fairly straightforward if you follow the Raspberry Pi Foundation's quick start guide.

Gerar Hidrogénio, com nano-partículas, basta juntar Àgua!
Isto é importante, não precisa de luz, calor ou electricidade, e o único subproduto é um àcido não-tóxico:

Silicon nanoparticles could lead to on-demand hydrogen generation

Darren Quick

Researchers at the University of Buffalo have created spherical silicon nanoparticles they claim could lead to hydrogen generation on demand becoming a “just add water” affair. When the particles are combined with water, they rapidly form hydrogen and silicic acid, a nontoxic byproduct, in a reaction that requires no light, heat or electricity. In experiments, the hydrogen produced was shown to be relatively pure by successfully being used to power a small fan via a small fuel cell.


Mais um dia, mais uma dezena de peças, a Ray-Gun continua a ser feita, e até agora, tudo vai encaixando...
É bom!
Sim, faltam peças... Amanhã!


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