Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013

Modi-Bots, algo de importante! E um Gerador de Funções Análogo, um Dobrador de Arame Open Source, um aspirador-caneta, e Raspberry a queijo.

Modibots, vendido pela Shapeways, é um Sinal do Futuro... 
Trata-se duma Linha de Brinquedos, do designer de Brinquedos, Wayne Losey, e que é Impressa em 3D, pela Shapeways!
Super Bacano!

ModiBots toy line takes advantage of 3D print-on-demand service

Jason Falconer

The ModiBots, a line of poseable action figures which can be outfitted with all sorts of accessories, sell for around US$15 apiece, which isn't much more than what you'd expect to pay for any other toy at retail. The difference is that these aren't being churned out in massive quantities by a major manufacturer – they're available for purchase online via Shapeways' 3D print-on-demand service. It's an example of how entrepreneurs are taking advantage of 3D printing technology to build new businesses.
ModiBots is the brainchild of toy designer Wayne Losey, who tried to launch a similar line of toys called Stikfas during a 13-year tenure at some of the biggest toy companies in the world. Stikfas, which share much in common with ModiBots, were meant to be more like Legos or other creative mix-and-build toys, but failed to stand out on the shelves next to products based on recognizable movies and TV licenses.

Falando de sinais, este gerador de Funções dá-vos a possibilidade de gerarem sinais, como Ondas Sinusoidais, e se for Análogo, as Ondas são MESMO Sinusoidais, sem as "escadinhas" do Sinal de origem Digital...

Analogue Function Generator 

I was in need of a function generator to produce audio signals for testing effects / amplifiers; as well as TTL clock signals for digital circuits. As function generators generally cost about £200 new, I decided that I would instead build one myself.

This project uses the XR-2206 integrated circuit to generate the waveform. It can produce sine and triangle waves of selectable amplitude and frequency and also a TTL sync signal fixed at 5V. The frequency range is about 20Hz to 300KHz - so this function generator will easily cover the full human hearing range of frequencies.

There are inputs for controlling the frequency of all the waves and also the amplitude of the sine / triangle wave.

É só boas notícias!
Querem ser Fabbers por quase nada?
Estes Inventores, "PENSA!", fizeram esta maravilha, que dobra Fio de Arame, um Robot simples mas eficaz, por dados de Computador, vocês criam uma data de Gigajogas!!!
E o que é o melhor, é que vos ensinam como fazer a máquina, vos dão o código, a papinha toda!

DIWire Bender

D.I.Wire Bender is a rapid prototype machine that bends metal wire to produce 2D and 3D shapes, pushing the limits of what can be produced in different materials, forms, and methods, anywhere from a model shop to your home.

For the code, full bill of materials (parts list), and readme files, visit the project page on our Google Code site.



Quem faz a sua quota-parte de Engenhocas, vai precisar desta Ferramenta, um Aspirador-Caneta, para todos aqueles cantinhos irritantes onde se acumula toda a espécie de lixarada...
É feito a partir duma Bomba de Aquário;
Como tenho uma bomba-bombona, duma máquina de Café Expresso Profissional, acho que me vou meter nisto, Muáháháhá!


Electric Vacuum Pen From Aquarium Air Pump. 

A vacuum pen is used to pick up tiny little things such as beads, small shells or sometimes electronic components depending on their size.  They aren't very useful for picking up larger things like coins or larger computer chips, but are great for things so tiny they are hard to even pick up with your fingers, especially if it's something you are worried about crushing.  They sell manual press pumps for around $10 that can do this but if you want a little more oomph in your suction ability, an electric vacuum pen can be the the way to go.    Unfortunately those can be much more expensive starting at $50 to $80.

My goal while making this was to do it for as little money as possible, so I will try to lead you on how to do that too.  This one was under $20 in total parts, and half of it was stuff I already happened to have around the house.

Raspberry com Queijo, ou quase-Queijo...
Qualquer ideia que põe a Criançada feliz comó caraças, vai logo de aparecer aqui, por estranha que seja, e um carro controlado por Queijo, é algo de Incrível!!!

Raspberry Pi + iRacer + Bluetooth + Makey Makey = Cheese Controlled Car (CCC)


We had a lot of fun this Christmas using a Raspberry Pi and MaKey MaKey to control a Bluetooth RC car called the i-Racer.

Normally you use a simple Android App to do this but we figured it might be more fun to use cheese and Python. MaKey MaKey is a beautifully simple idea. It's an Arduino-compatible board you plug into a computer and it emulates various key-presses and mouse clicks. You then connect whatever you want, as long as it is vaguely conductive, and use that for input. It works perfectly with the Raspberry Pi.

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