Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2012

Back-solve! Cálculos de Engenharia interactivos, Problemas de Torno Mecânico, Designspark, mais Instructables e notícias

Isto é mais que bacano, e para além de poupar um tempo imenso aos Engenheiros, abre um mundo de possibilidades aos Inventores, basta seguirem os turtoriais, ou chatearem um Engenheiro, par lhes dar os Parâmetros gerais dum problema, e tudo o resto é aperfeiçoado entre vocês, e o Programa TurboCalc! 

Back-solving é impecável, como verão neste Vídeo: 

TurboCalc – The Engineering Calculator
Special Price: 99,- Euros only!*

With TurboCalc you can solve a wide range of engineering and design challenges in an automated way:
  • Specify desired goals for any calculation result and then have the computer backsolve the exact geometry to satisfy this goal.
  • Associate geometry, dimensions, and calculations in the same worksheet to capture the functional intents of your engineering challenge.
  • Use it standalone or in conjunction with Microsoft Office or all popular CAD applications.

Problemas com o Torno? 
Levem-nos ao Peritos, neste caso o Blog Chatter, da Practical Machinist, onde se resolvem vários problemas de Tornearia, eis apenas um exemplo:

In This Month's Chatter...

Below we have compiled interesting and relevant threads from around the site. We hope you enjoy!

Internal spline, how to do it?
Hello everybody. I have a project here. The part is an adaptor to connect a bike engine's gearbox output shaft to a propshaft. The material of the adaptor have to be a strong alloy steel, like 4130.

I attach a couple of images of the adaptor. The part is fairly easy to machine, but the hard thing is the internal spline at the center which needs to slide over the splined output shaft of the engine.

What's the most economical way to do this internal spline? Wire-EDM perhaps? And how to design the exact shape of the spline? I need to replicate this internal spline exactly...
Read the post and replies


Desmantelar coisas, para ver as Peças!
Fazer coisas novas com essas Peças!
Qual Engenhocas que se preze, não gosta de fazer isso?
Pois os Gandas Malucos, no bom sentido, da designSpark, fizeram um Concurso exactamente disso, com Corrida e tudo!

Dyson Ball Challenge 2012

Pete Wood

Like all engineers I like taking stuff to bits!, although i'm not sure my wife will be too impressed if I did as these guys have done and dismantle the Vacuum Cleaner to take part in a design challege to build a remote control ball and race it around an obstacle course! 

What we love about this story is that it shows what fun you can have with a few components and a little imagination!  It's like the drag racing equivalent of Robot Wars ! This type of activity should hopefully encourage a new generation of "Hackers".  When I say "Hackers" I refer to taking bits of hardware and integrating it with other bits, like in a Scrap Heap Challenge kind of way,  not as in the movie Wargames where Mathew Broderick almost started World War 3 when he inadvertently hacked into the US Missile Command thinking it was a games company!


Tinha de aparecer, um Instructable sobre como fazerem o vosso Carro Tele-controlado de Lego Technik!
E envolvendo um Arduino...

R/C Lego Car 
I like the Lego modular system, especially Lego Technic.
I have a collection of Lego Technic Vehicles, i.e. Road Rally V (8225), Rough Terrain Vehicle (8270), Formula 1 Race Ca r(8808), etc. These small Lego vehicles could be upgraded to use (rare to find!)  Electric Motor Kit (8720) to drive the vehicle.

I want to challenge myself to incorporate Arduino, XBee into my R/C Lego car design.
I want to do something different!

I do not want to buy commercial available toy R/C (Radio-Controlled) car and modify it to used with XBee and Arduino. (I already did that successfully, Processing Controls R/C Car with XBee modules.
I want to do something similar to an NXT or RCX Mindstorm system with my R/C Lego car design (At the moment, I could not afford either NXT or RCX.)

I want to use parts that are available at hand.
So, I end up designed my very own R/C Lego Car by reused the parts from:
- Lego Steering System from 1996 Lego Car Kit (#8207 Dune Duster)
- Motor with worm gear from Electric Dragster from Middlesex University electric science series) ,
- micro servo from my other diy robot.
And built an Arduino compatible with simple motor driver IC (L293D) PCB, with wireless XBee breakout board compatible receptacle.
 And here is how I created it!

Para os Engenhocas mais dados à Química e Bio-Engenharia, eis um Misturador de Laboratório com ar Profissional...

How to make a magnetic stirrer that looks like a professional one

I needed a magnetic stirrer for my chemistry lab so I made a cheap one that looks almost like a professional one, but doesn't cost very much.
It is made from recycled parts from an old CD-ROM, a printer motor and things from an old CRT screen board (like resistor).

Para as Makebots  e outras Impressoras 3D caseiras, e para que nada lhes falte, eis o que os bacanos da Universidade de Warwick desenvolveram, Carbomorph, um material que permite Electrónica impressa a 3D...

“Carbomorph” material to enable 3D printing of custom personal electronics

Dario Borghino

Researchers at the University of Warwick have created a cheap plastic composite that can be used even with low-end 3D printers, to produce custom-made electronic devices. The material, nicknamed "carbomorph," is both conductive and piezoresistive, meaning that both electronic tracks and touch-sensitive areas can now be easily embedded in 3D-printed objects without the need for complex procedures or expensive materials.

Carbomorph was made by adding carbon black – a conductive filler produced by the combustion of tar and vegetable oil – to a matrix of polycaprolactone (PCL), which is a biodegradable polyester with a low melting point of 60°C (140°F).
The result is a highly versatile composite that can be adapted to quickly prototype objects with embedded flex sensors or even capacitive, touch-sensitive buttons, such as computer game controllers or mugs that can tell how full they are.
Interfacing with the printed devices is also quite simple – the sensors can be monitored using existing open-source electronics and freely available programming libraries. In the near future, users will also be able to directly print up the wires and cables to interconnect those devices.

E na categoria de Cabecinhas Abençoadas, cá vai este grande Projecto, que mereçe louvores a todos os níveis, duma prótese sem rival, que permitivá aos Amputados moverem um braço, com os nervos e músculos que ficaram, para trás da amputação, e um grande Abençoados Sejam!

Mind-controlled permanently-attached prosthetic arm could revolutionize prosthetics

Adam Williams

Researchers based at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have developed the world’s first thought-controlled, fully implantable robotic arm, which uses an amputee's own nerves and remaining muscles to afford a much more intuitive level of control than previously possible. Initial operations on patients are scheduled to take place during the Northern Hemisphere’s upcoming winter.
Prosthetic limbs which are controlled by electrical impulses in the muscles have been available to amputees since the 1960’s, but they tend to be limited in function and difficult to control. Additionally, many amputees find the standard method of using a tightly fitted socket to attach the prosthetic limb to the body so uncomfortable, that they choose to simply forgo using one altogether.
Keen to maximize the comfort and intuitiveness of their design, the Chalmers researchers looked to a process known as osseointegration. Originally developed in the 1960‘s, osseointegration involves joining living bone to the surface of an artificial implant, and has been used successfully for ear, eye, and nose prosthetics, in addition to larger limb prosthetics.
“Osseointegration is vital to our success,” explained Max Ortiz Catalan, industrial doctoral student at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. “We are now using the technology to gain permanent access to the electrodes that we will attach directly to nerves and muscles.”


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