Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012

Instructables, Traceparts, e Notícias bacanas

Comecemos por este achado, como duplicarem os vossos Cartões RFID, porque um Duplicado faz sempre jeito...
E tem um Link para verem mais projectos dele, à venda, ora aí está uma ideia impecável para tanto outro Engenhocas fazer uns trocados...

RFID Emulator - How to Clone RFID Card, Tag ...

Where the idea came.
The idea of creating RFID Emultor come from the idea to create an environment for developing and experimenting with different RFID applications. This article was created with the goal of engineers amateur enthusiasts and fans of electronics who like to experiment with different radio frequency devices and face their challenges. Later i realized it for the useful application of the schematic in our daily lives and how useful it can be developed schematic for making a backup of the existing RFID card, so you always have a backup of your access card - as assume that you have the spare keys to your home or car. If you loss your RIFD card, you will have backup using RIFD Emulator, you will not be able to lift without the barrier of your garage or sitting outside the office. After using this emulator for emergency needs when is possible and in convenient time you can tell people supporting system for access control that your card is lost and want new. And with RFID emulator you can make a backup of it and to use it in subsequent similar need. Most useful of all this is that RIFD Emulator will not confuse engagements planned for the day.

You can buy kit for assembling and see another interesting projects in my website:

Mais uma maneira de brilharem enquanto Engenhocas-Artesãos, que muitos de vocês são, eis uma Caixa de Jóias com categoria...

Oak Jewelry Box featuring Box Joint Construction

When I decided to make a jewelry box as a birthday gift for my daughter, my goal was to make it as distinctive as possible. So, since I always enjoy learning a new woodworking technique, I decided to teach myself how to create box joints.

The box joint, also called a finger joint, is an aesthetically pleasing form of joinery that turns a simple box into a beautiful piece of woodworking. While similar to the more elegant dovetail joint, box joints are more easily fabricated and actually provide a joint of superior strength. The technique used to create them, as presented in this instructable, is straightforward and relatively easy to master.

Arduinos à brava, e cada vez mais, eis um para tocarem Samples, nas Festas lá do sítio...
Mas também servirá para sei lá mais o quê, para ser accionado rápidamente, dum banco de dados. Reparem na caixa cortada por Laser...


This instrument was build using  an Arduino Uno and some  hardware components ( rotary encoder, potentiometer and  simple iron bolds). The software running the actual audio and video is a Pure Data / GEM patch. Additionaly Echonest API was used to do the sample cutup. You can send any mp4 file to it and it returns a folder containing the sliced up .mp4 and .wav files.
The box was made using parametric Flexbox found on thingiverse..

Basic idea was to create an instrument which triggers certain parts of a sample. PD cuts up every sample into 8 sections and maps these on the 8 keys of the instrument. A random factor is build in to play the sample for- and backwards.The keys are plain iron bolds, we used capacitive sensing to trigger the sampleparts.

The rotary encoder on the right side of the instrument runs through the different files in the folder. The slider pitchshifts the sample.

Para as Jovens Famílias, eis Camas de Beliche que vocês podem construír, com Instrucções passo-a-passo bem completas, não há que falhar...

Easy, Modular, Pine Bunkbeds
The Valiant
I've been building projects from Instructables for years but have never really had the time to post any of my own projects. I've found myself with a little extra time lately though and decided it was time to start giving back to the community. So, for my very first shot at an Instructable, allow me to present (drum roll please):

Bunk Beds! (and there was much rejoicing!)
(from wikipedia): A type of bed where one bed frame is stacked on top of another.

Like Minivans, the more children you have the better bunk beds start to look. And unless you are lucky enough to live in nice big house where everyone gets their own room, the ability to stack your children at night provides more floor space for things like desks, couches, and toys to trip over.

Unfortunately, bunk beds can be pretty pricey - putting them out of reach for most people. Worse than that, most of the production bunk bed frames on the market that I've seen are pretty flimsy - and I just couldn't justify spending $1,000 to have my kids spend 8 hours a night, 5 feet in the air, worried they were going to come crashing down every time they rolled over!

The good news is, you can pretty easily build a bunk bed that is rock solid, looks great, breaks down easily for moves, and is completely modular - and for only $125 - $200 in wood and supplies.

Mais um Projecto envolvendo Corte Laser, e umas dicas bacanas para fazerem caixas, e dobrarem Plástico, eis esta maravilha para o vosso Equipamento de Som:

Make a custom speaker housing 
Background info
This is a project that I produced for my Product Design GCSE, I then adapted it so that it would be easier to explain as an Instructable

The Project
The speaker has a custom housing that suits a certain theme, for my GCSE I chose the theme of the 4 seasons, but the main style I chose was a snowflake and that's the style that I will be using to explain the design and build proccess.

Please don't forget to vote this for the contests :)
Voltando às Misturas de Samples, eis um Projecto bem simático, que faz lembrar as Consolas de Pac-Man, e usa este achado p'ara usarem os PCs sem os crasharem, o Teensy!
Teensy USB Development Board 
The Teensy is a complete USB-based microcontroller development system, in a very small footprint, capable of implementing many types of projects. All programming is done via the USB port. No special programmer is needed, only a standard "Mini-B" USB cable and a PC or Macintosh with a USB port.
Não sabia disto...
Voltemos então ao Pac Mod, o Pac-Man que toca Mods:


For my son’s birthday I made him a DJ controller designed to resemble an old cabinet arcade machine. What follows is a brief overview of the process to make it, including code.

The Teensy was chosen as the brains because of the way it handles USB. Not only does it have native USB, rather than the FTDI USB-to-serial interface that turns making use of the port a series of work-arounds, but as you’ll see in the code the MIDI library makes writing the firmware a trivial pursuit.

O Site da Traceparts continua a crescer , como podem ver nesta lista de novos catálogos de peças em 2D e 3D, que podem usar para os vossos planos:

Eis uma ideia a lembrar o trabalho do malogrado Engenheiro Jaime Filipe, uma maravilha da Tecnologia da Reabilitação, é o que é esta ideia para transmitir Braille...
Directamente à Retina dos Cegos!

Researchers transmit braille directly to the retina of blind test subject

Ben Coxworth

Second Sight’s Argus II Retinal Prosthesis is definitely an interesting piece of technology, allowing a blind user to “see” objects, colors and movement in their environment. Ordinarily, this is done with the help of a video-camera-equipped pair of glasses worn by the user. In a recent experiment, however, researchers bypassed the camera, transmitting visual braille patterns directly to a blind test subject’s retina.
Here’s how the Argus II normally works. The prosthesis itself is implanted in a blind user’s eye, placing an array of 60 electrodes against the surface of the retina. The accompanying video glasses take in the view in front of the user, and convert the video signal into electrical pulses. These pulses are wirelessly transmitted to the implanted electrodes, which respond by selectively stimulating retinal nerve cells.
While the results aren’t the same as normal vision, they’re good enough to allow some users to identify individual printed letters.

...E que tal um Chip de Radar do tamanho duma Unha?
Para alguma coisa de bom, servem os Fundos da Ce, de vez em quando, eis o chip de Radar mais pequeno do Mundo, e que ainda por cima, é barato!
Planeado para os Smartphones, esperem só atá a malta do Arduino, Raspberry Pi, e companhia, der com isto, vai servir para muitas mais coisas!

Fingernail-sized radar chip could be used in future smartphones

Adam Williams

Research based in Frankfurt, Germany, and funded by the European Union, has resulted in a new low-cost, fingernail-sized radar chip package that could be implemented in a variety of areas, including the automotive industry, robotics and smartphones.
The chip was developed under the “Silicon-based ultra-compact cost-efficient system design for mm-wave sensors” (or Success) consortium, and is believed to be the smallest complete silicon-based system-on-chip (SoC) device for radar able to operate at frequencies beyond 100 GHz.
“As far as I know, this is the smallest complete radar system in the world,” said Professor Christoph Scheytt, coordinator of the project on behalf of IHP Microelectronics in Frankfurt, Germany. “There are other chips working at frequencies beyond 100 GHz addressing radar sensing, but this is the highest level of integration that has ever been achieved in silicon.”


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