Blog Posts

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2012

Turbinas Tesla, Desktop Gremlins, Ímanes de Aquário, Nessie em papel... E a Impressão 3D resolve!

Turbinas Tesla! Ao tempo que não via um Instructable sobre essas Maquinetas fantásticas, já me tinha esquecido...
Mas cá está uma versão do nosso amigo brazilero2008, e bem porreira!

Faux Metal Tesla Turbine

This instructable is a continuation of a post from 2011 ( The Cardboard Tesla Turbine (CTT) was based on a Popular Mechanics article describing the construction of a steam-powered, metal turbine that was published nearly 50 years ago. A year later, I've added spray painting and detailing tips as well as some disappointing results when attempting to power the CTT using a cartridge of compressed CO2. I chose colors to create the appearance of precision machinery crafted from brass, copper and titanium alloy. The rotor discs were painted to resemble a carbon fiber composite of high tensile strength.

Desktop Gremlins precisa da vossa ajuda, para realizar o seu Projecto. E por isso, cá vai a sua mensagem:

Dear Loyal Followers:

Submit-your-own-Friendlins? Special request download-of-the-month? More free papercraft of your favorite games, movies and books?

Yes, these are all things you ask me to do every day. And yes, these are all plans I have in the works for the BIGGER and BETTER!

But it all starts with the funding of a book.

UPDATE: We are at the half-way point in the Kickstarter campaign promoting my first premium papercraft art book, Desktop Gremlins Vol. 1. As you've probably already heard me say, Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing crowd-funding service that works through Amazon payments. If we don't hit the goal, no one is charged anything ... but my campaign fails along with it.

Right now we are 41% So how do we get to 100%? (It's not as hard as you think.)

Ímanes de Aquário! 
Aqui está como os comprar, se precisarem.

E vem até com um Vídeo, para saberem os vários tipos e forças, há um para cada caso, limpar, segurar aparelhagem sem furar o vidro...
Até brincar com os peixes!
E também levanta uma questão bem séria, para as vossas Engenhocas, os Ímanes de Neodímio precisam de proteccão anti-corrosão, quando expostos á àgua, daí estes serem cobertos de Plástico...

Aquarium Magnets

Neodymium magnets are used in aquariums for their ability to attract to one another through aquarium walls, without requiring a hole in the wall.  Here are some of the answers to the questions we most commonly receive about using powerful magnets in an aquarium.
Most setups consist of two magnets attracting towards one another, with one inside the tank walls and one on the outside.  We’ll consider this setup for most of the discussion below.

Will magnets work underwater?

Yes, magnets attract to one another underwater.  The biggest concern with using neodymium magnets underwater is corrosion.  In the presence of moisture, neodymium magnets can rust about as fast as a piece of raw iron.  While the nickel plating does slow this down, the nickel eventually loses the battle.
Do not put unprotected magnets into your aquarium!  Corroding, rusting magnets may harm aquatic life.
The best strategy is to seal off the magnet somehow from the water.  While some of our customers seal off our magnets themselves, either potting them in place or encasing them within their own assembly, our Plastic Coated Magnets are a great off-the-shelf solution.
Plastic Coated Magnets have a layer of injection molded plastic that surrounds them, providing a waterproof seal.  Most of these magnets use a 1/32” thick layer of polypropylene plastic.

Rob Ives volta a atacar!
Eis um Monstro do Lago Ness, em papel, quase pronto, para diversão e maravilha de todos:

Nessie. Layout complete. Just adding a bit of tartan to the box.

Isto, antes, era tão impensável, que nem apareceu na Ficção Científica!
Há problemas inesperados com um Produto?
Resolvem-se, agora, quase que imediatamente, através da Impressão 3D.
È exemplar, este casu, um Consumidor resolveu, ele mesmo, o problema.
Uma ficha desactualizada?
Faz-se um Adaptador!
Tempos maravilhosos, estes em em que vivemos...

3D-Printed Adapter Rescues Threatened iPhone Dock

Joseph Flaherty

The Elevation Dock for the iPhone is a classic Kickstarter story. An indie designer develops a better mouse trap, raises $1.4 million, and of course, delivers the product to backers, very, very late. These delays created a serious problem when they overlapped with Apple’s announcement of the iPhone 5 and its new Lightning connector.
London-based software engineer and 3D-printer enthusiast Mike Hellers sums up the situation: “I actually received mine the day before I received the iPhone 5. Couldn’t have been worse, really, as it meant that I used the dock with the 30-pin connector for exactly one day before it became a useless paperweight.”

Unlike most backers, Hellers saw the incompatibility between his gadgets as a challenge instead of an inconvenience. He opened up Tinkercad, a web-based 3D-modeling program, fired up his MakerBot, and got busy designing an adapter. He says, “Designing the adapter was fairly straightforward and quick. I printed four or five iterations … since it is such a small piece. The printing of those revisions was very quick, only a couple of minutes each time.” He posted his design to Thingiverse, set up a Shapeways shop for those without access to a 3D printer, and helped 12,521 downloaders bring their products back to life.




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