Blog Posts

terça-feira, 13 de novembro de 2012

3D para a NASA, Memórias Wi-fi, Robots em revistas, Foto mesmo 3D, e antenas tele-controladas

A NASA usa a Impressão 3D para criar peças complexas, olhem que isto, não são Makerbots...
Estas Impressoras Laser, fundem pó de Metal!

NASA using 3D laser printing to create complex rocket parts

David Szondy

NASA engineers are using a 3D laser printing system to produce intricate metal parts such as rocket engine components for its next-generation Space Launch System (SLS). The method called “selective laser melting “ (SLM) promises to streamline fabrication and significantly reduce production costs.

Rocket engines are as complex as precision watches, but watches don’t have to deal with highly corrosive or cryogenic liquids, gases hot enough to melt steel, or destructive stresses and vibrations. Rocket engines have to do all this the first time they’re used and they have to fit a great deal of gear into a very cramped space. Fabricating the parts for these engines is an exacting, time consuming and expensive task. Since many of their components are very intricate, making them is just the sort of job for 3D printers.

Isto é fantástico, Memórias para as vossas Câmaras Digitais... Com ligação Wi-Fi!!!
Assim, não precisam de comprar outras Câmaras que as que já têem...

Transcend Wi-Fi SD cards give cameras a wireless boost

Simon Crisp

While many cameras now pack Wi-Fi connectivity for the wireless sharing and transferring of captured images, those owning cameras without such capabilities need not necessarily have to shell out cash for an entirely new camera to get wireless connectivity. Transcend has announced a new range of Wi-Fi SD memory cards that add wireless capabilities to SDHC-compatible digital cameras, along with a companion app for iOS and Android devices that allows users to browse the contents of the card, instantly view images on their mobile device as they are taken, and share content online.

O que mais podem as Revistas De Agostini oferecer, para montarem em casa, número a número?
Ora, um Robot!

Build your own Robi robot with weekly magazine subscription

Jason Falconer

The Japanese arm of De Agostini, an Italian-based publishing house known for magazines that drip feed buyers model components on a weekly basis, has chosen something a bit different for its latest offering. Instead of the traditional model car or boat, the company is letting subscribers build their own robot. After 70 issues, which cost JPY¥1,990 (US$25) apiece, buyers will have a fully assembled Robi that stands 13.4 inches (34 cm) tall and weighs just 2.2 pounds (1 kg).

Esta Cabine Fotográfica, não é como as outras, não senhor...
Imprime em 3D!

World's first 3D printing photo booth set for scan

Jason Falconer

Ever wanted a life-like miniature of yourself or loved ones? Now's your chance, thanks to Omote 3D, which will soon be opening what's described as the world's first 3D printing photo booth in Harajuku, Japan. There, visitors will have their bodies scanned into a computer, a process which takes about 15 minutes. Then the company prints your statuette on their 3D color printer in one of three sizes.

E para acabar, aprendam como usar a Contriolbox para construír este orientador de antenas, câmaras, etc:

ImpBot: a Pan-Tilt Electric Imp Robot

With controlBox, you've got a great basic input device pushing data to the Electric Imp planner (and therefore to the internet at large, via the HTTP Out node), but what about output devices? Controlling lights is a good trick, as we saw yesterday, but it's not enough to start your quest for global domination. No, as the Instructables Robot is well aware, for all your real conquering needs, you need robots.

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