Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2012

Fabbing em São Paulo! E o ZW3D, Câmara Raspi, Getjar, e Cubify

Fabbing em São Paulo! 

Para os que me perguntam se há Fabbing no Brasil, então não havia de haver, começem pela DIGI-FAB USP, do Grupo de pesquisa da FAU-USP.

Contactem-nos, no Facebook: 

Um Programa CAD  que acho incrívelmente fácil e porreiro de aprender, é este ZW3D, que aconselho vivamente, só a brincar, fiz um catrapázio complicado, e ainda tem a possibilidade de adicionar parafusos e roscas com passos de rosca  à medida do que queiram!

Com um período de 30 dias para experimentarem, Maquinação CNC, Moldes, Estampagem, é fantástico.

Uma Câmara de Vídeo Raspberry Pi!
Pois a malta que posta no DesignSpark inclúi estes bacanos que fizeram dum Raspi uma Câmara Vídeo bem boa... 

The world’s first public demo of the Raspberry Pi camera

Pete Wood

Beer and Sausages weren't the only thing on the menu during my trip to the Electronica show in Munich Germany last week. I also served up another large slice of Raspberry Pi, wowing visitors with the crystal clear video and other cool things you can do with this low cost pocket sized Linux computer. This time however we were lucky to host the world’s first public demonstration of the Raspberry Pi video camera. The camera module is a 5 megapixel camera phone sensor that plugs into the Raspberry Pi via the onboard camera connector interface. Using CSI for data and I2C for control, the camera module will allow users to record 1080p at 30 frames per second in H264 video format.



O nosso amigo Inventor Brasileiro José Abrahão oferece-nos esta dica, um Site com Jars Grátis para os vossos Smart Phones. 




É Natal, em breve, e já as Impressoras 3D caseiras apresentam Promoções, vejam esta, que vos oferece 3 rolos de Plástico ABS, para além do noemal:


Happy Holidays! 

As a valued member of the 3D Systems community, we'd like to extend you a series of Cubify offers for the season. Our first offer: from Monday, November 26th through Monday, December 24th, every purchase of a Cube 3D printer from will come with a complimentary 3-pack of filament cartridges. The Cube is the easiest 3D printer for you and your family. Named "easiest to use" and "most reliable" by MAKE Magazine's Ultimate Guide to 3D Printing , the Cube is for anyone ages 8-80. It comes ready to use straight out of the box, with no assembly and minimum setup required. At a perfect desktop size, it prints in ABS plastic to make anything from toys to phone cases to replacement handles. Cartridges for filament make sure you have enough material to finish any items you print, and keep the material fresh and untangled.

 Get Your Cube Today



E a saga das Combat Creatures continua...

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