Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012

Serra Leoa brilha! E a impressão 3D, cada vez mais perto de si...

Um Inventor assim, é Obra!
Kelvin Doe, orgulho de Serra Leoa!

Uns, com tudo, só fazem Lixo, este, com Lixo faz... De tudo!

Com nada mais que Sucata, e uma grande Cabecinha, AUTO-ENSINOU-SE a mexer em Electricidade e Electrónica, fez uma Estação FM de Rádio, e nela promove a Juventude, e a solução dos problemas concretos dos Cidadãos dessa República abençoada com Génios.

Outro Génio congénere, David Sengeh no MIT, arranjou forma dele visitar o MIT por três semanas, e esse Ilustre Instituto de Tecnologia ficou mais rico, pela sua presença!

Vejam, e pasmem:

Eis como podem apoiar os Míudos-Maravilha de Serra Leloa através desta louvável Iniciativa:

Innovate Salone

How do you transform societies where development and innovation are part of an intrinsic cultural fabric?  How can you transform individuals from the passive role of users of technological advancements to active makers of the technology and solutions that will  impact their nation?

We believe the answer lies in the youth and by instilling in them passion for the ingenuity and the diligence, required for  innovation.  This is exactly what Innovate Salone has done and is continuing to do. Innovate Salone is about the Now and Future of Sierra Leone.  We challenge Sierra Leonean youths to design the solutions to complex problems in their local and national communities.

In the first year of implementation, Innovate Salone supported and mentored over 300 secondary students students that are successfully develop prototypes including a locally fabricated FM radio station from recycled and used electronic and metals. Over 70 applications that proposed technological and educational solutions in areas such as Health, Energy and Education were submitted from seven districts in Sierra Leone.


Figuram, este e outros Prodígios, neste Canal Youtube, faziam bem em subscrever:

Já outros fizeram igual, mas agora é a Makerbot a fazer uma Máquina de retratos-Robot... em 3D:

Makerbot launches retail store with 3D photo booth

Jason Falconer

Makerbot is holding the grand opening of its first retail store today, and it has partnered with ShapeShot to provide a novel 3D photo booth. The system uses digital cameras to capture your mug from a variety of positions, then analyzes those shots to create a three-dimensional digital model. Visitors can subsequently have 3D prints made at the store, including a bust of their very own face.
"This is beyond digital photography – it is the future – and to be able to create a 3D image of yourself is just amazing," said Bre Pettis, CEO and co-founder of MakerBot Industries. "We've had celebrities and musicians come in and get a 3D Portrait made. It's fun, it's inexpensive, and it's totally cool."

Outro meio de democratizar o 3D, mas mais a passagem Impressão em geral, e a Prototipagem em particular, é-nos oferecido aqui, pela Virginia Tech, o Dream Vendor, hoje, é só qualidade! 

DreamVendor 3D printer vending machine turns students' ideas into reality

Darren Quick

While the explosion in the popularity of consumer 3D printers has been enabled by cheaper and cheaper devices, they’re still beyond the reach of the average university student. But students at Virginia Tech need not worry about such monetary concerns when looking to turn their ideas into a physical reality thanks to the DreamVendor 3D printer vending machine located in Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering. (And no, the machine doesn't vend 3D printers.)
The creation of Virginia Tech’s DREAMS Lab, the DreamVendor is an interactive 3D printing station powered by four Makerbot Thing-O-Matic 3D printers that is described as “a vending machine with an infinite inventory.” After students load their designs in the Makerbot .s3g toolpath file format onto the machine via an SD card, they select their desired model using the machine’s control panel and the selected design will then be printed and dispensed into the bin for retrieval.

A fabulosa Virginia Tech não fica por aqui, cortesia do Blog da Fabaloo, subscrevam, também, 

Eis uma colecção fantástica de Impressoras 3D, c'um caneco, até tem uma DE AREIA, para fazer... 
Moldes para Fundição!!!

2 comentários:

  1. Lindo!!! Quanto é que custa???
    Parabens pela pagina que está muito boa e interessante.

  2. Obrigado.
    Quanto é que custa o, quê?
