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segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2012

Muáháháhá! Instructables e ideias geniais...

Um Efeito Especial barato, e seguro, SE for feito como deve ser... Maizena, e um Maçarico comum, produzem este espectáculo!

Atenção Bombeiros, quando promovem Acções de Sensibilização, também serve como aviso bastante gráfico, do poder incendiário e explosivo de materiais aparentemente "inofensivos"...
Como qualquer material combustível, quando pulverizado, e armazenado sem cuidado, como pó de Cereais, pó de Serradura ou Carvão em pó.

Corn Flour Fireball


Corn flour blown through a funnel produces an excellent fireball. This both looks cool and demonstrates some interesting science. In any chemical reaction, the reactants must mix with each other significantly in order to increase the rate of reaction. Here we demonstrate that corn flour on a spoon burns slowly, but blown from a funnel, the reaction is dramatic and violent. This is because the surface area where the reaction can occur is greatly increased.

Um Instructable hilariante, como fazer o vosso Boneco Gagnam Stile, aconselho-o para se entreterem, quando os Uploads demoram que se farta... 
Ou quando estão a pensar na tromba do Patrão!  

O Movimento de Angariação de Fundos para Projectos, com Sites como o Kickstarter, está a fazer à Indústria o que a Internet fez ao Mundo. Democratizar o Consumo, e promover uma miríade de Ideias simplesmente... 
Exemplo em foco, este incrível Micro-Projector!

Projecteo: A tiny projector for Instagram slide shows
Simon Crisp

Home slide shows of holiday trips used to be all the rage in the 70s, but these days most people prefer to share their snaps instantly via email or social media. But it appears many people are keen to bring the old fashioned slide show back with a tiny projector called Projecteo funded within just 24 hours of being launched on Kickstarter. The diminutive device uses 35 mm slide film to set your Instagram photos free from their digital confines and project them onto any surface.

O Arduino não pára!
Eis uma maneira de controlarem os vossos Helicópteros controlados por Infravermelhos, usando o dito Arduino, que serve para de tudo um pouco...

Puzzlebox Orbit: Using an Arduino to Control an Infrared Helicopter
In this Instructable we will explain how infrared signals are used by a remote to control a toy or device, then show how a simple circuit can be added to an Arduino to operate the same device through free, Open Source software.

This document is part of a series covering the Puzzlebox Orbit, a brain-controlled helicopter that features an open design, open hardware, and open software. The helicopter can be operated via an EEG headset plus either a mobile device or the dedicated Puzzlebox Pyramid remote control unit. The Puzzlebox Pyramid includes a micro-controller based on the Arduino.

While we refer to the Puzzlebox Orbit in our examples, the principles, source code, and to a large extent software are all directly applicable to most any toy or devices which use infrared (IR) for remote control.

O Andrea Biffi, já cá figurou, e volta a aparecer com este Projecto para fazerem as vossas Panorâmicas Esféricas, usando um Arduino,  sem gastarem muito.
Serve ainda para aprenderem como o Arduino pode controlar um Circuito simples, e com Software Open Source.
Partindo daqui, podem conhecer o projecto mais amplo, onde controlam um Helicóptero a partir dum Headset, sim com as vossas cabeças.
É bom!

Light and Cheap Wood Panohead
andrea biffi

In this Instructable we will explain how infrared signals are used by a remote to control a toy or device, then show how a simple circuit can be added to an Arduino to operate the same device through free, Open Source software.

This document is part of a series covering the Puzzlebox Orbit, a brain-controlled helicopter that features an open design, open hardware, and open software. The helicopter can be operated via an EEG headset plus either a mobile device or the dedicated Puzzlebox Pyramid remote control unit. The Puzzlebox Pyramid includes a micro-controller based on the Arduino.

While we refer to the Puzzlebox Orbit in our examples, the principles, source code, and to a large extent software are all directly applicable to most any toy or devices which use infrared (IR) for remote control.

E para não vos assoberbar com notícias a mais, ficamos hoje bem com este último Instructable para hoje, uma Borla do nosso amigo Rob Ives, o Android para montar em Papel!

Android Robot - Print Out and Make
rob ives

Download, print out and make your own Android robot. This poseable robot is available for everyone to download for free.This project was originally published on the website.

The Android robot is the logo of Google's Android mobile device operating system.
This Android robot is modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution License.

The project is poseable in three ways. The legs bend back and forth. The arms bend with two degrees of freedom The head rotates.

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