Com o novo Ubuntu, o Programa Wine deixa de poder funcionar, mas há uma solução:
Tirado daqui,
Telling nautilus to open it with wine using the custom command will in fact open it with wine, which bypasses the launcher which requires the executable bit. I just tested it and it worked fine. Of course, some people had other problems with wine, and for some reason assumed it had something to do with the executable bit, and complained it didn't solve their problem even though the executable bit error never appeared.
I also tested my solution, and it doesn't seem to work. I thought I tested it before. Anyway, this is probably a good compromise. A small change to lucid's wine launcher.
# For use with .desktop files and MIME handlers so that the Ubuntu Policy
# can be followed: programs cannot be executed when they lack the execute bit.
shift || true
if [ -n "$exe" ] && [ ! -x "$exe" ] && \
[ "${exe:0:5}" != "/usr/" ] && [ "${exe:0:5}" != "/opt/" ]
if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/zenity ]; then
/usr/bin/zenity --question --title "Warning: $*" --text "The file '$exe' is not marked as executable. If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run. For more details, read about the executable bit. Would you like to execute it?" && exec "$@" "$exe"
echo "$*: '$exe' is not executable. Aborting." >&2
exit 1
exec "$@" "$exe"
Create that script in /usr/local/bin/cautious-launcher, then make it executable. You will still get the same executable bit warning, but will be given the option to proceed. Nobody will unknowingly execute an executable with a double-click, but they can easily do so if they wish with only one additional click if they cannot or would rather not change the permissions of the file.
Podem copiar, e gravar, ou
tirar um script já feito, daqui:
Depois, façam o download para o Desktop, abram o Terminal e entrem estas duas linhas de código, à vez;
cd Desktop
sudo mv cautious-launcher /usr/local/bin
Vão a /usr/local/bin, botão direito no Ícone, em Propriedades, façam o script correr como um executável.
De cada vez que correrem um programa .exe, aparece um aviso a dizer
blá, blá, blá, não é seguro, blá, blá blá, carreguem em sim, e TOCA A ANDAR!
...Uma contribuição, nos comentários, dum Leitor Anónimo, contribuições que são, é claro, sempre bem-vindas:
Anónimo disse...