Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2017

Fritzing! E mais um Torno Gingery, Wi-Fi à medida, um Rocket Stove, e um Carregador Portátil

Montar circuitos electrónicos como se fosse um Jogo de Computador!

E ainda tem 3 esquemas de visualização, um, como se montassem um circuito numa Breadboard, outro com a tradicional visão esquemática, e outro inda, que permite levarem esse esquema para imprimir um Circuito numa Placa feita à medida para isso!
Querem mais?
Vem com vários circuitos já feitos, tanto a nível de iniciado, com o mais avançado...

Fritzing is an open-source hardware initiative that makes electronics accessible as a creative material for anyone. We offer a software tool, a community website and services in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, fostering a creative ecosystem that allows users to document their prototypes, share them with others, teach electronics in a classroom, and layout and manufacture professional pcbs.

Perdoem a insistência, mas um Torno quase de graça, e feito como um Hobby, é muito importante para um Engenhocas, tanto para obter um Torno...
Como para aprenderem como fazer uma Máquina, e qualquer outra, a partir daí!

Build Your Own (metalworking) Lathe - Part I

You can make an entire machine shop worth of power machine tools, using basic hardware store/home center supplies and scrap metal. Melt aluminum in a metal-pail furnace, using sand, charcoal, and a clay flowerpot! Cast sophisticated metal tool parts using supplies from a gardening shop and modified kitty litter! End up with a full machine-shop lathe ("the only tool capable of making any OTHER machine-shop tool, including itself!") for just the cost of your time, some scrap steel and aluminum, and a motor!

Mais numa coisa bastante útil para fazerem com as vossas Impressoras 3D!
Com isto, vão ter Wi-Fi por toda a casa, e o que é melhor, como vocês queiram, nos quartos que queiram:

Customizing Indoor Wireless Coverage via 3D-Fabricated Reflectors

Judicious control of indoor wireless coverage is crucial in built environments. It enhances signal reception, reduces harmful interference, and raises the barrier for malicious attackers. Existing methods are either costly, vulnerable to attacks, or hard to configure. We present a low-cost, secure, and easy-to-configure approach that uses an easily-accessible, 3D-fabricated reflector to customize wireless coverage. With input on coarse-grained environment setting and preferred coverage (e.g., areas with signals to be strengthened or weakened), the system computes an optimized reflector shape tailored to the given environment. The user simply 3D prints the reflector and places it around a Wi-Fi access point to realize the target coverage. We conduct experiments to examine the efficacy and limits of optimized reflectors in different indoor settings. Results show that optimized reflectors coexist with a variety of Wi-Fi APs and correctly weaken or enhance signals in target areas by up to 10 or 6 dB, resulting to throughput changes by up to -63.3% or 55.1%.


Dizem que este Inverno via ser o mais frio dos ùltimos 100 anos!
Por isso, é melhor terem este catrapázio no Quintal ou num canto na casa, porque um Rocket Stove;

-Funciona com galhos, cartão, e etc;
-Gasta muito mpouco combustível porque o aproveita até às cinzas;
- Como queima até o fumo, e o monóxido de carbono, é muito mais seguro, mesmo para dentor de casa!
Muito importante.
Atenção, a Introducção é mínima, mas as Instrucções, são muito completas:

Building a Rocket Stove for the Cabin

FPS combines my passion for hunting and wildlife conservation with the overall need for self sufficiency.

Há Carregadores Portáteis que resultam mais baratos que construír o vosso próprio Carregador, mas se como eu, coleccionam Sucata...
É de graça!
Por isso, mãos à obra:


Build Your Own Inexpensive Powerbank with 3D Printing
Matthew Mensley

Instructables user Nematic! details how to make your own portable powerbank from laptop cells, 3D printing and a little electronics savvy.
We’ve all experienced that unique feeling of helplessness and anguish that only a dead cellphone battery can bring. Cut off from the internet and contact with others it becomes impossible to navigate, and what the heck are you supposed to do while sitting around waiting for the bus/train/plane. It sucks.
Fortunately there’s no shortage of inexpensive power banks knocking around to keep you topped up with juice on your travels. But for the thrifty with time to kill and a handful of old laptop batteries lying around (a common scenario, we know) there’s an alternative.
In a short-and-sweet post over on Instructables, user Nematic! shows us how with nothing more than a few tools (3D printer, soldering iron and glue gun), a cheap powerbank module and some 18650 cells, you can make your own smartphone powerbank lickety-split. 

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