Blog Posts

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015

Uma fresa CNC a sério, mas para todos nós! E façam um braço-Robot, um Tico-tico numa caixa, e uma Mini-Forja,

Fresas para o Povo! 
Uma Fresa CNC que maquina até ao Titâneo(!), mas por menos de 5000 Euros?
Como podem ver, cabe nas vossas Garagens, Cubículos, Barracos, e Sótãos, por isso, é a oportunidade que muitos Industriais por conta própria esperavam...

The New Tormach PCNC 440: Welcome to the Era of the ‘Desktop’ CNC Mill

Charles Cooper  
Tormach today introduced its most compact milling machine ever, a unit that takes up as much space as the average table saw.
If that sounds small, it is. The PCNC 440, the latest entry in Tormach’s line of personal CNC mills, is a 450-pound unit that occupies a footprint of just 40″× 32″×42″. By way of comparison, consider the PCNC 1100, Tormach’s first personal CNC, which weighed 1,500 pounds with dimensions of 56″× 45″×60″.
“We’ve been working to try and package our technology in ways that would make it more accessible to users, whether they’re Makers or bootstrap entrepreneurs, educators, or inventors,” says Tormach’s product marketing manager, Andrew Grevstad. He adds the unit was “perfect for anybody that wants to do real cutting, but doesn’t have a lot of space.”
Tormach Inc., which is an employee-owned engineering company based in Waunakee, Wisconsin, has been around for 12 years and makes a variety of small mills, lathes, and grinders.

Continuando na senda de fazer uma Fábrica para cada Engenhocas, que tal fazerem o vosso próprio Braço-Robot?
Este, pode-vos servir de Soldador e de cortador a Laser, e, quem sabe, cortador a Plasma?
Vão ver, este Instructable, que até lá dão os planos do bicho! 

Build a Laser Cut and Soldering Dobot Arm

In this instructable project, we will build a laser cut and soldering Dobot arm. The high precision Dobot arm is made up of 6061 frame and manufactured with CNC. Its machinery accuracy is 0.02mm and the repeat precision is 0.2mm which is 50 times better than servo. I will show you how to build a basic Dobot arm with more details later.
With Dobot‘s high precision, we can apply it to industry. We can do some repetitive, menial tasks such as tightening the screws and nuts and carrying some components by changing its end effector. We can even bring Lego together and help assemble Lego blocks with this low-cost desktop robot arm.

Isto faz muita falta a muito Engenhocas, por isso, cá vai disto, como tranformarem a vossa Serra Tico-tico, numa Serra de Mesa: 

Convert your Jigsaw into a Scrollsaw

After trying to cut out intricate shapes using a jigsaw (to no avail), and seeing guyzo35's Instructable on the subject, I knew I had to make one of these for my own. In this instructable, we'll convert a handheld jigsaw into a bench-top scroll saw, allowing us to cut small and complex shapes from light materials with ease. We'll also see if we can improve guyzo35's method, to make the scroll saw more functional.
What you'll need:
-The Sacrificial Jigsaw: Don't worry, we wont break it.
-Scrap wood: You'll need some ply wood and something a bit thicker for the supports.
-Wood Screws
Tools: Drill, Sandpaper, Clamps, Measuring implements. 


E como isto não é só Hi-Tech, os Ferreiros nas horas vagas podem ter agora a sua Mini-Forja, para sabe-se lá que mais Engenhocas, e Artesanato...
E atenção, estes nossos amigos pensam em tudo, se virarem o bicho c'oa boca para cima, serve para fundir Alumínio e Bronze!
É bom! 

A mini-forge is a fantastic tool to have around the shop. The mini-forge will allow you to make everything from jewelry to small pocket knives. It is an indispensable item for any shop where metal working will happen from time to time.
Bonus: Although not shown in this Instructable, this mini forge can be tilted on it's back and used to completely melt metals such as bronze and aluminum for molding purposes by adding a hardened steel kettle in the center.

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