Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015

BBC Microbit! E Kodu, uma Ligação IoT com Linux, e acessórios mais baratos para Cadeiras de Rodas.

Mias outra pequena maravilha que apareceu, é este micro-computador num Cartão, o BBC Micro:Bit, que vai ser lançado no Reino Unido, primeiro para as Escolas, mas depois, para o Público, e apesar de ser um óptimo Instrumento Didácrico, parabéns, BBC, também vai ter muito uso para Engenhocas, Inventores, e Modelistas, pela sua fácil Programação, e tamanho reduzido...
E a Element14 vai sortear 5!
É bom!

We’re giving away 5 BBC micro:bits! 
Last month the BBC unveiled the design of the micro:bit, part of the BBC Make it Digital initiative. element14 joins other key partners Barclays, BT, Google, Code Club and the British Computing Society in this major initiative which will see one million micro: bits gifted to each 11-12 year old in the UK in Autumn.  The micro:bit has been designed to teach entry level coding and the initiative has been created as a result of the skills shortage currently facing the UK.  It is estimated that 1.4 million ‘digital professionals’ will be needed in the UK in the next five years.
Leveraging its expertise in supporting a product from design through to production element14 involvement in the project has included cost optimization, options for design for education, and manufacturing services of the micro:bit. element14 has worked closely with ARM on the design of the board, Freescale, providers of some of the silicon on the board, and IO Note on the manufacture and shipping.
The only way to get hold of a micro:bit outside of the classroom right now is here on element14. We have five micro: bits to giveaway as part of our RoadTest.  

... Um Vídeo a demonstrar o bicho, usando o Kodu, de que vamos falar a seguir:

Uma iniciativa da Microsoft, agora os vossos filhos podem fazer os seus próprios Jogos de Computador, os Professores podem imaginar Jogos Didácticos, etc.
E o que é melhor, é que é grátis! 

What is Kodu? 
Kodu lets kids create games on the PC and Xbox via a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming. Anyone can use Kodu to make a game, young children as well as adults with no design or programming skills.
Since Kodu's introduction in 2009, we have visited the White House, teamed up with great groups like NCWIT and DigiGirlz, inspired academic research and been the subject of a book (Kodu for Kids).
Kodu for the PC is available to download for free. Kodu for the Xbox is also available in the USA on the Xbox Marketplace, in the Indie Games channel for about $5. 

A Internet of Things, ligar os vossos Electrodomésticos, e a casa toda à Net, ganhou este aparelhómetro, que vem com Linux, oque o faz um Computador que liga desliga, e tudo o resto lá por casa.
Mas também pode servir para Protótipos que quizerem testar, os sensores, etc. por isso, tenham atenção à Máquina:

Onion Omega Linux WiFi Development Board Launches (video)
Julian Horsey 
Following on from our article February introducing the new Onion Omega development board and invention platform for building Internet of Things projects, those of you that have been patiently waiting for its Kickstarter launch will be pleased to know that it is now available.
The open source Onion Omega is a hardware development platform that has been designed specifically for software developers and takes the form of a small yet powerful Linux + WiFi development board.
The Onion Omega also features cloud integration and app store, making projects is as easy as say installing applications on your smartphone. Its creators Onion explain a little more :
“It comes with built-in WiFi, Arduino-compatible and it runs full Linux. It lets you prototype hardware devices using familiar tools such as Git, pip, npm, and using high level programming languages such as Python, Javascript, PHP. The Onion Omega is fully integrated with the Onion Cloud, making it a breeze to connect physical devices to the Web to create Internet of Things applications.
The Onion Omega’s powerful processor is capable of running the full Linux operating system. This means you can install OpenCV with a single command to add image recognition capabilities to your drone. You can use git to check out the latest changes your colleagues made to the coffee brewer. 

Uma Iniciativa memorável, embora não a primeira, eis como se pode ajudar quem anda de Cadeira de Rodas, usando  Impressão 3D.

3D printed wheelchair Hand Drive is an affordable replacement to expensive lever-powered wheelchairs
Time and time again, one of the most exciting developments that we’ve been seeing with 3D printing has been in disrupting traditionally manufactured products with products that users are capable of manufacturing on their own for much cheaper than what they would otherwise retail for.  Among other reasons, this dramatically brings the cost of goods down since there is little overhead in terms of marketing, shipping and the cost of manufacturing the parts through traditional processes.    
When combined with how easy it is to share these open source product designs, it becomes clear just how powerful this notion can be - especially for niche-specific medical products that are oftentimes not covered by insurance and are very expensive for what they are.   

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