Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

Maravilha! CNC com Lego, Pololu, e os vossos Dentes de volta!

Isto é uma  Maravilha e este Génio, Arthur Sacek, não pára de nos surpreender, com as suas maravilhosas Máquinas CNC feitas com Lego...
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LEGO 360° Milling Machine 
Arthur Sacek
It is a new version of my LEGO 3D Milling Machine. It was developed to participate in the WRO 2011 - Abu Dhabi in the "LEGO Robotics Experts" area.

Eis a Pololu, porreira por 3 razões:
Porque tem um sem-fim de Robótica, e Arduino;
Porque tem Corte Laser por encomenda;
E porque tem representantes em todo o lado, só em Portugal, por exemplo, tem dois Representantes!  

Welcome to Pololu Robotics and Electronics, your source for robot kits, robot parts, and robot electronics. You can order online through this web site or through one of our distributors. Please contact us at any time if you have any questions or comments. Our robotics forum is also available for interacting with Pololu engineers and other robotics enthusiasts about our products, your projects, and electronics and robotics in general.


E uma notícia que vai fazer todos sorrir, os vossos dentes hão de crescer outra vez, em breve, com esta Pesquisa que faz crescer os dentes que perderam, a partir de células da vossa Gengiva!


Replacement "bioteeth" from stem cells a step closer

Adam Williams

 New research funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre and King's College London, UK, may result in bio-engineered replacement teeth which are generated from a person’s own gum cells. Though artificial whole-tooth implants are currently available to people who are missing a tooth, such implants are unable to fully reproduce the natural root structure of a tooth. This means that in time, friction caused by eating and other movement of the jaw can result in a loss of jaw bone.

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