Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 29 de março de 2018

Motor drivers! E um Hexápede, um Segway à pata, soldar a partir de Baterias, e Vidro metálico?

Tanto para o Arduino, como para o Raspberry Pi, já têem estes bem acessíveis drivers, da Pololu, para os vossos Robots, e automatismos, e o que mais for, controlando um par de motores, motores esses duma enorme variedade de Motores e Voltagens.
É bom.


New products: Dual MAX14870 Motor Drivers for Arduino and Raspberry Pi
For my birthday, I am excited to share two new products to help get your projects moving: dual motor driver boards for Arduino and for Raspberry Pi based on Maxim MAX14870 drivers, which on these boards (without additional cooling) can power motors with a continuous 1.7 A (2.5 A peak) from a voltage source anywhere from 4.5 V to 36 V. This makes the driver ideal for powering a wide range of motors including our high power micro metal gearmotors, and our 12 V 20D mm metal gearmotors. We like the MAX14870 so much that already we make a single driver carrier for it, and we use it on our A-Star 32U4 Robot Controller SV. These new boards make it easy to control two motors using the MAX14870 with an Arduino or Raspberry Pi.



O termo correcto é mesmo Hexápede, (como em "quadrúpede"), aqui está um Robot de 6 patas, que podem construír, e este, por ser alongado, move-se mais como os Insectos:

Capers II, a Hexapod Robot

This Instructable will show you how to build your very own hexapod robot, I call the design Capers II.
A hexapod robot is a robot with six legs. Each leg is actuated by three servos: one for forward/backward movement, one for up/down movement, and one to bend the leg in the middle. This gives the robot three degrees of freedom, allowing it to move in any direction.
Some hexapod robots are symmetrically designed, with the six legs equally spaced around a linearly symmetrical body. Capers II, on the other hand, has a slightly elongated body, giving the robot a more natural appearance and the ability to use gaits reminiscent of insects.

Na brincadeira, na palhaçada, e um pouco fazendo troça dalguma Gadgeteria, cá vai uma Segway à lá Pata, isto é a pedalar, e é para quem quer...
Gandas malucos! 

Steampunk Segway ( Legway )

A self balancing, human powered, steampunk styled, Segway. All you need is a brave self balancing human. This is the ultimate green vehicle for all you eco conscious steampunkers. Is that an oxymoron? I made this out of mostly found materials. This was my first steampunk styled build. Any good suggestions on making it look better will be incorporated as long as the materials are cheap and easy to find. I have been calling it the Legway in reference to the propulsion method. Yes, I know about those Lego self balancers of the same name.

Algo que acho bem ùtil, por contraste ao projecto anterior, é esta ideia de ter um Ferro de Soldar que funciona com uma Bateria de Berbequim! 
Façam uma coisa destas.

Power Your Soldering Iron With a Drill Battery!
Chris Ray

Back in June of 2017 I moved out of my parent's house and started renting my own. One of the many things that changed was my workspace. I went from a 12' x 13' room to a 4' desk which meant I had to make some changes. One of the major changes was switching from a soldering / hot air rework station to a TS-100 as my main iron. I ended up falling in love with this little thing but I still didn't have a way to make it mobile. That is where this little circuit comes in. I designed this circuit to fit onto a Dewalt 20v Max battery and provide power to my iron, as well as protect the battery and charge my phone.

Uma coisa para o Futuro, que com a rapidez com que isto tudo agora se desenvolve, pode ser para a semana que vem, são estas ligas Metálicas amorfas, que não formam Cristais, o que lhes dará uma data de novas propriedades eléctricas e estruturais...

Researchers Reveal Method to 3D Print Metallic Glass Alloys in Bulk
Matthew Mensley

Materials Science and Engineering researchers at North Carolina State University recently detailed their method to produce large amounts of metallic glass alloys using 3D printing. The development could lead to better efficiency in electric motors and tougher materials and structures.
Researchers at the Material Science and Engineering department at North Carolina State University have turned to 3D printing to create a means to produce bulk amounts of metallic glass alloys. Typically produced in small amounts, the material (also known as amorphous metals) is notoriously tricky to produce in any large amount.
Unlike most other metals, metallic glass alloys lack a crystalline structure. With an amorphous structure instead, they boast “exceptionally desirable properties”, says Zyanab Mahbooba, a Ph.D student at the department and first author of the research’s paper.

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