Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2014

Como fazer toda a espécie de moldes! E imprimir um Motor eléctrico Brushless, um Despertador LittleBits, e um Saco que filtra àgua

Eis algo a fazer o download do respectivo .Pdf, porque é útil para toda a gente...
Toda a espécie de Moldes, para toda a espécie de usos, e ainda vem com Links impecáveis, para Materiais:

How to make molds

This Instructable is an introduction to the basics of mold making for people interested in mold making with little to no knowledge on the subject.

It will walk you through some important vocabulary, break down the major mold types and help you select the correct mold for your project.

Para os vossos Projectos de Modelismo, Protótipos especiais, e o que mais, cá vai como Imprimirem, em 3D o vosso Motor Brushless!
E esta, hem?

3D Printed DC Motor 

I designed and 3D printed a Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) motor, and used an Arduino to control the motor. All parts of the motor, excluding magnets, solenoid wrapping wire, and hall effect sensors, were printed with a Makerbot Replicator 2. The video shows the completed working motor.


Este Despertador, um Projecto  LittleBits de Docktor Bob, é muito interessante, porque também gera Ruído Branco, para disfarçar ruídos de fundo, e vos pôr a dormir!

Cloud Sleeper: The Arduino Big Ben Wake Up Call
Doktor Bob
This project shows how to use a new littleBits cloud Bit to control an Arduino Bit, to hack the best of both worlds for light and heavy sleepers. Many folks use white noise for relaxing and helping sleep by masking background sounds, and Web retailers sell specialized sound generators for those purposes. At the other end of the night, sound sleepers often need a wake up call to get them going for the day. This circuit uses a random (noise) module with mix and speaker modules from the Synth Kit, together with cloud, Arduino at Heart, and LED modules to handle both needs.

E esta é uma abençoada, e engenhosa, ideia para os Países do Terceiro Mundo, dica de Lara lopes, da Interesting Engineering,um Saco de Grão, que vem com um Saco que filtra a àgua para beber!

Grain Sack That Doubles as a Solar Powered Water Purifier for the Third World
Lara Lopes
The container uses Solar Water Disinfectant Process (SODIS) technology to kill organisms in the contaminated liquid through thermal treatment and UV-A-radiation, which easily penetrates the PVC easily. An internal filter is able to remove all microorganisms bigger than 5 nanometers. To get an idea of this filter’s efficiency, the bacteria that causes tuberculosis is 200 nanometers in size.


segunda-feira, 28 de julho de 2014

Estéreo-litografia por $399! E encontrem as peças, 37 Sites de Fabricação, e uma roda pró gato

Eis uma boa notícia, Impressão 3D em estéreo-litografia, a um preço imbatível! 399 Dólares!
A má notícia é que estão estes Kits esgotados.
Mas como se trata duma Empresa já estabelecida, é esperar por que eles fabriquem mais uns tantos...

DropLit: the low-cost DIY Resin Printer
David Scheltema

Today at Maker Faire Detroit, the team from SeeMeCNC unveiled a new printer: DropLit. Resin printers do not extrude material. Rather, these printers use a resin bath –such as MakerJuice Labs– which is selectively cured by light from a DLP projector.
Traditionally, resin printers are not sold as kits and command prices starting around $2,000 and up. When they said this, they were probably referring to the B9 Creator, which is in that price range. John Oly and his team plan to keep the DropLit kit sub $600, but to do this they are excluding the costly DLP projector necessary for a fully functional resin printer from the kit. This same idea of leaving out the projector has been seen in a couple other DLP resin printer kits, such as the Sedgewick. The DropLit has a distinct advantage that it isn’t crowdfunded and comes from a group that is already selling and supporting impressive printers.

Eis algo que promete, 3Dpartsource, encontrarem as vossas peças, já fabricadas, por meio de pesquisa tradicional, ou através de para lá mandarem um objecto3D!
Eles tentam, com esse Objecto, encontrar algo com uma forma parecida:

3Dpartsource is a product of 3D Industries Ltd., an exciting technology company made up of an international team of world-leading search and manufacturing experts.

The Technology

Using cutting edge and powerful search technology, we have developed a tool that takes you direct from design on your computer, through sourcing of part, to contact with supplier and ordering of part.

You can source for parts and components in different materials and sizes and from different geographies. It provides an easy way to search by keyword, our sample parts, or best of all, your own uploaded 3D model.
The site is compatible with all the main 3D model formats and couldn't be easier to interface with.


Se acharem que todas as dicas que já vos dei, sobre Sites onde podem mandar imprimir em 3D, e/ou vender as vossas Criações, são poucas...
Que tal 37 delas?
É o estilo de ajuda que encontram, aqui, na MakingSociety, uma bela ideia, duma bela Fabber, a jovem Mathilde, belo exemplo da Raça Gaulesa, que quer-vos ajudar a singrar no Fabbing:

About MakingSociety

MakingSociety is a blog and podcast with one goal: helping you build your open hardware startup. As a maker, there are now plenty of ways to start live from your passion and launch your own startup. Open Hardware is a great way to do so. On MakingSociety, you can learn about prototyping, manufacturing, selling, distributing, choosing a license, building a community….

Mas vamos lá à tal Lista de Sites, da autoria da Mestra Mathilde:

37 Marketplaces to Share, Buy and Sell Designs for 3D Printing

Many entrepreneurs are seeing opportunities in 3D printing marketplaces. Offering a service to amateur designers for selling their 3D files seem to be the big deal. For now, market size is very questionable but as a 3D designer you might want to give it a try, even more if your designs really rock.
There are 3 types of marketplaces for 3D print files:
  • 3D printing services: offer designers to open a store on their platforms and take a commission each time a 3D print is ordered. No download available, only the print. Examples: Shapeways, Sculpteo, i.materialise, Kraftwürx
  • Free sharing: These are the platforms specialized in Creative Commons and Public Domain files.
  • Home 3D printing: the boom of new marketplaces is more specifically in this field. They are designed for people with home 3D printers who want to download files (usually for FDM machines). Exemples: 3D Burrito, Layer by Layer
  • Hybrid: some websites are offering download of the file and service 3D printing as well. Cubify, MakerShop
  • Meta search engines: they agregate 3D files coming from multiple websites. Exemples: Yeggi, Fabforall

...E se a Mathilde tiver um Gato, (Bichano sortudo), pode-o pôr a fazer exercício, com esta simpática Roda de Exercício, dica de Jill Yotz, que a gataria aparentemente adora, vejam só este Vídeo, que vos datá uns belos minutos de gargalhada!

How to Build a Cat Exercise Wheel, Part 1

Bengal cats are renowned for their energetic antics. You bought cat climbing trees, cat condos, cat toys; you tried scratching posts, catnip and cat calming aids, but for those who live with such a feline, you may want to consider buying a exercise wheel.

 Yes, I said exercise wheel.

Like the one's for hamsters. Except gigantic.

It turns out that many cats enjoy launching themselves into an all out run from time to time. More surprisingly, they are pretty amenable to using the cat wheel. Cat toys and kitty condos provide great distractions, but there's nothing else that really exhausts- and satisfies!- a cat like pretending to chase a gazelle at full speed across the Savannah.

sexta-feira, 25 de julho de 2014

A Biblioteca Digital! E a Bienal de Chaves, mais outro Rocket Stove, e um Insecticida não-tóxico

Dica do nosso amigo José Abrahão;
Chama-se World Digital Library (WDL), e isto quer dizer que têem uma Biblioteca grátis à vossa disposição, em várias línguas, inclusive o Português


The World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.

The principal objectives of the WDL are to:

       Promote international and intercultural understanding;
    Expand the volume and variety of cultural content on the Internet;
   Provide resources for educators, scholars, and general audiences;
    Build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the digital divide within and between countries.

Podem ir a esta Página no Facebook, a ver se trazemos à vida de novo esta magnífica Bienal de Inventores e Invenções, em Chaves!
É só lá deixarem um "Like":

Bienal Flávia Criativa - Salão de Inventores, Júlio das Malhadeiras

Reunir o maior número possível de "gostei" e mensagens de apoio, afim de pressionar políticos da necessidade de apoiar a realização de certames futuros

Estes Rocket Stoves, são incríveis, queimam menos combustível, e não deitam fumo, por isso, façam um destes, pode-vos servir, para o Campismo, em Emergências, etc...

Rocket Stove

I love rocket stoves... For those that don't know it's a great way to cook with wood. The basic principle is to burn wood hot and fast, which is more efficient. So you insulate the fire and direct the heat to where it's needed... The pan!

Materials needed:
  • 2x 20 litre oil cans (easily found outside you're local kebab shop)
  • A cooking pot
  • Lots of wood ash
  • A length of 4" flexible flue (not aluminum dryer stuff)
  • Some sheet metal
  • A couple of lengths of metal tubes (optional)
Tools needed:
  • Tin snips
  • Work gloves
  • Drill
  • Rivet gun
  • Angle grinder (not essential but speeds things up)
  • Hacksaw
Work gloves are important, this involves lots of sniping of sheet metal and it can be a painful if you don't wear gloves!

E como no Verão não há descanso com os Insectos, que tal aprenderem, pelo Site E-How, como fazer este Insecticida não-tóxico, em casa?
Poupam dinheio, a vossa Saúde, e a saude das plantas e animais de estimação...

How to Make a Non-Toxic Insecticide for Plants
Gail Gates

Making a non-toxic insecticide for plants is much healthier for vegetable gardening in the long run. Make a non-toxic insecticide for plants with help from an experienced gardening expert in this free video clip.

quarta-feira, 23 de julho de 2014

Ligar qualquer coisa à Net? E um Guia para Impressoras 3D Profissionais, Makers pró Espaço, e Fibras para casas.

Eis a ùltima da littleBits, como liguar tudo à Internet, com o cloudBit, para realizar os sonhos de tanto Engenhocas, para ligar tudo em casa, testar protótipos, registar dados em qualquer lado, etc:

We're extremely excited to announce the arrival of the cloudBit, the newest addition to the littleBits library. The cloudBit is the most powerful product we’ve ever engineered. Now you can use the littleBits library to connect the physical world to the internet. Recreate the most popular internet-connected devices, use littleBits to prototype the next billion dollar idea, or invent a project that solves your own, unique problem. Whether you're a designer prototyping a new smart device or a family inventing a way to feed the pet fish from vacation, the cloudBit just opened up a world of limitless possibilities!

Querem entrar no mundo da Impressão 3D Profissional? 
Eis como o fazerem com este Guia, uma página impecável da Sculpteo, que vos explica tudo, tintim por tintim... 
Técnicas, Máquinas, as diferentes Marcas, preços, vantagens específicas, é só lá irem:

 Guide to Professional 3D Printers
There are over 100 industry-grade 3D printer models currently on the market. These printers are large, commercial 3D printing machines intended for professional use. At Sculpteo we exclusively uses professional 3D printers.
We’ve put together a guide to these industrial 3D printers based on a selection of printers from each manufacturer that best represents the range of options out there — from price to materials to build size.
We hope this guide will help you determine the best 3D printer for your business needs. And don’t forget, you don’t have to buy your own printer to have access to professional quality 3D printing. Sculpteo offers an online 3D printing service using a variety of the printers listed in this guide.
Note on pricing: Because commercial 3D printers are sold through third-party, licensed resellers, there is not a standard retail price for each printer. Prices are only available via a quote from one of these resellers. We have recorded the pricing below based either on a quote from a reseller that asked to stay anonymous or from another online source (with a link).
The guide is organized by printer technology. For details explaining each process, check out The Different Technologies Behind 3D Printing.

Querem mandar a vossa Maquineta para o Espaço?
Pois cá está como o fazerem, dica da designspark, Rs-online, as 3 maneiras que já têem à vossa disposição.

Space: The Final (Maker) Frontier

Andrew Back

A look at three relatively low cost routes to getting your electronics project into space.
There was a time — not that very long ago — when if you wanted to get a functional piece of electronics into space it took an obscene amount of money and a few hundred tonnes of volatile rocket fuel. Suffice to say that, unless you were part of a national space programme, a global telecoms company or an evil supervillain, you were probably out of luck.
Thanks to ever smaller and lower cost technologies, coupled with a burning desire to get in on the action and a healthy dose of inventiveness, this is all changing — and at a somewhat rapid pace. This post takes a look at just a few of the options available for getting your project into space.

E esta Técnica cabe na Categoria de "porque é que ninguém pensou nisso, até agora?"!!!

Todos conhecem o Algodão Doce, mas podem-se utilizar Fibras de toda a espécie, para construír Estruturas leves e rápidas de fazer!
Até se poderá pensar em máquinas CNC para sabe-se lá mais o quê!

Dica de Zoe Romano, do Blogue da Arduino, e obra de Jin Shihui, que aparece embaixo a segurar a sua Máquina, controlada, já se vê, por um Arduino... 

Spraying natural fibers to build cotton-candy surfaces

Zoe Romano

During Fab10- Fab Festival in Barcelona I met Jin Shihui who introduced me to CandyProject, a research project exploring the process of spraying natural fiber to create a non-woven textile that can be used to produce anything from building components to ornamental artifacts.
By means of air pressure we separate the fibers from a roving allowing them to self-organize and reassemble due to the surface tension caused by a fine mist of adhesive. This creates a controlled fibrous aggregation producing an emergent morphospace encompassing the initial substructure.
The robot Jin is holding in her hands in the picture above uses air pressure to separate fibers into individual strands. While the fibers are still separated they are embedded with an adhesive spray and all parameters are controlled within the robot  with an Arduino Uno:

sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2014

A Caixa Pirata! E duas Dicas para a malta, Jon Cantin na TV, e Desenhos Vectoriais na vossa Página web!

Chamam-lhe "Pirate box", mas olhem que é uma bela duma ideia para quem tem maquinetas por toda a casa, ou para um Prédio onde haja muito Engenhoca, ou uma Universidade, Fablab, etc.

Raspberry Pi PirateBox  

A PirateBox is a Linux based system built using free software for the Raspberry Pi that provides private sharing of digital content. The PirateBox creates a local WiFi network, independent from the Internet, with anonymous file sharing and chatting capabilities.

I wanted to make a PirateBox and create a cool looking case for it. I used a laser cutter to cut the pieces of the case from 1/8" thick birch plywood and painted it to look as shown in photos 1 and 2. A small Python program controls custom hardware that makes the arcs above the skull glow when the PirateBox is up and running. Another small Python program controls a push button switch that illuminates when the Raspberry Pi is powered up. When the switch is pressed, the program shuts down the Raspberry Pi preventing the problems that can occur if you just unplug a running Raspberry Pi.

Eis o que podem assinar, numa data de diferentes Revistas de assinatura Grátis, que abrangem tudo o que possa interessar a qualquer tipo de Engenhoca.
VisionSystems que cobre a análise e Reconhecimento de Imagem por Computador, e RadioResource, que cobre uma série de usos para Wireless e tele-móvel:

"Vision Systems Design" – For engineers who research, design, develop, manufacture, and integrate components and subsystems for machine-vision systems and image-processing and analysis.

"RadioResource International" – Delivers wireless voice and data solutions for mobile and remote mission-critical operations for professionals.


Eis o nosso amigo Jon Cantin, no Programa American Innovator, falando da sua vida de Engenhocas Auto-Didacta, com eu, do CNC, e do seu Site, CNCKing.

Jon Cantin on the American Innovator! (video)
Jon Cantin

I filmed this a few months back with Paul Akers, CEO and founder of so this has been a long time coming.
There were some internet problems throughout the interview so what he recorded at his end (using webcam) just didn’t come-out after lots of tweeking around but thankfully, I also recorded the interview with my own Canon XF100 @ 1080HD and microphone so nothing was lost. I was focused on the webcam just under my video camera which is why I’m always looking down. We were very lucky that my microphone picked-up Paul’s voice coming from my laptop!

E eis o que se pode descobrir, transversalmente, navegando na Net, como publicarem os vossos desenhos Vectoriais, na vossa Página, ou Blogue...

Só têem de:
-Guardar o vosso trabalho Vectorial como SGV:
-Abrir o ficheiro com um Programa de texto, como o Notepad, ou o Kwrite;
-Copiar todo o texto;
-Abrir o editor de HTML;
-Inserir o texto do SGV, Copy-Paste, entre estas duas linhas de HTML:

E zás! o vosso desenho vectorial vai aparecer na Página:

image/svg+xml Faz Você Mesmo Faz Você Mesmo