Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 18 de julho de 2014

A Caixa Pirata! E duas Dicas para a malta, Jon Cantin na TV, e Desenhos Vectoriais na vossa Página web!

Chamam-lhe "Pirate box", mas olhem que é uma bela duma ideia para quem tem maquinetas por toda a casa, ou para um Prédio onde haja muito Engenhoca, ou uma Universidade, Fablab, etc.

Raspberry Pi PirateBox  

A PirateBox is a Linux based system built using free software for the Raspberry Pi that provides private sharing of digital content. The PirateBox creates a local WiFi network, independent from the Internet, with anonymous file sharing and chatting capabilities.

I wanted to make a PirateBox and create a cool looking case for it. I used a laser cutter to cut the pieces of the case from 1/8" thick birch plywood and painted it to look as shown in photos 1 and 2. A small Python program controls custom hardware that makes the arcs above the skull glow when the PirateBox is up and running. Another small Python program controls a push button switch that illuminates when the Raspberry Pi is powered up. When the switch is pressed, the program shuts down the Raspberry Pi preventing the problems that can occur if you just unplug a running Raspberry Pi.

Eis o que podem assinar, numa data de diferentes Revistas de assinatura Grátis, que abrangem tudo o que possa interessar a qualquer tipo de Engenhoca.
VisionSystems que cobre a análise e Reconhecimento de Imagem por Computador, e RadioResource, que cobre uma série de usos para Wireless e tele-móvel:

"Vision Systems Design" – For engineers who research, design, develop, manufacture, and integrate components and subsystems for machine-vision systems and image-processing and analysis.

"RadioResource International" – Delivers wireless voice and data solutions for mobile and remote mission-critical operations for professionals.


Eis o nosso amigo Jon Cantin, no Programa American Innovator, falando da sua vida de Engenhocas Auto-Didacta, com eu, do CNC, e do seu Site, CNCKing.

Jon Cantin on the American Innovator! (video)
Jon Cantin

I filmed this a few months back with Paul Akers, CEO and founder of so this has been a long time coming.
There were some internet problems throughout the interview so what he recorded at his end (using webcam) just didn’t come-out after lots of tweeking around but thankfully, I also recorded the interview with my own Canon XF100 @ 1080HD and microphone so nothing was lost. I was focused on the webcam just under my video camera which is why I’m always looking down. We were very lucky that my microphone picked-up Paul’s voice coming from my laptop!

E eis o que se pode descobrir, transversalmente, navegando na Net, como publicarem os vossos desenhos Vectoriais, na vossa Página, ou Blogue...

Só têem de:
-Guardar o vosso trabalho Vectorial como SGV:
-Abrir o ficheiro com um Programa de texto, como o Notepad, ou o Kwrite;
-Copiar todo o texto;
-Abrir o editor de HTML;
-Inserir o texto do SGV, Copy-Paste, entre estas duas linhas de HTML:

E zás! o vosso desenho vectorial vai aparecer na Página:

image/svg+xml Faz Você Mesmo Faz Você Mesmo

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