Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 10 de setembro de 2012

Inditec, repara Motherboards de Portáteis, e Tekever!

O que faz, perguntar, quando se vê uma loja nova...
Eis uma Loja de Assistência, que vos repara as Motherboards dos vossos Portáteis, TVs, LCDs, Hifi, Desktops, e até de Consolas de Jogos!
Porque a vida está apertadinha, nas Despesas de cada um, é de aproveitar...  
Também instalam TDT, Parabólicas, e Sistemas, Eléctricos, os gajos estão lá para trabalhar!

Vão à Loja, é ao pé do Instituto de Oncologia, na Rua Prof. Lima Basto, 75- A, ou vão ao Site:

E a Tekever, uma Empresa que nem parece Portuguesa, mas é, ali não se fala da inovação à toa...
VIVE-SE a Inovação, mas com os pés bem assentes na terra.
Fiquei parvo.


The TEKEVER Group develops innovative technologies for the Enterprise, Aerospace, Defense and Security Markets. TEKEVER currently has subsidiaries in Europe, Asia, South and North America, focused on developing innovative technology, creating and distributing products, supporting partners and servicing customers around the world.

The Group's activities are organized in the Information Technology and the Aerospace, Defense and Security Divisions.

The Information Technologies division focuses on improving the way organizations work and people live, by providing them with ground breaking products that combine mobile technologies, wireless communications, location awareness, distributed computing, and artificial intelligence. The technology and products created by this division have already resulted in two spin-offs and several successful product lines.

The Aerospace, Defense and Security division contributes to the modernization and evolution of these markets, by developing and delivering advanced technology and products that improve the quality of communication, information, and execution capabilities in organizations. The technology and products created by this division have already resulted in three spin-offs and several successful product lines.

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