Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2013

O Micro-quadracóptero, façam o vosso Dobrador de Acrílico, um Scanner 3D, e um Dobrador de Arame CNC!

Isto é porreiro!
Da Estes, Marca de renome mundial, vem-nos esta pequeníssima maravilha, que ainda por cima, não é cara...
Menos de 40 Euros? 
Feliz Natal!

Review: Estes Proto X nano quadcopter

Jonathan Fincher

You may have noticed that we enjoy our quadcopters here at Gizmag, from the GPS-equipped Phantom 2 Vision to the palm-sized 1SQ V-cam. Recently though, we had a chance to try out a somewhat unusual style of quad in the form of the tiny Proto X from Estes. It may not have a laundry list of features under its belt, but the Proto X does hold the distinction of being the smallest quadcopter we've ever reviewed ... by a huge margin.

Façam esta Engenhoca, é do mais fácil, e poupa-vos horas de trabalho.
Básicamente, é um Fio aquecido por Corrente Eléctrica, que aquece o Acrílico ao longo duma linha, que amolece e permite dobrar as Placas de Acrílico, duma forma exacta e limpa.
E sigam o Site deste Engenhocas, tem muito mais coisas boas, noutras Páginas:

Acrylic Bender

This weekend I decided to make an acrylic bender. I got the idea from a video on the internet.


I bought a cheap hairdryer ($18) and removed the filament. I made the following measurements with a multimeter across the mains lead:

0 1 2
 0 inf115 95.5
 Heater 1 inf 70.6 52.3
 2 inf 61.6 42.9

All in all, I was impressed by the design of the hairdryer. The heater seemed to run in series with the motor, there was what looked like a bi-metallic thermostat that would cut out if the outlet was blocked, and there was a non-resettable thermal fuse as a last resort. It seems like that it would be quite difficult to start a fire or do damage with this.
The construction consisted of having the heater elements inside U-channel aluminium. To either side I screwed a wooden board to make a flat work surface.
I cut a piece of aluminium U-channel to length, then used hot-glue and scraps of wood to seal the ends up. Mixing some plaster (50g plaster, 35g water) and pouring it into the trough made a nice heat resistant, electrically insulating base to run the wires on.

Da Cubify, um Scanner 3D, que podem levar para todo o lado.
Por isso, é de tomar nota, para quem queira ter Modelos 3D de tudo, de Monumentos, aos vossos filhos, a Trabalho de Campo de Arqueologia, etct:

Sense 3D scanner 
Take your world from physical to digital with 3D scanning Capture your world in 3D and discover the power of physical photography with the Sense 3D scanner. Savor every dimension of your favorite memories: Graduation day. Wedding day. Bringing home baby. Holidays. Trips around the world. All with your Sense, all in 3D.

E que tal, dobrar Arame ou fio de Aço, para Molas e Peças?
Nascido duma conversa na Net de que me orgulho de ter participado, é uma Máquina que completa qualquer Oficina de Fabber...

DIWire desktop machine bends wire into 3D sculptures

Jonathan Fincher

Over a year ago, Pensa Labs caught our attention with its impressive DIWire Bender, a small machine that bends thick wires into elaborate 3D shapes by following simple vector drawings. Since then, the company has been refining the wooden prototype we saw before into a sleek fabrication device that's fit for consumers. The result is a more compact, easier-to-use DIWire that can turn pieces of wire into creative 3D sculptures while sitting comfortably on a desktop.

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