Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

Lego impresso 3D, soldar Aço a Alumínio, 3D dum Ipad, e um Polvo-Modelo

O Lego Technik, é bom...
Com Impressão 3D, é melhor!  =D
Eis, divulgada pela Ponoko, uma ideia que alguém tinha de ter, barras compatíveis com o Technik. 

3D printed LEGO Technic-compatible beams

Print your own beams in any length.

Brian Jepson made MyBeam as a way to quickly produce STL files of LEGO Technic-compatible beams. All you have to do is specific the number of holes, render as an STL file in OpenSCAD, and print the beam.
MyBeam is available for download on Thingiverse.

E sabem que mais?
Fui à página do Autor, Brian Jepson, e fiz o download do ficheiro mybeam.scad, instalei o Programa scad, carreguei o ficheiro mybeam, escolhi no menu, Design>Compile, depois, Design>Export as STL, e funciona!

Podem ir às linhas de código, e pôr lá o tamanho da Barra que quizerem.

Soldar Aço a Alumínio, uma Arte para poucos, até agora, e pouco prática, mas agora, vai ser muito mais fácil, e económico, para a Indústria, primeiro, mas é claro que vamos ver isto numa prateleira, qualquer dia...
E ainda bem!

Honda develops new technology to weld steel and aluminum together

By Ben Coxworth

Although some engineers have had success in spot welding steel and aluminum together, it has largely been considered impossible to achieve reliable, continuous welds directly between the two dissimilar metals. That changed last Thursday, however, when Honda Motor Company announced that it has devised a technique for doing that very thing. The results, which include lower vehicle weight and better performance, can be seen in the 2013 Accord.
The Honda team developed a variation on Friction Stir Welding, in which metals are joined via mechanical pressure – it's the same technique that has been used for experimental steel/aluminum spot welds in the past. As Honda explains it, “This technology generates a new and stable metallic bonding between steel and aluminum by moving a rotating tool on the top of the aluminum which is lapped over the steel with high pressure.” The welds that result are reportedly as strong or stronger than those made using regular Metal Inert Gas welding.

O Autodesk 123D permite-vos retratar a Filharada, e não só, a partir dos vossos Ipads:

capture it
Capture 20-40 photos sequentially of a stationary subject, whether it be a person, place, or thing.
submit & generate model
Use the iPhone, iPad, web, or desktop app to upload your photos to the Autodesk cloud where they are converted into realistic 3D models.
share it and make it
Create a video, share with others, or even fabricate your project with 123D’s 3D printing or laser cutting services.

E este fantástico Modelo, impresso em 3D, vem-nos mostrar que, o que antes só as grandes Empresas podiam fazer, agora, qualquer um pode fazer:

Incredible 3D printed octopus submarine model 

Introducing the OPUS V.

Sean Charlesworth made the OPUS V: Octopod Underwater Salvage for his master’s thesis project. He graduated from the Digital Imaging and Design program at the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Studies.
This octopus-inspired fantasy submarine was made with 3D modeling and 3D printing, including the (working) mechanical parts. It’s rare to see a 3D model with such an extraordinary level of detail. Watch the video after the jump to truly appreciate this model. The outer hatches are removable, inner iris door rotates open, the the tentacles bend and flex.

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