Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

Uma Linha de Montagem na Garagem?

Empresas de vão-de-escada, Artesanato, e Engenhocas de toda a espécie, eis algo para terem a vossa Micro-Fábrica, e, empacotando, poderem enviar para toda a parte, os vossos Produtos!

Even Small Businesses Can Afford Job-Stealing Assembly Bots Now

Andrew Liszewski

It’s assumed that one day factory line robots will eventually take over all aspects of manufacturing, freeing humans from the monotony of repetitive tasks. But integrating a robot into an assembly line is incredibly expensive and complicated. Rethink Robotics hopes to eliminate those roadblocks with Baxter.
Baxter is still the price of a small car at $US22,000, but when you consider that your typical factory line automaton can run well north of $US100,000, it means that many small-time guys now have the opportunity to automate part of their businesses. And let’s not forget that Baxter actually comes with two usable arms — not just one — that are both articulated with compliant joints so that it’s safe for use alongside humans.

E que tal transformarem o vosso Iphone, num  Controle Remoto, para Máquinas Fotográficas? 

iPhone Camera Remote

As a an avid photographer, I carry two things on me constantly - my phone and my camera. Once I discovered there was a way for me to use my iPhone as a camera remote with the DSLRbot app, I knew I could easily build my own remote trigger for my DSLR with Radio Shack parts.

E da Hungria, vem-nos esta ideia bestialmente práctica, para as vossas Vivendas!

A Pistola de Cola, uma grande ajuda, mas infelizmente, às vezes, um grande problema, para tirar...
Pois o Àlcoo isopropílico é a solução:

Use Rubbing Alcohol to Remove Hot Glue from Nearly Anything

Hot glue dries quite hard and fast with no apparent easy way to unbind the two objects. A little rubbing alcohol, as this video demonstrates, works wonders.

Make magazine reader John Mangan shares an excellent tip for removing dried hot glue. Simply soak the edges of the glue with rubbing alcohol and it peels right off. Check out the full video above to see him remove glue from metal and wood using nothing more than a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
Need to remove Super Glue instead of regular old hot glue? Check out how to remove Super Glue with hot water

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