Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012

Um Makerbot a sério, um Robot Espanhol, Rostok imprimindo, e etc.

Isto, já tem Pinta de coisa a sério!
Notícia do Blog da Ponoko, um Makerbot que vem já montado, mais do dobro da definição do anterior, o resto, sinceramente, vai à lixa, e da mais fina, imprime vários objectos ao mesmo tempo, e maior volume de Impressão, fazem deste Makerbot uma opção viável.
É como quando o Linux deixou de ser uma brincadeira para Nardos dos mais Devotos, e passaram-se a vender Computadores Pessoais feitos de raiz para o Ubuntu.
Olhem pró gajo, todo lampeiro, a falar da Máquina, ok, eles merecem estar orgulhosos...

MakerBot launches Replicator 2 3D printer 

The new professional-grade 3D printer from MakerBot.

The people who brought us the Cupcake, the Thing-o-Matic, and the Replicator 3D printer have just released their next creation: the Replicator 2.
In contrast to their earlier printers aimed at hobbyists, MakerBot is describing this new printer as “professional-grade.” This claim is supported by the radically improved print quality, in addition to a slew of other upgrades and tweaks. To compare, the original replicator had a layer height of 270 microns, and the Replicator 2 has a layer height of 100 microns.




E daqui ao lado, da Espanha, vem este Robot que podem programar à vontade, ao contrário do Furby, e ainda por cima, é mais barato:

Spanish start-up launches low-cost hackable robot


Spanish start-up Aisoy Robotics is marketing a new robot that, while it may look similar to the famous Furby, is actually a fully programmable research and development platform.
The Aisoy1 II robot comes with a variety of sensors (touch, light, position, temperature, and camera), microphone and speaker, RGB LEDs in its body, and a 70 mini-LED matrix display (for animated lips). It can't move around independently without additional modifications, but four servos control the robot's neck rotation, eyelids, and eyebrows. 

E porque o SeeMeCNC  não pára, eis o Rostok a imprimir o seu primeiro Sólido!

Rostock MAX by SeeMeCNC First Print 
PartDaddy broadcast live via Ustream in their epic first print of the Rostock MAX! 

The Rostock MAX Delta 3D Printer by SeeMeCNC

  We're in the final stages of development, testing, and tooling for production! This Indiegogo campaign is just what we need to boost into full production of these amazingly cool 3D printers.  Our open-source 3D printer design is based on Johann's original Rostock delta printer prototype.  

 How many people do you know with a 3D printer?  How many do you know with a DELTA 3D printer?  We want to make you the first person in your makerspace, hackerspace, or group to own and operate something so unique and different.  The design is easy to build and uses precise laser cut acrylic or wood framework, standard t-slot aluminum extrusion, and high-strength injection molded plastic parts.

Eis uma maneira de ganhar DINHEIRO, com o Arduino. uma boa ideia, que servirá para sabe-se lá o que mais...

Make Money with Arduino
Ever wanted to make some money from your projects?
This Instrutable will show you how to Simply interface a coin selector with your Adruino.
And also how to then connect that to your Visual C# Project.
Then it's all up to you and that great idea you have, if it's electronic or a program/game,
The Buck Starts Here.

Uma pequena Maravilha, esta Serra de Fita Miniatura!

How to make a Mini Laser Cut Band Saw


This all started when I learned that my friend Raouf Sarwari, who has his shop down the hall from me, has a laser cutter. Brooklyn is great for cross-pollinating ideas and skills with each other. Anyhow I have always liked models and thought it would be fun to build a wood wood shop. I spoke to Raouf and he agreed and we worked together to make one for the Crest Hardware Show.
It is an annual art show that takes place in the midst of a running hardware store. The only requirement is that the art must be hardware related. This then is our how to make a mini band saw. Since then we saw that there was a laser contest and thought we should enter it.
Since working with the laser I cannot stop thinking of ways to use it, jigs, toys, tools the list keeps growing.

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