Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012

Skate eléctrico, Razorlabs no DesignerStock, Raspberry Pi...

Ora ISTO é que dava jeito, um Skate eléctrico!
Mas com umas rodas maiores, que no mundo real, há muita estrada mal acabada, e calçada pedregosa...

Boosted Boards skateboard claimed to be world's lightest electric vehicle

By Adam Williams

San Francisco-based startup Boosted Boards has produced an eponymous electric skateboard prototype capable of providing a push-free ride for up to 6 miles. While an electric skateboard isn't anything new in itself, this particular longboard is declared by its makers to be the world's lightest electric vehicle.

Boosted Boards markets the longboard as a “last mile” mode of transport; that is, a vehicle intended to complement existing public transportation infrastructure for the final leg of the journey home. The board consists of components which will be familiar to skaters and which sound suitably impressive to the rest of us: Loaded Vanguard, Bear Grizzly 852s, Otang 80A In Heats, and Jehu bearings. Weight is kept down to a transportable 12 – 15 lb (5.5 – 6.8 kg).

A Razorlab não está parada, e vai figurar no Designersblock deste ano:

“Razorlab” workshops at Designersblock 2012 

Razorlab is the laser cutting studio of designer Soner Ozenc. Razorlab personalise and identify electronic goods with a laser cut engraving. We wil run a competition so that members of the public can bring their goods to be laser tattooed.
Come down to the Designersblock Show to check out workshops run by Soner.


Mais coisas boas do DesignSpark, para o Raspi, e não só...

Ten essential Raspberry Pi projects

Ten projects for the Raspberry Pi that range from educational to fun via highly useful.
This is by no means an attempt at a definitive list and the term essential is somewhat subjective, but if you're stuck for something new to do with your Raspberry Pi there may be some ideas here



E que tal um Teclado Virtual, que vos permite fazer de qualquer mesa, um Teclado de Computador?
E que cabe num Porta-Chaves?

CTX Virtual Keyboard fits on a keychain

By Jonathan Fincher

Even though tablets and smartphones are improving and adding new features all the time, a shrunken keyboard on a touch screen still doesn't compare to the comfort of a full-sized keyboard for typing. There are plenty of solutions for this, from snap-on cases with keyboards built into them to keyboards that fold into a compact package. But these all just make your device less mobile or give you one more bulky thing to carry. For a more compact alternative, Brookstone has begun taking orders for a new virtual keyboard from CTX, which projects a usable laser keyboard onto any flat surface, all while fitting nicely inside a small keychain.



E para rematar, cá vão 7 coisas para fazer ou reparar com Ooogoo!

Silicone caulk be hacked into all kinds of useful things. This adhesive has the unique qualities of sticking well to some things and not others. This makes it easy to cast into many shapes. If you add corn starch, it can be cast or formed or glued into shapes of any thickness and it can set up within an hour. I call this mix Oogoo.

This instructable shows how to fix or make seven things:

Step 2- Make heavy duty rubber bands

Step 3- Make your own custom erasers

Step 4- Make a wallet pen

Step 5- Make a hot pot gripper

Step 6- Fix a broken bucket handle

Step 7- Make liquid tape to insulate splices

Step 8- Make a thread locker for nuts and bolts


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