Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

Acelerador no Stepper! E Simulação em CAD, Carne Fumada num Apartamento(!), Curso se Carpintaria, Raspberry Pi no Smartphone, e façam um Helicóptero em casa!

Era chato não poder usar os Steppers, ou motores passo-a-passo, para o que queiram, e com aceleração e desaceleração, mas agora...
Já podem!
Sim podem finalmente usar aquele monte de Motores que recuperaram das Impressoras, usando um Arduino...
É bom!

Arduino : How to Control a Stepper Motor With Potentiometer

MertArduino in arduino 
This instructable is the written version of my "Arduino : How To Control a Stepper Motor with Potentiometer" YouTube video that I've uploaded recently. I strongly recommend you to check it out.
First, you should see the following Instructable:
This tutorial is all about tuning the speed of a stepper motor using a potentiometer. The idea is to up or down the speed of a stepper motor using with analog read. Theoretically analog input to a digital output, we're going to use this concept to control the speed of a running stepper motor. 

Isto é fenomenal!
Simular Moldes para Injecção de Pástico, simular mesmo a injecção, Design e Simulação para Metamateriais, Testes de Solidez, etc. uma data de novas coisas boas:

3 new features in CAD software for 3D printing material testing 
One major issue while dealing with digital manufacturing is the ability to test your 3D printed model. Thanks to a better understanding of materials, new features in computer aided design software allow you to improve this process. Here is a list of a few new functionalities in CAD software, based on generative design implementations in molding simulation, structure optimization or mechanical behaviors. Enhance your CAD experience in 2017!

Para a próxima vez que se sentirem tentados, por preços de Promoção, a comprar mais Carne do que a possam conservar no Frigorífico ou Arca Frigorífica, bom, agora podem...
Mesmo que vivam num Apartamento!
É só facilidades.

Smoking in an apartmentjuniortan in bbq-and-grilling 
I live in a country where 82% of people live in apartments, where the concept of having a backyard or any space to smoke meat is most uncommon. So I set out to try and see if it is possible to do this indoors without involving fire-fighters, hazmat suits or N95 masks. As it turns out, stove-top smoking is not that unusual in many countries, but looking for the necessary equipment here would definitely be challenging. Hence this instructable, and hopefully more foolhardy souls can give it a try too, that smoking meat in relatively confined spaces is not impossible...
This instructable will NOT be covering how to dress or marinade the meat; I use various rubs and mustards myself, here I will focus just on the smoking part.

Só nesne Mês, é grátis, por isso aproveitem que ainda podem, e aprendam Carpintaria, e sem Ferramentas caras, com este Curso de mikeasauros, da Instructables! 

WOODWORKING CLASSwith mikeasaurus 
Learn the basics of woodworking with simple hands-on projects to build your confidence and skills. Each lesson in this class explores an area of woodworking that will form the building blocks of all future woodworking projects you undertake. Keeping the average DIY'er in mind, this entire class is conducted using basic handheld power tools, with no fancy fixed tools like table saws, lathes, planers, or drill presses.
This class will cover the fundamentals from making straight cuts and perfect holes to mastering the router and making mitres, culminating in a capstone project that will tie these skills together. With easy projects throughout the class, this hands-on approach to learning woodworking is sure to satisfy.
Whether you're new to woodworking or just want to solidify your understanding of the woodworking basics, this class is definitely one you'll love!

Podem usar o vosso Tablet como o Écran do vosso Raspberry Pi, eis uma grande ajuda para programarem sem entraves, pois não precisam do Monitor específico para o Raspi:

Use your tablet as Raspberry Pi screen

pinchan in raspberry-pi 
You need a certain type of monitor to use Raspberry Pi. Most of people do not have a monitor specifically for his/her Raspberry Pi. By taking this method, you can make your tablet or smartphone a screen for your Raspberry Pi. This will increase your productivity when you work with Raspberry Pi since you don't have to connect it with a PC screen.
Note that this technique works only when your Raspberry Pi and tablet/smartphone are connected to a same WiFi network.
For the detailed procedure, please refer to my blog

E por último, um Brinde, aqui vai, como fazerem o vosso próprio Helicóptero Ultra-leve, em casa, quer dizer no Quintal ou Garagem...
Visitem primeiro o link que têem aqui, que essa página tem Linksque vão dar à página dos Planos, informa sobre como aprender a voar num Helicóptero e etc.

Ultralight Helicoptersadmin 
All About Ultralight HelicoptersMany have said that ultralight helicopters are the ultimate form of ultralight flight. Fast, nimble, and able to go almost anywhere, lightweight helicopters are also a more economical way to get into flying helis. Plans can be bought very cheaply on the internet. Kits are available for purchase, but typically cost more than building one from scratch from plans.

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