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sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2016

Uma Máquina duma peça só! E uma máquina de jogos de garra, um Catamaran de Espuma de Nylon, um Quadracóptero de PVC, e o Sketchup paramétrico.

Como já referi antes, sobre Fixtures, a Ponoko oferece-nos esta dica, da Revista dezeen, aqui, chamam-lhes Metamateriais, mas parece-me a mesma coisa.
De qqualquer maneira, cá vai esta notícia sobre máquinas de uma peça só:

Metamaterials make it possible to create mechanisms from a single piece of plastic 
A door latch and a pair of pliers are among the mechanisms created without screws, bolts or other fixings by researchers working with a new technology called metamaterials (+ movie).
The team at the Hasso Plattner Institute's Human Computer Interaction Lab design objects that move despite being 3D printed as one single part.
To do this they use metamaterials – a type of engineered material defined by its internal structure rather than what substance it is made of. Metamaterials have properties not found in nature, as with the real-life "invisibility cloak".
The objects created can have controlled directional movement, which means they can perform set mechanical functions, like gripping something or latching a door. 

Uma ideia para se fazer em casa, que chama mesmo as atenções, é esta Máquina de Jogos digna dalguma Feira, é algo divertidíssimo de construír, e com sucesso certo:


-MMM- in technologyrobots 

This is the second and new Version of my Claw Machine (Old Version)
As I announced in my first Version, the "new" Machine will be painted and setted up with an Arduino. 

E para uns Fins-de-Semana inesquecíveis, gastando pouco, que tal um Catamaran, feito com Espuma de Poliestereno, sim, Esferovite, ou Isopor, conforme o País, ora aqui está algo de fenomenal, e acessível à brava!

DIY styrofoam catamaran by Joshbuilds

This is a Styrofoam catamaran i built. I had been wanting to build this for a while, then in the last few days of summer i decided to build it. This only took 2 full days to build and one day to test. The catamaran costed me around 200 dollars (sail not included) and this is comparable to a store bought catamaran which would cost 2000 dollars
In this instructable i have included a few schematics (located on the last page), a materials list, and various pictures and descriptions for all steps. 

E falando de coisas bacanas e acessíveis, vai aqui mais um belo dum Instructable, este, sobre como fazerem um Quadracóptero, com PVC, barato, e resistente, para se aprender a voar um Quadra, sem medos... 

The Ultimate PVC Quadcopter by thomasjarrett16

Whether you're a beginner looking for a quadcopter to help you get your feet wet in scratch building, or you're a little more experienced and are just searching for a cheap and reliable frame, look no further than The Ultimate PVC Quadcopter! This is a 450mm frame that is extremely cheap, at around $12 for all the hardware, and is extremely durable as well, mine withstanding dozens of near full speed crashes with nothing more than a couple of broken propellers! The electronics are 100% protected, either inside the PVC arms or underneath the lexan canopy, meaning 1: you'll never have to replace any electronic components and 2: you'll have the flyest (no pun intended :) ) looking DIY quadcopter around! This instructable is going to show you the creation process of this quadcopter and how to make it yourself! 

Dica da Sketchucation, se têem o Sketchup, isto é algo a juntar-lhe, para não perderem a paciência, após terem perdido uma hora de trabalho, por não terem gravado tudo, de 5 em 5 minutos...
Porque a história toda do que fizerem, está guardada, e podem voltar atrás, quando cometerem um erro, à vontade...
E podem usar um Modelo, para muitos usos, ou derivações, apenas mudando uns parâmetros, num Slider!

VIZ – Parametric Modeling for SketchUp 
Viz adds parametric modeling to SketchUp. All your modeling history is retained, you won’t need to redo all the work anymore. Often updating your complex model will turn out to be a matter of tweaking a couple of sliders.
Parametric Modeling
Boolean Operations and Constructive Solid Geometry
SketchUp 2014/2015/2016 Windows and SketchUp 2015/2016 Mac 

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