Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2016

Façam um Barco-Foguete! E um Laser para brincar com o Gato, serrar a direito, com Ímanes, aplainar com a Fresa, e imprimir em Cilindros!

Isto é que é um Espectáculo!
Um Barco movido a Motor de Foguetão, o que é preciso dizer mais?
Toca a fazer!

Rocket Boat
Every year in October, some friends of my parents have gotten together at a cabin next to a small pond. As a kid it was one of my favorite times of the year, as it meant I got to hang out with my two favorite cousins and one other friend. One year we got the idea to build a simple wooded boat and attach some model rocket engines to it. We built the boat and launched it from the dock. That boat only went about 6 feet, but an annual tradition was born. Over the next few years we built several more boats - most were dismal failures. Eventually, my brother decided to have a go at building a boat and his boats were considerably more successful. We gradually increased the rocket thrust and even added a second rocket stage. Our most successful run made it around half way down the pond before the boat lifted off the water and tumbled out of control. This year I decided to build my first boat in quite some time - this is the story of that boat. 

Para brincar com o Tareco, nada melhor que esta máquina Laser, que vocês controlam com o Smartphone, e é tão fascinante para o Gato, como para o Dono...

Smartphone Controlled Cat Laser
I've been wanting to start exploring the world of microcontrollers and programming for some time now, so I came up with this simple project which uses an app called "Blynk" to allow you to wirelessly control an Arduino board through your wifi. Now obviously the end result isn't the most practical device you'll ever build, but this was a great way for me to learn the fundamentals of programming Arduino and it can help you to learn too.
I've tried to arrange this project in an easy-to-follow format so it's ideal for someone who knows nothing about Arduino, but there's a lot of room for tweaking and improvement in my code that would allow more advanced users to get some use out of this project too.
This is a project that's been done before a few times, but I wanted to add something new by giving the system remote control functionality. 

Com tanto Ìman de Neodímio à mão, eis uma boa ideia para usar um, neste caso, para serrar a direito, com um simples Serrote Manual de lâmina larga:

DIY Magnetic Hand-Saw Guide - Extremely Accurate Cuts!
I think handsaws are WAY better than circular saws for many reasons, but I always come across one problem: I'm never able to saw perpendicular, aka square, at a 90° angle. You can see the example for this here.
I have (finally!) received the saw that I won back in the 2015 Shelving Contest with my Ultimate Magnetic Pegboard. It's extremely sharp, beautifully made, and has a really comfortable handle. However, it is very thin, and doesn't have any aligning support on the top, so it bends really easily while sawing.
A well known solution for this is a Miter-Box. I've bought one, but it just doesn't work. Instead of having the sides hold the saw, I just saw into the plastic...
One day I was daydreaming a bit: "If I take that magnetic dovetail jig that I saw in one of Jay Bates' videos, and align it differently, will I be able to use it for sawing at 90°, perpendicular, and square to the wooden board that I'm sawing?" So I do a quick search and: "Wait, WHAT? It costs 50 DOLLARS?"
"OK, nevermind. I'm making my own!" I decided that I'd make myself a magnetic guide, which ensures that the cut will be square in all directions. Alternatively, you can modify it, and use it for dovetails, miters, or anything else. 

Se já têem uma Fresa, podem usá-la agora para aplainar Madeira, sem perderem muito tempo...
Com este Acessório, que podem muito bem fazer em vossas casas:

Make a Router Planing Jig
No Planer/Thicknesser, or maybe it's not wide enough? If you have a router, then this router planing jig might be right up your street.
I built mine as an improvement over what I've used in the past to plane wide planks for waterfall tables. I estimate it halves the time to get the same job done as before - not bad for something cheap, easy, and quick to build!
Let me show you how I built and use it.
Use the Instructable and video to make your own - there is even a SketchUp model for free download! 

Para imprimirem numa superfície cilindríca, num tubo, rolo, tambor, etc, têem este Projecto como guia, e também vai um Link para a base disto, um Plotter CNC:

CNC Drum Plotter
This instructable describes an A4/A3 plotter made from a section of plastic pipe, two BYJ-48 stepper motors and an SG-90 servo. Essentially it is a flat-bed plotter rolled up into a drum.
One motor rotates the drum while the other moves the print-head. The servo is used to raise and lower the pen.
This plotter has a number of advantages over a traditional flatbed plotter:
significantly smaller footprint
only requires one linear guide rail
simple to construct
An on-board interpreter accepts the gcode output from Inkscape.
Communication with the plotter is via a bluetooth link.
The plotter is compatible with the CNC Graphics Tablet described in my instructable
While not a precision instrument the accuracy of this plotter is satisfactory for its intended purpose of transferring watercolor outlines on to paper. 

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