Blog Posts

terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

Tornear Esferovite por Fio! Mais uma bicicleta em madeira, e Lagoa

Eis uma Novidade, ao contrário dos fios de Crómio, que estão sempre a partir, e só cortam a direito, eis algo que vos permite cortar Perfis, e até tornear peças circulares.
Aposto como também servirá para dobrar chapa de Acrílico...

A new twist to the hot wire foam cutter
I'm not going to go into too much detail on building a hot wire foam cutter here. There are tons of great instructables and videos already.  I am going to show you how my laziness and impatience in building one paid off with a new material to use that will allow you to bend the wire into shapes to cut with.

Como há Lojas das Rodas em todo o lado, podem fazer esta Bicicleta sem pedais, que é muito melhor para habituar os Míudos a andarem de bicicleta, que as miseráveis Bicicletas com Rodinhas...

Draisienne en bois pour enfant
Voici une draisienne entièrement réalisée en frêne.
Le cadre et la tige de selle a été réalisés grâce à la méthode du lamellé collé. Alors que tout le guidon est en assemblage tenons / mortaises classique.
L'idée première était de tourner les roues de 12 pouces en bois. Mais n'ayant pas trouvé de solution satisfaisante pour le contact avec la route, je me suis rabattu vers vers des roues classique avec pneu et chambre à air. Faut pas toujours tout réinventer ;)

E se tiverem uma Placa Gráfica decente, esperimentem este programa de rendering On-line, que vos fará maravilhas para apresentar os vosso Objectos como deve de ser:


Lagoa makes photoreal 3D content creation accessible right in your browser.

Lagoa utilizes the power of cloud processing for photorealistic 3D visualization and collaboration, allowing users to create high quality renderings right in their web browser. Fast and powerful, Lagoa enables 3D artists, designers, engineers, architects and advertisers to collaborate while rendering and finalizing spectacular 3D content.

Lagoa offers:

  • Cloud-based rendering with lightning-fast render times
  • Optically accurate advanced materials
  • Collaborative co-editing
  • Real-world camera settings
  • Volumetric accuracy for complex objects
  • And more

sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2013

Uma Máquina de Filamento, Projectos de Paletes, e a fantástica Ferramenta!

Seguindo as conversas dos nossos amigos Fabbers Brasileiros, da Rede Brasileira de Fabricação Digital, encontrei esta maravilha, um Extrusor de Filamento, para as vossas Makerbots!
Tomem nota também, do Blogue, Laboratório de Garagem.

Máquina que Faz Filamentos Para Impressoras 3D
Laboratório de Garagem

Após adquirir uma impressoras 3D, um dos maiores custo que você terá é com relação ao filamento de plástico (ABS e o PLA) que da forma as peças que imprimidas.
O custo do material não é elevado, o grande problema e depois do beneficiamento que ele recebe para se transformar em filamento o preço chega a aumentar 10 vezes.

Eis uma quantidade de Projectos, todos feitos com as vulgares Paletes!
Também mostra como se lhes aproveita as tábuas:

KneXtreme's Pallet Projects
e moved a few months ago and I noticed behind the new Taekwondo school that I was going too that there were a bunch of pallets. I asked if I could have some, and they said I could have as many as I wanted. Since then I've been building stuff out of pallets left and right.
This is a little guide showing all the stuff I made out of those pallets and some of the tricks I've learned taking them apart, preparing, and finishing them.

Each step is a different pallet project with the exception of the first 3. All the projects have the general dimensions of them with the exception of the coffee table which has the specific dimensions of the wood, incase you want to build it. Also, let me know if you want specific dimensions of other projects.
DIY Multifunction Pocket Tool
Matt2 Silver
I started this project because I wanted a more convenient way to carry and store the variety of 1/4" bits that I like to keep with me for my day to day tinkering.  Once I had something that served that purpose I thought it would be fun to try to pack in a bit more utility by adding on some features that I thought may be useful, or at least pretty cool to have on hand.  What I ended up with was a sort of DIY Pocket Tool that can be customized to meet your needs, that is simple and inexpensive to make.  

quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013

Varetas, Turismo, Mesas de Tubos, e 3D de Super-Cola!

Para todo o Engenhocas e/ou Fabber Sucateiro, (e haverá outros?) eis uma fonte grátis de Varetas em Fibra de Vidro, os Chapéus de Chuva, vítimas de mau uso, por gente que desdenha segurar bem no chapéu...

13 Varetas grandes e outras tantas pequenas, em Fibra de Vidro, preço... ZERO!
É bom!

Eis a Inovação no Turismo Português, pela mão do incansável Jack Soifer, sempre batalhando por mais e melhor Turismo:

SWEDUTECH 12/13 by Jack Soifer

Eis como adicionar uma Mesa resistente ao vosso Escritório, Oficina, ou Garagem, por um preço bem módico...
Usando uma estrutura em Tubo de PVC

The $74 PVC Mega Awesome Super PVC Table

Wow.  It’s been a long time since I’ve posted an Ible! I ended up using PVC again for an office project and thought I would share how and what I built with it, since I get so many questions in my inbox about PVC.

As the title states, this Instructable will show you how to build an VERY large table out of a hollow core door and PVC pipe and fittings. They can be used for anything, such as craft tables, train tables, light desks or for garage sales or even family dinners as a ‘kids table’.  It is entirely up to you.  We needed ten of them and we use them as desks.  This was our first one we built.

E eis o que pode ser o arranque para Impressão 3D por Deposição de pó em camadas, Open Source, com uma Simples Makerbot de 2 Cabeças!
Esta Técnica envolve Bicarbonato de Sódio, mas poderia também ser Maizena, e a Super-Cola de Acrilato.
Uma camada de pó, duma cabeça, mais uma borrifadela de Acrilato, da outra, repete-se até se obter um Objecto em Acrílico, ora eis um Material que aguenta muita mais que os Plásticos comuns à Impressão 3D por máquinas Open Source...
E não precisamos de Materiais de Suporte, podem-se fazer Objectos mais complexos, é só vantagens.

An introduction to P-R-P. 'Poor man's Rapid Prototyping'. Let's build an IRobot keyring
This is a tribute.
A Thank you.
Dedicated to all people who selflessly experimented, tried, failed and succeeded. They who created instructables so other people may learn and gain by it.
And a thank you for creating a place to make all this possible;
This instructable therefore is for instructors and modders, builders and fixers.

You will find it helpful in many situations I trust.

I have used this methods and materials, described inhere for many years to fix, build, mod and stick things. Many-a-time getting me out of troublesome situations.
When you break something that has to be right. Now.

sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013

Energia Grátis Made in Brazil? Mais um Comparativo de Impressoras 3D, um Arduino impresso em Papel, e um Tear-Robot!

Poderá ser verdade, em breve, termos a nossa própria Electricidade, grátis, graças a dois Inventores Brasieiros!
Pelo menos é o que este Vídeo nos anuncia, e eles já estão a licenciar a Máquina, para não serem silenciados...

BREAKING: Inventors Harness Free Energy with New Device 
BRAZIL | Has the secret to boundless free energy been discovered? Well according to two Brazilian inventors it has.

On February 11, 2013 the two inventors posted a video of themselves demonstrating a device powering a bank of lights.

A few months later, On July 7th 2013, inventors Nilson Barbosa and Cleriston Lea filed an international patent on on the device stating it will produce free energy. Now the pair have stated they'll be selling the small device to the people of Imperatriz, Brazil.
Its called the Earth Electron Captor Generator, and according to the patent it works like this, "Earth Energy is electromagnetic energy that can be instantly obtained to perform work through an electromagnetic field connected to earth"

After an initial "power up" from "any" electrical source a sensor begins to rotate creating what is known as "over-unity power"
Over-unity devices have long been criticized because some claim it violates the laws of physics. however this has clearly not stopped Barbosa and Lea.

The pair have created multiple sizes of the generator. The smallest is capable of generating 12.1 kw of power, with a load of 6000 watts, using only 21 watts input energy. The team believes it can power a family home or automobile.
It should be noted however that anytime technology such as this surfaces, it generally disappears just as fast.

Mais um Comparativo de 5 Impressoras 3D, para que possam escolher qual delas vão pedir ao Pai Natal:

2013 3D Printer Comparison Guide
Randall Marsh

The 3D printer industry is growing in both the professional and maker markets. With more and more 3D printers diving under the US$4,000 price-point, is it time for you to pick up one of your own? Though the consumer end of the market is still young, business is booming, and this disruptive technology is something that will definitely appeal to many Gizmag readers. That’s why we’ve taken the top desktop 3D printers and lined them up for a side-by-side comparison.


Este Circuito Impresso para o Arduino, é impresso em Papel, com uma Plotter, e tinta especial, ora eis algo de novo e prático, no mundo da Electrónica:

Paperduino 2.0 with Circuit Scribe - Paper Arduino

What if making an Arduino, or wiring up an Arduino was as easy as printing one out? In this tutorial we printed our own Arduino Pro Mini board using a pen plotter and the Electroninks Circuit Scribe (a rollerball pen with highly conductive ink). Within 15 minutes we printed the board, placed components down with glue or tape, and uploaded a sketch.

E eis algo que dá sempre jeito, a soldar, e a fazer uma data de coisas complicadas, mais um "par de mãos" que agarram as peças, faz falta a qualquer Engenhocas!

DIY solder holder

In this instructable you will see how to make very simple yet very effective tool for your working place. This DIY solder holder is adjusted for third hand. It keeps tin solder spool in one place and stops it from rolling all over your table. And the best part it's very cheap! 

segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013

3 Instructables, e Impressão num Tanque de Àgua!

Para começar, que está frio, um Termostato, controlado por Arduino, que vocês controlam do vosso Smartphone:

Introducing Climaduino - The Arduino-Based Thermostat You Control From Your Phone!

Not everyone lives somewhere with central air, or is willing to pay for a Nest or similar "smart" thermostat. The Climaduino is a DIY Arduino-based thermostat designed to control a wall unit A/C. I incorporated both temperature and humidity sensors in order to optimize comfort and reduce energy usage. I then developed a Raspberry Pi-based web interface to control the Climaduino from my phone.

Depois, este Calendário interactivo Rasberry Pi, para pendurarem na parede: 

Raspberry Pi Wall Mounted Google Calendar

Recently I purchased my first home. In the kitchen there was a small TV wall mounted however the TV itself was faulty so I was wondering, what should I do with this wall bracket since I didn’t really want a TV in the kitchen area. Then it dawned on me, instead of using a paper calendar with tiny little boxes to write things in I want my Google calendar on the wall.

To tackle this instructable you should have a general understanding of home networking and computing, some linux experience wouldn’t go astray but is not really necessary. If you run into something you don't understand just remember google search is your friend.

Agora, que tal imprimirem em 3D, um Circuito electrónico, sem soldarem nada?
Eis algo que poucos sabiam já ser possível!

3D Printing: 3D Print A Solderless Circuit Board
Experimental circuit boards can be easily made with a 3D printer. They can be made at the same size and thickness as a standard 1/16" thick, through-hole soldered, perfboard.
The components can be fairly easily connected together without using solder.

This technique is somewhat faster than standard etched and soldered circuit boards. But it does require some skill and attention to detail to create a reliable circuit.

This example circuit board is a simple micro controller circuit that flashes three LED's in sequence.
It is intended to be a minimal illustration of what is possible.


E para pasmarem, dica, e Artigo, de Affonso Orciuoli, e  Victor Sardenberg, no seu Blogue;
Eis como imprimir em peças de Automóvel, apenas mergulando-as num tanque de àgua...
Com o quew querem imprimir, a flutuar nesse tanque!

Você mergulha o objeto em um líquido e ele sai impresso

Affonso Orciuoli, e Victor Sardenberg

Profissionais que trabalham com aplicação de materiais em superfícies ou sólidos em programas 3D, como 3DMax ou Rhino, conhecem as dificuldades em controlar a técnica conhecida como "mapping", que nada mais é do que vincular uma imagem tipo bitmap a uma superfície que tem um tamanho real (CAD). São vários os "presets" para a façanha, e dependendo da geometria, é algo bem dificultoso.

sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2013

Faça você mesmo a sua Prótese, 2 versões...

A responder a perguntas na Net, encontram-se os Instructables mais fenomenais...
Como este, como fazer as vossas próprias Próteses, com Artigos comuns, encontrados aí por casa!
Pode servir para Àreas onde falta de tudo, ou até mesmo, onde há melhores condições, mas para uma substituição de ùltima hora: 

Prosthetic Leg made with Common Household Materials

In third-world countries, it is hard to get good or even decent medical materials. What if you have been injured in a terrible accident where you lose a leg? It's either you sell your house or you have to be bound to a wheel chair for the rest of your life. This may allow those in those countries to make their life a little bit better.
Questions, Comments, Suggestions or Revisions, please post them so I can improve upon this instructable.

I'd like to give some thanks to stephenniall who gave me the great idea of using a foot shaped thing to hold the shoe in place. 


Mais elaborado, é este Curso de Fabricação de Próteses, ora aqui está mais uma saída para quem está desempregado, e tem jeito para estas coisas de Engenhocas, e para ajudar os outros:   

How to Make a prosthetic leg
Learn how to make a prosthetic leg and tips for fabricating prostheses with expert tips on how to make artificial limbs in this free online prostheses video series.

quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

Bicicletas Faça-você Mesmo! E uma Churrasqueira,ver ficheiros CAD, e uma Fita Métrica por Ultra-sons

Fazer uma Bicicleta, implica, fazer um Quadro para a vossa Bicicleta.
O que requer a vossa própria Armação para segurar os tubos, e soldar, etc.
Oras cá está como fazer a dita Armaçao, com Perfis de Alumínio, e podem fazer vários tipos de Bicicleta com ela!
E já repararam...

Que podem fazer N outras coisas, como Armações de Máquinas CNC, ou outras Máquinas, seguindo este método?

Bicycle Frame Building Jig
A little over a year ago I took a bicycle frame building class through the United Bicycle Institute. I attended the chromoly brazing class at their Portland campus. Since then I have wanted to build more bike frames. I am interested in making money doing it, and perhaps someday, making it my sole source of income. On the path to becoming a bicycle frame builder one of my biggest obstacles is acquiring a frame building jig. They are expensive, arguably the most expensive single tool you need to accurately build quality bicycle frames. So I, like many bicycle frame hobbyists, decided to build by own. My personal goal for my frame jig however, was to build a professional quality frame jig. I wanted something I could potentially start a business with.


E que tal uma Churaasqueira?
Eis como a fazer uma, e depressa, em Aço, usando Material que encontram numa Sucateira:

How to make a fireplace / BBQ out of steel

This is how to make a nice big firebowl for a BBQ really fast in the workshop..


Como ver ficheiros CAD, sem programas CAD?
Com este programa, que tem uma versão de teste Grátis, que tem a possibilidade de se exportar para o formato JT:

Highlights of KeyView V12

  • The absolute highlight of KeyView 12 is the new add-on module for JT export.
    JT is a compact ISO-standardized, neutral data format. It is often used in application processes after geometry creation. Teamwork is possible regardless of a CAD system.
  • Display of meta-data and other enhancements in the structure-tree
  • KeyView V12 is significantly downsized and reduced (approx. 40% smaller). Save valuable time during installation and download as well as space required.

    Further innovations:
  • New Installation routine
  • New „Silent“ Installation (MSI-file)
  • License activation through WEB for Floating Licenses
  • Quick Open and Precise Open are merged into one
  • Update of Importers
  • Import of CADDS 3D files
  • Improved CGM Export (specially for technical documentation)


E para situações em que não dá para se medir algo com Fita Métrica...
Meçam com Ultra-Sons!
Com este Aparelho que vocês podem construir:

Ultrasonic measuring tape

This time I will try something new. To make sure I don't forget about important steps of the build process, I will write the instructable while I am soldering, making measurements, locating software bugs. Hopefully this will allow everyone to follow what I have to say, and why I am saying it. Let's start with the stuff I put on the table now, at the very beginning.

terça-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2013

Um Osciloscópio Raspberry Pi, um Triciclo de madeira, e Electrónica para o Smartphone,

Querem ter o vosso Osciloscópio? Podem usar um Raspberry Pi!
E como pode funcionar a partir dum Site na internet, e ligar-se ao Smartphone, ou ao Portátil, é também um Ponto de Acesso Wi-fi!

PiMSO - A Raspberry Pi based Wi-Fi Oscilloscope

PiMSO, is a Raspberry Pi controlled 200 Msa/S mixed signal oscilloscope. Depending on your application, it can be configure to use the Midori browser on the Pi GUI or access remotely via the internet. Since the PiMSO GUI is web based, You can also control it from a browser on your tablet or smart phone. But what happens when you are at a location that there are no convenient access to a network? For this project I'll demonstrate how to build a Raspberry Pi based oscilloscope that is also a Wireless Access Point.

O nosso amigo Jon Cantin fez algo em grande, numa Fresa CNC, ele faz algo mesmo em GRANDE...
De tal maneira, que até pode andar nele!



When the CNCKing wants to go for a ride…

… he spends a few weeks designing a 10 x full-sheet (2440 x 1220 mm) project and then the next two weeks cutting and building it! It’s Wooden Wheels and I learned so much from this project – happy it’s FINISHED!


E que tal terem toda a Referência de Componentes Electrónicos, no vosso Smartphone, e ainda terem à mão conversores e Ferramentas de Electrónica?
Dá jeito!
Pois com este App Grátis, já podem:

RS Toolbox App

Get electronics reference at your fingertips. Download the FREE RS Toolbox App from RS Components.

At RS Components we believe that engineers should be able to access design reference any time and anywhere.
That’s why we’ve created the FREE RS Toolbox App – so you can have the handy tools you need, right in your pocket.

We have started with a set of useful ‘minitools’ in the app and will be regularly adding more tools based on your feedback. The possibilities are endless so try RS Toolbox and let us know what you think!


Created in the spirit of supporting engineers with useful tools, RS Toolbox combines electronic reference material with calculation and conversion tools in one handy app. Targeted at professional Electronics Design Engineers, RS Toolbox offers a collection of popular work ‘tools’ right at your fingertips.