Blog Posts

sábado, 14 de julho de 2012

DAVID, PSP, e Fresa!

DAVID, os nossos amigos do Scanning 3D, voltam à carga com este Scanner que vos pôe tudo em ficheiros 3D, e com uma qualidade indiscutível:

SLS-1 Structured Light Scanner

We are finally offering a complete scanner package for Structured Light scanning!

Features and advantages:

The SLS-1 scanner combines the latest DAVID software with perfectly suitable hardware for comfortable and flexible 3D scanning at a great value for money.
With an industrial camera, a high-quality lens, a specially adapted projector and solid calibration panels, the SLS-1 is suitable for industrial applications, however still affordable for ambitious hobbyists. Tripod, mounting rack, cables - the package contains all you need (Windows PC required).

As you may know, SL scanning is really convenient: No manual scanning, only one mouse click, and the 3D scan result appears on screen within just a few seconds. The calibration panels are no longer required during scanning - the SLS-1 scanner is mounted on a tripod and can simply be placed in front of the scanned surface. As usual for all DAVID solutions, the scan size is very flexible, from coin (0.08 mm resolution) to couch (500 mm scan area), or more.
And 360° scans can be created easily: Just like with our laser scanners, you simply collect several scans from all sides, then let the well-proven Shapefusion software align and fuse them into one closed model.




E a PSP, a Polícia de Segurança Pública de Portugal, inova e bem, com a primeira encomenda duma Força Policial, duma frota de automóveis eléctricos.

Claro que Portugal é um País pequeno, com condições que exploram esses carros o melhor possível. E estes, vão ser usados para proteger as nossas Escolas. Mas exactamente por isso, é uma nova e boa tendência, por usar ao máximo o que funciona, e não ir em tecno-modinhas...



Portugal commissions world's first Nissan Leaf police fleet

By Chris Weiss

Portugal's Polícia de Segurança Pública (that'll be PSP from here on out) has put the world's first Nissan Leaf police car fleet on the streets. The eight-car fleet will help PSP in its goal to reduce its carbon footprint.
"We pride ourselves in being the first police force in the world to incorporate cars with zero-emission technology as part of our 5,000 vehicle fleet," Superintendent Paul Gomes Valente, National Director of PSP, said in a statement. "We want to continue contributing to the reduction in pollution in large urban centers and the introduction of the 100-percent electric Nissan LEAF sets a new benchmark for our fleet."



...E a Fresa CNC tem um novo Programa da MecSoft, que vos optimiza a Fresagem para o Séc XXI.
E é claro que têem um Download Grátis, para testarem antes de comprar...

VisualMILL for SolidWorks 2012
  • 5 eixos continuos
  • Novo algoritmo
  • Versões a 32 e 64 bits
Desde 1250 €!

Já temos o contacto da nossa Empresa de Artesanato usando corte laser, e já agora vai com uma foto de jeito:

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