Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2019

Impressora 3D feita em casa, em Portugal! E uma Dremmel DIY, Foguetes de açúcar(!), Reconstrucção Histórica, e Vigiância Nocturna

Um projecto feito em casa, e vão vè-lo, no fim, a imprimir, como se fosse comprado à loja, eis o que o nosso amigo Nuno Silva promete eventualmente oferecer como Open Source.
Portugal avança...

3D Printer "homemade" new concept (short version)
Nuno Silva

This 3D printer has a much lighter warm bed frame. The warm bed frame weighs 150g without linear bearings! The base and top are round because I reused these parts from an old project. This printer has a print volume of 200 x 200 x 200 At the last minute the printer is printing a frame for the warm bed of a 300X300X300 printer

Algo de bem útil, e que podem fazer com as Ventoínhas dos PCs, um Dremmel feito em casa, com o motor Brushless que recuperam do centro das mesmas, depois de descarnarem o plástico...
É bom!

DIY Brushless Dremel Tool

Its been almost two years as I got my first batch of cordless tools, most of them were brushless so love the amount of power these tools offer.
With me scratching my head about what to built next I had an idea to built a brushless Dremel tool thats powered by those high capacity lithium ion batteries.
Well the idea sounds good but the challenge it to make that brushless Dremel tool without throwing a lot of money on parts and making the whole project as easy as possible.
So the goal is to built a brushless Dremel tool out of scratch. So get through this intractable in which I am going to show you how to make a Brushless Dremel Tool under just 15$.
Lets get building…

Para uns momentos de diversão meio maníaca, mas inocente, nada como fazerem os vossos Foguetões miniatura a partir de quase nada, e porque não, usar isto como uma desculpa para imprimirem os Foguetes nas vossas Impressoras...

How To Make Sugar Rockets
The King of Random

How to make hobby rocket “sugar motors” using sugar and kitty litter, that shoot up over 2,300 feet high, and cost less than $0.50 to make.

Para verem como se usa Impressão 3D, profissionalmente, para restaurar Máquinas que fizeram História, por Scan 3D, Impressão, e adaptação paciente, cá está este vídeo do nosso amigo Joel, do Canal 3D Printing Nerd:

3D Printing Repairs a 1920 Ruston Hornsby at Siemens UK Materials Solutions
3D Printing Nerd

While visiting Materials Solutions in the UK, I got to learn about a couple 1920 Ruston Hornsby car Siemens UK were restorying. Thanks to some 3d scanners, some cad software, and some highly talented people, they are able to replace functioning metal parts on the car - parts made in 1920 that you cannot find anymore! COOL!

DIY Professional Open Source Night Vision Security Camera

In this new tutorial, we will together make our Raspberry Pi open source video surveillance camera.
Yes, we are talking here about a real open source outdoor surveillance camera, capable of night vision and motion detection, all connected to our Jeedom domotic solution.
Now let's have fun. ^^

sábado, 12 de janeiro de 2019

3 Impressoras 3D DIY! E uma Mala de Viagem, um Servo Linear, um Nivelador, e Motores muito mais potentes

Eis não uma, nem duas, mas 3 Impressoras diferentes que podem fazer em casa!
Cada uma tem um Instructable, e é só escolherem...
Ou fazerem as 3! 

Sigam este primeiro Instructable, com vídeos dos 3 tipos de Impressoras, e a explicação de cada um desses tipos, para poderem escolher:

Building a 3D Printer

I recently presented 4 3D printers at the Maker Faire Milwaukee. All 4 were designed and built by me. I'll share the links to 3 of the instructables that explain how to build them. This instructable however, is going to take a more general look at what to expect when building a 3D printer.
One repeating question I get at shows is, how much it costs to build a 3D printer. The answer depends on what you're building but, of all my printers the minimum is about $400.
The follow up question is, why you would pay that kind of money for parts, if you can buy a 3D Printer for less than that. Good question and here's my answer to that:
You only would build a 3D printer if you want to experience the process of building a printer. Yes, it can be more expensive (I won't pass judgement on the quality of the cheaper, ready made products) but think of the process of building a printer as a learning experience. You are paying for the experience and out of it you happen get a working project.
One of the most remarkable things about building a 3D printer is that you'll amaze yourself (and can take great pride in) at what you are capable of.
I built (and to some extend) designed my first printer 4 years ago without an ounce of experience in robotics and electronics.
A fair warning: Building a 3D printer is like getting a Tattoo; it will never end with one.

Uma boa Mala de Viagem, ou Estojo de Ferramentas, ou algo de resistente para a Estrutura das vossas Maquinetas variadas, como alguma Impressora 3D portátil, podem vocês agora fazer em casa, à medida MESMO de que precisam:

Making of a DIY Flightcase

I have some sound equipment and I needed some kind of box to store my lights and various accessories.
I realized a few months ago a "DJ suitcase" a kind of flight case, with mixer and light dispatching (picture at the end of this project), I decided to detail you the steps of the realization of this new "case".

Um Servo Linear seria muit bom para máquinas CNC caseiras, ams são caros que se farta!
Este nosso amigo ensina-vos como fazerem os vosso Servos Lineares, com os Controladores e tudo.


in this Instructable I want to show you, how to build your own Linear-Servo-Motor for Linear-Movement-Applications.
But at first the story about this Instructable:
When I visited one of the biggest trade faires for Automation here in Germany, I saw a lot of Linear-Motors in Industry Applications. It was quite astonishing how fast these Motors can move with an incredible precision.
I thought it would be really cool, if I could addapt these kind of motor in a Laser or 3D-Printer Application. Sadly these Motors are very expensive (>1000€ per piece). So buying a Linear-Motor is not an option anymore. But after some research I thought it will be possible to build my own Linear-Motor. Theoretecly a Linear-Servo-Motor is just a three phase sychronous motor with a closed loop position feedback. So I started to create CAD-Drawings and Electronics. After one month of research and improvements I can say, I have built my own working Ironless Linear-Servo-Motor. However there are some points which need to be improved especially in the position regulation. This project helped me a lot to understand, how a Linear-Motor works in general, and how to programm a closed-loop controller for it.

Então, e porque não, usar a vossa Impressora 3D, para a afinarem? 
É o que fazem, com esta ferramenta para nivelar a vossa base de Impressão:

LED 3D Printer Bed Leveling Tool

Being new to 3D printing I found leveling the print bed a challenge, particularly on printers without auto bed leveling. This 3D Printer Bed Leveling Tool uses a Pulse Induction Metal Detection Sensor and a LED Bar Graph to show the relative distance from the Print Head to the hotbed. This is an independent add-on that does not require any code changes to printer firmware or wiring. It is easy to quickly attach to check and tune bed levels then remove.

Um vídeo inquietante, no bom sentido, é este, que trata dum aperfeiçoamento aos Motores e Geradores, algo que importa ver com atenção...

Man Solves Tesla’s Secret To Amplifying Power By Nearly 5000%
Get Involved You Live Here

This technology and information can and will quite literally change the world overnight. Jim Murray needs your help to get his energy paradigm shifting information out to the public. Jim has been a student of Nikola Tesla's work for decades and he's solved Tesla's secrets to amplifying power by nearly 5000%. Sound crazy? That's what we thought - until we saw it work. Jim has already secured funding from investors on the technology side, but he needs your help to write a book which explains to everyone how it's done. Your donation will help spread the information that will transform energy use as we know it.

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2019

TESLA! E Injecção de Plástico, um Órgão que aceita MIDI, Tiro-ao-alvo DIY.

Uma Bobine Tesla!!!
Será necessário dizer mais?
Podem montar a vossa, em casa, com este Instructable, para experiências, demonstrações...
E porque sim!

Easy Tesla Coil!

Wireless electricity is here! From wirelessly powered lighting to wireless chargers and even wireless smart homes, wireless transmission of power is an emerging technology with innumerable applications.
A light bulb powered with no wires? A cell phone charger that doesn't need to be plugged in? A home with no plugs, no wires and everything just 'works'? It's not magic, it's no mystery, it's science!
The invention of wireless power transmission is typically attributed to 20th century inventor Nikola Tesla, though the technology may have been in use much earlier. Since then, however, improved designs and modern components make this an easy DIY project anyone can do with just a few simple parts!

Podem reproduzir Ad Infinitum as vossas Impressões 3D e tudo o resto, com este Instructable.
Porque vão ficar com uma Máquina de Injecção de Plástico...
E ainda por cima, custa muito pouco!

É bom!

Injection Molding Machine for under $100 in parts using less than $700 worth of machinery!
Wildman Tech

 Here I build an injection molding machine for less than $100 in raw materials! WARNING! I use some tools in this video that cost me less than $700, so don't go into hysterics about a multi-million dollar machine shop. See me build the same parts with nothing but a hand drill here....

Eis algo de muito diferente, mas fascinante!
É um Órgão a Ar Comprimido, mas um com Teclado, e aceita ficheiros MIDI, o que o faz um incrível Instrumento Musical.
Bom para ouvirem em casa, pequenas Feiras, ou  Associações Recreativas, e, é claro, Reuniões e Congressos Steampunk!                                                                                                                  

Mini-Calliope Dec 1982 Popular Mechanics Part 1
Ronald Walters

My build will look similar to the 1982 Popular Mechanics project. However, my version will play from the keyboard or by midi files and will use an external air source.

Para uns minutos de diversão, com uma pistola de Ar Comprimido, que fazem vocês mesmos, para pouparem dinheiro, terem o prazer de a fazerem vocês mesmos, e a fazerem como quizerem!
Porque, lembrem-se, podem ter apenas a pressão que sirva para disparar no vosso Quintal, sem chatices.
E é Steampunk à brava! 
Mas tenham muito cuidado, tanto com a Legislação vigente, onde vivam, quanto à Segurança necessária, para disparar o que quer que seja!

Muy poderosa arma de tiro de pistola de aire hecha en casa

Como Hacer un Arma Casera Facil y muy Potente

Falando de Segurança, eis um Drone que podem voar onde queiram, sem perigo de serem cortados pelas hélices dos mesmos, destruírem a Mobília, ou aleijarem o Gato!
Para além de usarem Turbinas, mesmo essas, ninguém as vai tocar, nem um simples saco de plástico vos vai tramar a vidda...

Bladeless Drone: First Flight
Stefano Rivellini

With 4 ducted fans, and some carbon fiber, I built a bladeless drone that I think is one of safest in the world. It uses 4, 90mm ducted fan propulsion units buried deep inside what I call a “bent tube” propulsor. The fifth “leg” is a parachute can. Hopefully I will never need it. With some help from my dad, we built the entire airframe primarily out of carbon fiber and some balsa wood. I bought all the electronics on line and was able to design the drone so that it would operate with a standard DJI multi rotor flight controller even though it doesn’t have vertically oriented propellers. With its top mesh installed its virtually impossible to get fingers and objects in contact with the blades. I submitted a patent application for my invention. I think a drone like this could have industrial applications where a drone needs to operate close to people, objects, and in confined spaces to do inspection and other activities.