Blog Posts

quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2019

TESLA! E Injecção de Plástico, um Órgão que aceita MIDI, Tiro-ao-alvo DIY.

Uma Bobine Tesla!!!
Será necessário dizer mais?
Podem montar a vossa, em casa, com este Instructable, para experiências, demonstrações...
E porque sim!

Easy Tesla Coil!

Wireless electricity is here! From wirelessly powered lighting to wireless chargers and even wireless smart homes, wireless transmission of power is an emerging technology with innumerable applications.
A light bulb powered with no wires? A cell phone charger that doesn't need to be plugged in? A home with no plugs, no wires and everything just 'works'? It's not magic, it's no mystery, it's science!
The invention of wireless power transmission is typically attributed to 20th century inventor Nikola Tesla, though the technology may have been in use much earlier. Since then, however, improved designs and modern components make this an easy DIY project anyone can do with just a few simple parts!

Podem reproduzir Ad Infinitum as vossas Impressões 3D e tudo o resto, com este Instructable.
Porque vão ficar com uma Máquina de Injecção de Plástico...
E ainda por cima, custa muito pouco!

É bom!

Injection Molding Machine for under $100 in parts using less than $700 worth of machinery!
Wildman Tech

 Here I build an injection molding machine for less than $100 in raw materials! WARNING! I use some tools in this video that cost me less than $700, so don't go into hysterics about a multi-million dollar machine shop. See me build the same parts with nothing but a hand drill here....

Eis algo de muito diferente, mas fascinante!
É um Órgão a Ar Comprimido, mas um com Teclado, e aceita ficheiros MIDI, o que o faz um incrível Instrumento Musical.
Bom para ouvirem em casa, pequenas Feiras, ou  Associações Recreativas, e, é claro, Reuniões e Congressos Steampunk!                                                                                                                  

Mini-Calliope Dec 1982 Popular Mechanics Part 1
Ronald Walters

My build will look similar to the 1982 Popular Mechanics project. However, my version will play from the keyboard or by midi files and will use an external air source.

Para uns minutos de diversão, com uma pistola de Ar Comprimido, que fazem vocês mesmos, para pouparem dinheiro, terem o prazer de a fazerem vocês mesmos, e a fazerem como quizerem!
Porque, lembrem-se, podem ter apenas a pressão que sirva para disparar no vosso Quintal, sem chatices.
E é Steampunk à brava! 
Mas tenham muito cuidado, tanto com a Legislação vigente, onde vivam, quanto à Segurança necessária, para disparar o que quer que seja!

Muy poderosa arma de tiro de pistola de aire hecha en casa

Como Hacer un Arma Casera Facil y muy Potente

Falando de Segurança, eis um Drone que podem voar onde queiram, sem perigo de serem cortados pelas hélices dos mesmos, destruírem a Mobília, ou aleijarem o Gato!
Para além de usarem Turbinas, mesmo essas, ninguém as vai tocar, nem um simples saco de plástico vos vai tramar a vidda...

Bladeless Drone: First Flight
Stefano Rivellini

With 4 ducted fans, and some carbon fiber, I built a bladeless drone that I think is one of safest in the world. It uses 4, 90mm ducted fan propulsion units buried deep inside what I call a “bent tube” propulsor. The fifth “leg” is a parachute can. Hopefully I will never need it. With some help from my dad, we built the entire airframe primarily out of carbon fiber and some balsa wood. I bought all the electronics on line and was able to design the drone so that it would operate with a standard DJI multi rotor flight controller even though it doesn’t have vertically oriented propellers. With its top mesh installed its virtually impossible to get fingers and objects in contact with the blades. I submitted a patent application for my invention. I think a drone like this could have industrial applications where a drone needs to operate close to people, objects, and in confined spaces to do inspection and other activities.

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