Blog Posts

quinta-feira, 8 de junho de 2017

Faz-tudo CNC! One for all CNC! Aroundinspire, inspiração nacional, 3D scan da Câmara, Modelshop, e medir Campos Magnéticos

Yup, you'll have English intros to these posts, now
Hope you'll like it...

Tudo o que for CNC, é o que esta magnífica Iniciativa e Engenhoca nos oferece:
Corte e/ou Gravação Laser, fresa, Impressão 3D, plasma, etc. 
E por ser baseada num Braço Robótico, ainda por cima, pode ser a base para a vossa própria Fábrica Automatizada...
E como é tudo Open Source, podem fazer e vender umas tantas!

Anything CNC, that's about what this Gizmo can do...
Primarily a Robot Arm, so it can stack stuff and what not, the innovation is that it also can be fitted with a 3D Print head, a Laser Engraver and/or Cutter,  for Milling,  Plasma, etc...
And, it's Open Source, so YOU can build and sell one!
Or plenty of'em, and make your own automated Factory.


Evezor is a go-to tool for all your building needs

Cabe Atwell  
Evezor is an open sources robotic arm that can cut, etch, engrave, 3D print, and carry out various tasks for your project needs. This robotic arm can help take your product from the prototype phase to the final stages (Images&Video via Evezor)
Sometimes you have an idea for an invention or product, but don’t know where to begin getting it off the ground. Andrew Wingate has been there and wants to help fellow creators with his latest project, Evezor. Evezor is a new tool that aims to simplify the building process. The tool is an open sourced robotic arm manufacturing platform with the ability to pour, pick, cut, weld, engrave, grab and do other tasks you need to get to your end goal.
The robotic arm is powered by Raspberry Pi and boasts some impressive internal hardware with a 64-bit ARM Quad Core Processor and 1 GB of RAM. It’s also equipped with four USB ports, an HDMI outlet, Wifi and Bluetooth low energy connectivity. It even has a 7-inch multitouch screen and a wide-angle camera along with a toolhead to support a macro camera. Thanks to its open source hardware, the arm has the capability to share and automate hand tools you already own. You can even make your own toolheads to use with the machine. 

 Mais uma vez en destaque esteve esta ideia genuínamente Lusitana, obra de João Guerreiro, da Aroundinspire, permite-vos ter àgua quente a sair da torneira, só quando está MESMO quente, e isto, sem obras em casa..
Está à procura de Distríbuidores por todo o Mundo:

 Having your hot water faucets pouring only when the hot water is really hot, without any plumbing work needed, that's what João Guerreiro, of Aroundinspire, offers you, and he's now searching for Distributors worldwide:


Muita gente quer usar as suas Impressoras 3D para a primeira coisa de que eles se lembram, um Retrato 3D! 
E é o que se faz aqui, e com uma Câmara, por isso, aprendam:

A lot of folks wants to use their 3D Printers, for the first thing that comes to their mind, a 3D Portrait!
And that's what is done, and with a Camera, so learn:

3D Scanning Yourself in High Resolution With a Camera

shuang peng 
In this instructable, I'll share with you how to create a 3d model of yourself with a camera. Then clean up, fix the mesh make them printable models.
Things you'll need:
A camera (or a phone with camera function)
Autodesk Remake
Autodesk Mudbox
Geomagic studio (optional)
A 3d printer (if you want to print them)

Podem fazer valer a vossa veia poética, ou demonstrar Mecanismos, como neste excelente Site, Modelshop, se os fizerem em Papel, o que não é tão difícil quanto possa parecer...

Basta fazerem o Download deste App:, que vos forneçe planos para o corte e colagem em papel, a partir dum Objecto 3D, no formato DXF.

Por isso, contactem este Site, ou façam a vossa própria loja online!

A good idea and an Excellent Site, Modelshop, Models and Gizmos in Papercraft, and making those is not as hard as it seems...
Just download this App: will cough up Papercraft Plans, from a 3D Object in the DXF format.

The Pioneer of DIY Creative Models – Modelshop 
Paper automata are not just toys. They are works of art and demonstrations of science. A lot of thought goes into the design of every model. Each is marvelous on its own, and shines even more brightly as part of a collection.
All Modelshop automata are constructed from paper rather than plastic. Paper is lightweight, strong, easy to work with and environmentally friendly.
From Famous Ships and Cruises to Taiwan Vintage Model Houses and European Automata Art Masters Collections, all Modelshop collections recall poignant moments in history. They are equally appealing to adults and children.
Pull the levers, turn the crank and watch with delight as the model springs into life.

Um Engenhocas vai sempre ter de medir a força dos seus Ímanes e Electro-Ímanes, por isso, saibam como o podem fazer com precisão:

Gizmo Makers will all eventually get to need to measure Magnetic Fields, of their static and electro-mangetic Magnets, so learn how to do that accurately:

Measuring Magnets 
We like to use this blog to answer common magnetic questions in a bit more detail.  Here we can provide a fuller explanation than might be possible in an email or brief conversation.  It’s also nice to share this kind of stuff online so people can find it for themselves while searching!
In this installment, we’re going to focus on questions about measuring the field strength of a magnet.  Perhaps the most common question is:
I’m measuring the Surface Field of a specific magnet with magnetometer, and I’m measuring less than the specified Surface Field.  Why are my readings low?  Is something wrong with the magnet?
Let's dig down into the details and see how these measurements can be useful.  We'll also learn about what their limitations and pitfalls might be. 

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