Blog Posts

segunda-feira, 26 de junho de 2017

SUREFLY! OOOOHHH, YEAH! E Engrenagens, a Roda de Genebra, um Instructable meu, 19(!) Programas CAD, e um Professor e seus Relógios

Desde que apareceu o primeiro Quadracóptero que andava à espera que isto aparecesse, e agora...
Já cá tá!

E atenção, este veículo, não é uma carroça que se pilota a ela mesma, o que seria extremamante perigoso, pois podia até aterrar calmamente num Edifício em chamas.
É pilotável, cabe numa Garagem, e estará à venda em 2019:

The Surefly is Your Personal Octocopter That Flies Like a Drone and Can Even be Parked in Your Garage

The time has come. After 78 years, the helicopter has been reinvented. SureFly is a personal helicopter/VTOL aircraft designed for safe and easy flight. With eight independent motors each driving a single carbon fiber propeller, a backup battery power system, and a ballistic parachute to safely land in the event of emergency, the SureFly provides unparalleled safety for a personal aircraft.
SureFly is changing the helicopter industry. Now is the time to discover the affordable, easy-to-pilot, safe answer to personal flight.

Ora aqui está um belo Mini-Curso, da Sculpteo, sobre Engrenagens, com a Teoria toda, e Links para onde mandar ou cortar a Laser, ou Imprimir a 3D, as ditas cujas.
Por isso, toca a aprender:

From 3D printed gears to functional mechanism
Boris Vaxelaire
In our previous blogposts, we explained how to create your own spur gear thanks to Sculpteo laser cutting service and to our 3D printing service. We now explain how to choose wisely between both technologies and how to succeed with each one.

Podem ver uma bela duma Roda de Genebra, na imagem acima, e se precisam de cortar ou imprimir uma, com N passos, pois não têeem mais do que seguirem este meu Instructable, que vos permite visitar um Site onde se calcula tudo para as rodas, e se cria um Modelo, que podem animar.

Daí, é um processo simples, que eu explico, para sacar esse modelo e transformar as imagens em desenhos Vectoriais, que podem depois mandar cortar por laser, ou imprimir em 3D:

Geneva Wheels À La Carte, to Sgv

What Gizmo maker won't, some day, need a Mechanism that will transform a continuous rotation into a move-pause-move one?
That's the Geneva Wheel!

And the question is, where do you get a Vector Drawing of the parts, so you can Laser cut/3D print/machine from a template/whatever?
I've managed to make these parts in sgv format, from an Online Geneva Drive Generator, great program, highly configurable...

But I've not got an Svg directly! No such luck...
I've managed it by snapshotting that page, and then using both Gimp and Inkscape, to make Vector drawings of those parts.
And that's why I've made this Instructable.

Podem escolher, desta lista de 19 programas CAD, não é pouco, outra dica da Sculpteo, o Programa CAD que melhor vos sirva...

E são todos Grátis!

É bom.

Best free CAD software: Top of 20 simple CAD program
Claire Chabaud 

To make a 3D print, you need a 3D file, but to get it you don’t need to be an expert or have a significant budget; you can download 3D files from dedicated marketplaces or try to create it by yourself using 3D CAD & Modeling software. One of the main advantages of free modeling software is that they are often more intuitive than professional software, and are user-friendly for all experience levels.
Today we are going to give you an update about 20 Best Free CAD software for both personal or professional purpose that can be used to assist you in the creation, analysis, manipulation or optimization of a design

Todos queríamos ter tido um Professor assim...

Ensina a fazer Relógios, dos antigos, feitos pelos Alunos, a partir de Cartolina!

Visitem este Site, convencidos que se vão fartar de aprender, porque é verdade, Mecânica, Autómatos, Relógios, tudo o que é Mecanismo:

Gears and Gravity: Finished Clocks (Day 13)
J. E. Johnson

Wow, took me long enough to post this. The last day of DEEP camp on June 28 and I learned so much from my students that I’ve been completely absorbed in revising the clock design that I haven’t taken time to post the photos of my student’s truly excellent work. Can’t wait for next year.
The video below shows six cardboard clocks running (mostly) all at once. What a lovely sound.



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