Blog Posts

terça-feira, 28 de março de 2017

Museu da Música Mecânica! E o FlashForge Inventor, uma DLP acessível, uma Dremmel de fazer em casa, e um Motor impresso em 3D!

Museu da Música Mecânica?
Eis algo de imperdível, para os lados de Palmela, uma Colecção de Caixas de Música, que só visto, obra do nosso amigo, o Prof. Luís Cangueiro, e só para terem uma idéia, visitem, para já esta Página, cheia de sons maravilhosos, de máquinas incríveis:

Mechanical Music Museum?
Something not to miss, near Palmela, Portugal, a Music Box Collection, you have to see, the work of our friend Prof. Luís Cangueiro, and just to give you a hint of the fun in that Box, here's ta page of the Bilingual Site, English version, too, hear the wonderful sound of some Glorious Gizmos:

A Colecção 
É constituída por mais de 600 peças que se movimentam por sistemas exclusivamente mecânicos, e abrangem fundamentalmente o período de finais do Séc. XIX até à década de 30 do Séc. XX, todas em estado de funcionamento. Trata-se de uma coleção particular, reunida ao longo de uma vida e representativa de toda a música mecânica. As diversas tipologias distribuem-se pelos mais variados instrumentos, desde as mais antigas caixas de música de cilindro de madeira ou de metal às mais recentes e populares grafonolas. É um privilégio podermos ver, ouvir e sentir peças centenárias que poderemos interpretar como um sinal da vida do homem através dos tempos, a expressão da sua cultura, a manifestação livre do seu poder criador.

Eis uma Impressora 3D didáctica, com recuperação após paragem, opção de dupla cabeça de extrusão, câmara para visionamento da Impressão e mais uma data de coisas bos:

FlashForge Targets Education With Inventor 3D Printer LineTyler Koslow 
FlashForge has unveiled their latest 3D printer line. It includes the Inventor, a desktop printer geared towards educational use.
Like many other Chinese 3D printer manufacturers, FlashForge has thrived by balancing its efforts between affordability and performance. At the recently held Inside 3D Printing New York conference, the company was on the scene with their latest product line.
The new Inventor series is comprised of two different desktop 3D printers, both of which seem exceptionally intuitive. The Inventor is engineered for the educational sector, while the “II” 
model is said to operate with the intuitiveness of a smartphone
The build volume of this printer is 230 x 150 x 160 mm, and even includes dual extrusion via a MK9 extruder head. This allows for multi-color prints, as well as use of soluble support structures. It’s compatible with PLA, PVA, ABS, HIPS, and other speciality materials.
This new printer is also equipped with a heated build plate, while offering 0.1 to 0.4 mm layer thickness.

Grande volume, acessível, cerca de 1600 dólares, e já à disposição no fim de Maio, eis um sonho de Impressora DLP, que imprime numa resolução incrível:

D2K Plus - Affordable DLP 3D Printer

Large Build Volume - 2K Resolution - Soonest Delivery in May, 2017 
To continue our success in the campaign "D2K Illuminate 3D Printer" in 2016, now we are glad to launch "D2K Plus 3D Printer" which is designed for those who demand larger size of printing, the build platform is much larger "198 x 120 x 150mm" whereas D2K Illuminate is only 121 x 68 x 130mm.  "D2K Plus" could satisfy most of designers or gadget lovers to accomplish their great ideas.  Not only large print platform but 2K resolution is kept unchanged, this is indispensable device for your development job . 
It's time to upgrade your printer to DLP technology, it brings along with lots of advantages that get rid of daily maintenance and fine-tuning. 
Our considerate design of "D2K Plus", you could be very easy to make further maintenance or proceeding with future upgrade by yourself.  Either electronic module or UV resins you can buy those replacement very easily in your local market or get it from us.   

Já não há desculpa para não fazerem aquela engenhoca que imaginaram, por não terem uma Dremmel, façam esta, m casa, por cerca de 10 Dólares...
É bom! 

$10 DIY Dremel /RotaryTool

A Rotary Tool is perhaps the most used tool. It can Cut, Grind, Sand, Polish, Engrave with the Different types of bits.This small little DIY Dremel is easy to hold and cut metal, Acrylic, Drill PCB. Sand And Engrave too.
It is Easy to make and is very powerful.
It can work both with an adapter or with any battery Lipo, Lead Acid.
Mostly It will come really handy for future projects. 

E acabamos, por hoje, como começámos, com Maravilha Mecânica, desta vez...
Um Motor a Ar Comprimido, dum simples balão, que vicês imprimen em 3D!


Single Cylinder Air Engine
Before starting with this Instructable, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Instructables for featuring Single Cylinder Air Engine. I am indeed honored and humbled, again, many thanks.
Single Cylinder Air Engine runs on compressed air, a vacuum cleaner, a balloon, or even lung power. I've included three adapters in the design to interface with each. Please note the friction test video; your engine needs to pass this test before being successfully operated on balloon power.
The design incorporates two ports, one upper and one lower. When Single Cylinder Air Engine is viewed from the port side, "Wheel Piston.stl" rotates clockwise when pressure is applied to the upper port, and counter clockwise when a vacuum is applied to the upper port. As pressure or vacuum is applied to the upper port, the lower port functions as an exhaust (when pressure is applied) or an intake (when vacuum is applied). The opposite occurs when the lower port is used for pressure or vacuum. 

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