Blog Posts

sexta-feira, 10 de março de 2017

Bons exemplos: 3D para a Medicina! , Ponoko, Air-Ink, Forno a partir de Jantes, um Drone Portátil, e GetdatGadget!

3D para a medicina!
Eis uma Bomba Peristáltica, que se pode imprimir em 3D, para Situações de Catástrofe , e Países e Regiões desfavorecidas...

3D printed Peristaltic pumpMarco Arduino channel
A peristaltic pump is a type of positive displacement pump used for pumping a variety of fluids. The fluid is contained within a flexible tube fitted inside a circular pump casing (though linear peristaltic pumps have been made). A rotor with a number of "rollers", "shoes", "wipers", or "lobes" attached to the external circumference of the rotor compresses the flexible tube. As the rotor turns, the part of the tube under compression is pinched closed (or "occludes") thus forcing the fluid to be pumped to move through the tube. Additionally, as the tube opens to its natural state after the passing of the cam ("restitution" or "resilience") fluid flow is induced to the pump.

Isto, é um bom exemplo, da Ponoko, de como podem ganhar dinheiro, e depois vender as vossas Engenhocas, se forem feitas por meio da Ponoko...
Mas serve como exemplo, mesmo se não for feito lá, por isso, cá vai, como inspiração...

Spirograph-Inspired Maker Blasts Kickstarter Goals By 224%, Then 544%

Could a free toy in a package of candy change the trajectory of your life? For Aaron Bleackley, it did. 
It all started one day in early 2013 when one of his coworkers got a tiny geometric drawing toy when purchasing some candy. They passed it around the office and played with it. Never having a Spirograph® set as a kid, Aaron was enthralled.
This kind of drawing toy works using simple gear interaction. Just place a gear in a larger ring and use a pen to rotate the gear around the inside of the ring. The result: A multitude of interesting geometric patterns can be created.
That night, he bought a Spirograph kit. Throughout the next several weeks, he purchased several more geared drawing toys and spent his evenings admiring the beautiful designs that he made with them.
Eventually he became frustrated, however. There was a lack of variety of design options. He wanted more pieces. The plastic from which the pieces were made was fragile and imprecise. And the gears often slipped and hopped out of the rings.
“I scoured the internet for a really good Spirograph but didn’t find anything to satisfy me,” Aaron says. “So I concluded that I would have to make my own.”

Tinta, a partir do Smog?
Os vossos Automóveis, a produzir Tinta?
É uma iniciativa louvável e bem engenhosa, e mais uma vez, por Crowd-Funding...

AIR-INK: The world's first ink made out of air pollutionGraviky Labs 
While at the MIT Media Lab, we asked ourselves a simple question. How can we turn something as ugly as air pollution into something as useful as ink?
That’s how we came up with AIR-INK. 
Through this Kickstarter, we are offering AIR-INK for the first time––as safe, refillable, high-quality, water resistant markers and screen printing ink. By using 30ml of AIR-INK, you can negate 45 minutes worth of pollution.

Um Blogue a seguir, "I save A to Z", bem Polivalente, muitos Temas diferentes.
Da autoria da Blogger Jennifer, segue a minha linha de poupar usando o que está à mão, usando mais esta ideia genial, de usar Jantes de Automóveis para este Forno de Madeira de Jardim... 

DIY Wood Stove made from Tire RimsJennifer 
I absolutely love a good recycle project and today I have one that will blow your socks off.  My friend Ben created a DIY Wood Stove made from Tire Rims!  Yes, tire rims!  Sounds crazy doesn’t it?  Who would have thought you could take an old set of rims and turn it into something you can cook with?  Gives a whole new meaning to meals on wheels lol!  Way to go Ben!  You did an awesome job on this project.

Um Drone Portátil, para levarem para onde vão, eis mais uma ideia no Kickstarter, que merece menção, um Projecto muito sério, e não um Brinquedo:

Sprite: portable and rugged. A totally different drone.Ascent AeroSystems 
Sprite is a completely different kind of unmanned aerial vehicle. Portable, rugged, powerful, and easy to use. A tool, not a toy.
Introducing Sprite™
The world's most portable and rugged unmanned aerial vehicle
Whether you’re an active outdoor enthusiast, a serious professional photographer or a commercial operator who just needs to get a job done, Sprite™ is as portable and rugged as you are.
Enclosed, compact, rugged and water resistant airframe
Well-proven, fully autonomous autopilot with GPS and inflight telemetry
Wide range of sophisticated autonomous flight modes including waypoint navigation and “follow me”
1080P high-definition video with 2-axis stabilized gimbal
Push-button interface lets you leave your tablet computer or RC radio at home
Range of up to 4 miles (more than 6km), depending on mission, equipment and environment
FPV (First-Person-View) ready

GetdatGadget, um Site cheio de coisas boas, basta verem a imagem, que muitos de vós vão logo lá ter, só de verem este monte de Gadgets!
Da lavra de Roy Yap, um Engenhocas que adora Gadgets, e fez este Site onde tenho a certeza de que vão passar, muitas vezes...

Welcome to GetdatGadget
GetdatGadget was founded by Roy Yap, a die-hard geek and lover of all things tech and gadgets. Roy’s love for gadgets led to the creation of this site after spending most of his spare time writing tech product reviews for the past decade.
The main aim of this site is to highlight products that we find fascinating, unique, cool, awesome, drool-inducing, time-saving, space-saving, money-saving, state-of-the-art, bleeding-edge-technology, quirky, whimsical or just plain jaw-dropping.
Through this site we hope to share our love for gadgets with you, our fellow gadget connoisseurs.
Most of all, we hope that you enjoy reading about the products we feature as much as we enjoy writing about them.
We only add new products as and when we find them and are deemed worthy to join GetdatGadget’s hall of fame. After a decade of reviewing tech gadgets, it does take quite a bit to impress us, trust us. Therefore, we do not target a fix number of postings per day and neither do we post on a daily basis. It also means that on good days, we may post close to a dozen posts per day.

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